加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息澳洲高中毕业怎样申请加拿大的大学
各位大虾:我儿子2006年9月进国内读了高一,在高二的第一学期以后休学,于2008年初去了澳大利亚,在经过十周的语言学校上学之后,于2008年4月开始再澳洲上高中,澳洲高中是2年制的,每年1月开学分四个学期,我儿子4月入学是少了一学期。2009年11月参加完澳洲的HSC考试(相当于国内的毕业考和高考)以后,目前已经回国等待澳洲大学的Offer。我们全家2006年5月递交的技术移民加拿大申请,今年10月底收到体检通知并已完成体检及补料,材料于今日已经送达加拿大驻香港领事馆。因此,乐观估计,我们有可能于2010年的一季度中获得移民签证,随之而来的问题是,我儿子怎么在加拿大申请大学。我在国内问了很多人,但是国内的人熟悉的基本上是作为国际学生怎样申请加拿大大学。因此,在此紧急求助各位大虾,有没有类似我儿子这种情况的新移民怎样申请大学。拜托拜托!先行致谢。联系地址:[email protected]
回复: 澳洲高中毕业怎样申请加拿大的大学Same as 作为国际学生怎样申请加拿大大学. 看看这里的要求,你儿子满足哪个学校?Canada Top 50 UniversitiesAdmission RequirementsLanxin Mi (President)TwiceLostinNY (Director)AlexanderForceAnyi SunBingqing HanEdrick Yuhui KwanTysai1989目录A-Z (数字为page number)序言6. Acadia UniversityBrock University7. Carleton UniversityConcordia University8. Dalhousie UniversityMcGill University9. McMaster University10. Memorial University of NewfoundlandMount Allison University11. Queens University12. Royal Military College of CanadaRyerson University13. Saint Mary’s UniversitySimon Fraser University14. St. Francis Xavier University15. Trent UniversityUniversity of Alberta16. University of British ColumbiaUniversity of Calgary17. University of Guelph18. University of LethbridgeUniversity of Manitoba19. University of New BrunswickUniversity of Northern British Columbia20. University of Ontario Institute of Technology21. University of OttawaUniversity of Prince Edward Island22. University of ReginaUniversity of Saskatchewan23. University of Toronto24. University of VictoriaUniversity of Waterloo25. University of Western Ontario26. University of WindsorWilfrid Laurier University27. York University序言By The Director of Project有关录取要求相关资料的整理工作一直是我在负责,摩西没有太多过问。这个项目算是我为论坛做的最后一件有实际意义的事情。回想起来很多事情,就像harry在告别的时候说的那样,感受颇多,一句“是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红”。北美区一年前和现在是完全不同的情景。那时候的美国本科申请只是一个人气很普通的版面,回帖量也不多,加拿大本科申请版还没有建立。又是一年秋天。深秋是申请者最多的季节。一年前的这个时候美本热闹了起来。那个时候有些申请者聚在一起,成立了小社团,论坛给大家的感觉再也不是看过一次获取一些信息就可以离开的地方。这里开始承载一些人的重要回忆。开始惦记这个地方,开始惦记一起申请的朋友们。去年的申请者在美本度过了一个很温馨的圣诞节。过年后就纷纷收到Offer,大家拿出来分享,晒条件谈心得。这样的日子过得充实、平淡也偶尔有些惊喜,比如谁突然收到了牛校的Offer,谁本来很绝望却突然有学上了,或者谁原本放弃希望的名校突然给了他一封录取信,诸如此类。我们为每个成功的人高兴,给每个失意的人安慰。之后许多人开始反思,在论坛得到过帮助的我们,完成自己的申请之后能够为这个论坛或者说下一年的申请者做些什么?很多人开始留在这里回答版友的问题,分享经验,从拿到录取到收获签证再到打包走人,这期间一天一天,几乎没有间断过,有些人当了版主,为版面做了更多的事情。美国本科申请版就这样变成了一个角色很复杂却也十分温馨的大家庭。虽然常常混迹在美国本科申请版,但是最后我选择了加拿大。因而美本发生的一些事情可以拿来借鉴,也想过自己是不是可以为加拿大的本科申请者做些什么。起先最初尝试在原先的版面答疑,但是总被一些客观因素影响。首先版面比较冷,大多数人都是问完问题就走,更多的人只是问某某大学怎么样,花费多少。造成这种结果的原因很多。一方面由于混合版面里研究生帖子较多且回复量和被关注程度较高,因而本科相关的帖子太容易沉,增加了出现零回复的几率,这样提问者就会因为问题得不到及时回答而对这个论坛失去兴趣。另一方面研究生版面的气氛确实和本科不搭调,两个年龄段的人在面对生活时的态度不一样,不该把高年龄段的疲惫和无奈交给初出茅庐的少年。于是接下来就努力寻求和高层沟通,试图能够建立一个独立的本科申请版,希望构建一种更适合本科申请者的版面管理模式。很多事情都是会经历许许多多波折,即使只是开设一个新版面也需要付出很多努力。过程中遇到了一些反对的声音,也有人表示了不解。但是无论怎样,结果我们做到了。版面在摩西摩西版主的带领下走过了最初风雨飘摇的岁月。后来上任的Alex和XT两位版主给这个年轻的版面注入了新的活力。加拿大本科版成立的初衷是建立一个适合学术讨论的环境且拥有足够活跃的气氛。希望每一个人能够真诚地参与,分享经验,为新人提供帮助,即使是短暂的一季或者为数不多的几天,我们也将万分感谢。感谢一直在加拿大本科申请版分享经验做出贡献的申请达人们,感谢所有为这个版面付出过爱心的人们。感谢所有人的付出,祝你们在将来的求学路上走好。2009年秋季第一版Canada Top 50 Universities Admission Requirements制作到后期阶段经过筛选去除了几所非热门学校,实际资料覆盖大学数目不足50所。但是依然保留了原先拟定好的名字。资料全部内容由Alexanderforce、Edrick Yuhui Kwan(XT)、Han Bingqing、Tysai1989四人共同搜集整理。Anyi Sun参与了后期部分大学资料的修复整理。特此对以上认真负责的诸位参与者表示感谢。TwiceLostinNY2009年10月11日于OttawaACADIA UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 75High School Graduation Examination Required: NoNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: YES (No Requirement)Internet Based TOFEL93IELTS6.5MELAB80Cambridge First Certificate EnglishCBROCK UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 75High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No requirement)TOEFL80No section less than 20IELTS6.5No section less than 5.5CAEL60No section less than50, and 60 in writingCARLETON UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:80High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: YES (PBT500, CBT173, IBT61 with min15 in each section, IELTS 5.0 with at least 5.0 in reading, writing, listening, CAEL 30* 69 with no band score lower than 30)IELTS6.5Min 6.0 each bandTOFEL IBT8622 in writing and speaking, 20 reading and listeningTOFEL CBT237TOFEL PBT580CAEL70MELAB85A minimum score of 80 on each section.CONCORDIA UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 60High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)TOEFL75IELTS6.5MELAB85DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum: 70-75High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: OptionalSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (TOEFL 71 or IELTS 5.5)Internet Based TOEFL90IELTS6.5CAEL70MELAB81MCGILL UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: No Official DataHigh School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): YesESL Available (Enter Requirement): YesInternet Based TOEFL100 (Education (TESL), Management)90 (Arts, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition), Engineering, Science, Architecture, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, SocialEach individual has a minimum score of 21 (except Music)Work)79-80 (Music)IELTS6.5MELAB85CPECertificate of Proficiency Awarded with a 'Pass'CAECertificate of Proficiency Awarded with a 'B' or betterLondon Tests of EnglishLevel 5 with a minimum of 'Pass'Level 4 with a minimum of "Merit Pass'MCMASTER UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:83 (Business)83 (Engineering)88 (Life Science)80 (Arts & Science)80 (Computer Science)High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): Yes (A Minimum Score of 1200, 580 for Critical Reading and 520 for Math)ESL Available: NoInternet Based TOEFL86No part below 20IELTS6.5CAEL70MELAB85COPE8632 in Writing and 22 in both Listening and ReadingMEMORIAL UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: YesInternet Based TOEFL7920 in each of Reading and Writing, and no less than 17 in Listening and SpeakingIELTS6.5No part below 6CAEL50-60At least two band scores of 60MELAB85MOUNT ALLISON UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:65High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes(IELTS5.5, IBT71, Student applies to ILI with no English test score requires language assessment. Contact [email protected])IELTS6.5Internet Based TOEFL80TOFEL CBT213TOFEL PBT550HLIB5MELAB90CAEL70No sub-test result below 60CPECCAEBQUEEN’S UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 80High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): YesESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL8822 in reading, 20 in listening, 22 in speaking, 24 in writingIELTS7.0MELAB90ROYAL MILITARYCOLLEGE OF CANADAOnly for Canadian CitizenGeneral High School Minimum GPA:75High School Graduation Examination Required: YESNational University Entrance Examination Required: NOSAT Available: Must provide if students complete secondary school through education systems outside of CanadaESL Available: NoLanguage Test requirement: Not applicableRYERSON UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:78 (Journalism)75 (Engineering)72 (Science)75 (Business)High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: YesInternet Based TOEFL92-93 (Arts, Business, Journalism, Radio and Television, Architectural Science and Computer Science)83-87 (Engineering & Science)IELTS6.5CAEL70 (Arts, Business, Journalism, Radio and Television, Architectural Science and Computer Science)60 (Engineering & Science)MELAB85SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum: 65High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: YesInternet Based TOEFL80No part below 20IELTS6.5MELAB80SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:80High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: Yes(Sometimes this is not required, applying without National University Entrance Examination score is recommended)SAT Available (Instead of NUEE): YESESL Available: YES (IELTS overall 5.5 with no individual score below 5, TOEFL 540 CBT 207)IELTS6.5Internet Based TOEFL8820 in each of the four componentsTOEFL CBT230Including a minimum essay score of 4.5TOEFL CBT250No required in essayST. FRANCIS XAVIERUNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:75High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: NoIELTS6.5TOFEL IBT95TOFEL CBT236Test of Written English (TWE) with a minimum score of 4.0 are requiredTOFEL PBT580MELAB90CAEL70TRENT UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 80High School Graduation Examination Required: Yes (at least 80%)National University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL86IELTS6.5No section less than 6.0MELAB85No section less than 80CAEL60UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTAGeneral High School Minimum GPA:70 (Arts & Science)80 (Business)80 (Engineering)75 (Nursing)High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: Yes(Sometimes this is not required, applying without NationalUniversity Entrance Examination score is recommended)SAT Available (Instead of NUEE): YesESL Available: Yes (IELTS 5.0\TOEFL 70)Internet Based TOEFL86No less than 21IELTS6.5No less than 5.0CAEL70MELAB85ESL140 /145 passedUNIVERSITY OFBRITISH COLUMBIAGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): NoESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL90Reading: 22 Listening: 22 Writing: 21 Speaking: 21IELTS6.56.0 in each sectionMELAB85UNIVERSITY OF CALGARYGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 75High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL92 (Nursing)100 (Education)83 (All other Undergraduate programs)IELTS8.0 (Education)7.0 (All other Undergraduate programs)CAEL70MELAB90 (Nursing)92 (Education)85 (All other Undergraduate programs)UNIVERSITY OF GUELPHGeneral High School Minimum: 80High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: Yes (550)SAT Available (Instead of NUEE): Yes (a combined <Math and Critical Reading> SAT score of 1100)ESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL89No part below 21IELTS6.5No part below 6CAEL70MELAB85UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGEGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 65High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL8016 in reading, listening, speaking and 18 in writingIELTS6.06.0 in each sectionMELAB80No section less than 76, and including speaking testCAEL7060 in reading, listening, speaking and 70 in writingUNIVERSITY OF MANITOBAGeneral High School Minimum GPA: UnavailableHigh School Graduation Examination Required: NoNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No needESL Available: YES (No Requirement)Paper Based TOEFL550No less than 50 in each componentComputer Based TOEFL213No less than 17 in each componentInternet Based TOEFL80No less than 19 in each componentIELTS6.5CAEL60CanTest4.5 in Reading, 4.5 in Listening, and 4.0 in WritingUNIVERSITY OFNEW BRUNSWICKGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: Yes (at least 70%)SAT Available (Instead of NUEE): NoESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL92IELTS6.5MELAB82CAEL70UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIAGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL88IELTS6.0CAEL70UNIVERSITY OF ONTARIO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL available: Yes (no requirement)IELTS7.0Minimum IBT ScoreVary by program: 83-87Listening 20 Reading 20 Speaking 19 Writing 20TOFEL CBT220TOFEL PBT560MELAB85CAEL70With no sub-score below 60UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWAGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (IELTS 4.0 with a writing score of at least 4.0, IBT 61 with a write score of at least 21.)TOEFL9224 in writingIELTS7.06.5 in writingMELAB9085 in writingCAEL7060 in writingUNIVERSITY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLANDGeneral High School Minimum: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No NeedESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL80No part below 20IELTS6.5CAEL60No part below 50MELAB80UNIVERSITY OF REGINAGeneral High School Minimum GPA: 70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): No needESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Paper Based TOEFL550Essay 3.5+Computer Based TOEFL213Essay 3.5+Internet Based TOEFL80Reading & Listening 19 Speaking & Writing 18IELTS6.5Each band >5.0UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWANGeneral High School Minimum GPA:72 (Arts & Science)80 (Engineering)82 (Business)85 (Kinesiology)National University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available: No needESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Paper Based TOEFL550Computer Based TOEFL213Internet Based TOEFL80Reading & Listening 19 Speaking & Writing 18IELTS6.5UNIVERSITY OF TORONTOGeneral High School Minimum GPA:85 (Rotman Commerce)82-85 (Mississauga Commerce)75-79 (Computer Science)82-85 (Life Science)82 (Engineering)82-85 (Track-One Engineering)90 (Engineering Science)High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available (Instead of NUEE): Yes (600 in each SAT component)ESL Available: NoInternet Based TOEFL100 (89-99)22 (19-21) on Writing sectionIELTS6.5No part below 6.0CAEL70No part below 60MELAB85No part below 80COPE86 (80-85)32 (28-31) in Writing and 22 (18-21) in each of Reading and ListeningUNIVERSITY OF VICTORIAGeneral High School Minimum GPA:70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT available: YesESL available: Yes (530PBT, 197CBT, 71IBT, or IELTS5.5)IELTS7.0Internet Based TOEFL9020 in each of the four componentsComputer Based TOEFL233Paper Based TOEFL575MELAB90CAEL70none of the sub-test results below 60LPILevel 6UAPC80UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOOGeneral High School Minimum GPA:Based on Program (from 70 -85)High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT available: No NeedESL available: YES (Only Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science)Applied Health Sciences, ScienceIELTS7.0Internet Based TOEFL90Writing 25Speaking 25Arts, Computing & Financial Management, EnvironmentIELTS7.5Internet Based TOEFL90Writing 25Speaking 25Architecture, Engineering, Software EngineeringIELTS7.5Internet Based TOEFL100Writing 26Speaking 26Mathematics & Computer ScienceIELTS7.0Internet Based TOEFL90Writing 25Speaking 25UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIOGeneral High School Minimum: 80High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT Available: Yes (A minimum combined score of 1100 on the Critical Reading and Math sections of the SAT Reasoning Test)ESL Available: Yes (No Requirement)Internet Based TOEFL88Speaking, Writing, Reading 22; Listening 20IELTS7.0Each band on 6.5CAEL70No part less than 60CanTest4.5No part less than 4.0MELAB85No part less than 80UNIVERSITY OF WINDSORGeneral High School Minimum GPA:70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: YesSAT available: YesESL available: Yes (No Requirement)IELTS6.5Internet Based TOEFL83Writing 21WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum: 70-75High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT Available: No needESL Available: Yes (TOEFL 73 or IELTS 5)Internet Based TOEFL83No part below 20IELTS6.5CAEL70No part below 60MELAB85YORK UNIVERSITYGeneral High School Minimum GPA:70High School Graduation Examination Required: YesNational University Entrance Examination Required: NoSAT available: No NeedESL available: Yes (No Requirement)IELTS6.5 (Nursing 7, Schulich 7.5)TOFEL IBT90 (Nursing 88, Schulich 100)Canada Undergraduates Group, Toronto & Ottawa, October, 2009
第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养 赏 反馈:fyhfiona 2009-11-30#3 604 $0.00 回复: 澳洲高中毕业怎样申请加拿大的大学真得非常感谢你!
·生活百科 房屋风力发电。
·生活百科 间隔计与智能计