加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置
2006.08: FN;2007.08: 5->补清华认证、雅思,主申请表一套;2008.06: 12 ;2008.07: ME2008.09: 8,9月的某天又变成5,9月26日又变为12;2009.02.12:13;2009.02.20:17回复: 请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置http://www.ayjackson.ca/index_flash.phpA.Y. Jackson50 Francine DriveNorth York, ONPhone: (416) 395-3140Web: www.ayjackson.ca A.Y. Jackson Secondary School offers a strong arts and sciences program. Since its opening in 1970, the school has established a tradition of academic excellence and community service. Students are encouraged to participate in and contribute to the total life of the school through involvement in school teams, clubs, community service projects, and the extensive visual arts, drama, and music programs. The school's programs emphasize the importance of acquiring learning skills as well as academic content. With the help of a fully networked and computerised information center, students develop research skills in all subjects.
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind......回复: 请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置North Toronto Collegiate Institute小案 地址: 多多 70Roehampton Ave.: (416) 393-9180: http://ntci.on.ca/校: Joel Gorenkoff教育委: Josh Matlow 2007-08年度跨: 有限於1912年建立North Toronto Collegiate Institute位於YongeEglinton的街口提供第9至12班的程。根菲莎研究所(Fraser Institute)所做的排名榜North Toronto Collegiate Institute於全安省719中入面排名76.
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind......回复: 请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置http://www.visawang.com/apply/gz/200708/4771.htmlToronto School.
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind...... 赏 反馈:碧螺春 2008-10-20#5 碧 125 $0.00 回复: 请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置谢谢多多宝贝啦。加纷纷了。我们想从8年级开始读。多了解下。
2006.08: FN;2007.08: 5->补清华认证、雅思,主申请表一套;2008.06: 12 ;2008.07: ME2008.09: 8,9月的某天又变成5,9月26日又变为12;2009.02.12:13;2009.02.20:17回复: 请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置up
MSN:[email protected]回复: 请教多伦多中学的情况和大体位置谢谢分享
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