加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。
回复: 孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。现在申请移民已经没有意义了,等你办下来起码2-3年,孩子上大学之前在加拿大读不够3年还得考托福。跟他当留学生没什么区别。
回复: 孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。呵呵,也有区别呀,上大学的学费不同。考TOEF是必须的啦。
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind......现在申请移民已经没有意义了,等你办下来起码2-3年,孩子上大学之前在加拿大读不够3年还得考托福。跟他当留学生没什么区别。点击展开... 区别大了去了。。。。国际学生教的学费那TMD就叫一个黑。。。。
既然来了就留下你的微笑,既然走了就带走你的悲伤回复: 孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。同意楼上各位说的,现在申请移民去加拿大是晚了。晚也不可怕,不就是晚个一两年上大学吗?能上个比国内大学牛的可一点儿也不吃亏。
回复: 孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。区别大了去了。。。。国际学生教的学费那TMD就叫一个黑。。。。点击展开...一年差多少银子?
回复: 孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。1.5万刀左右,跟专业有关系。
回复: 孩子今年上高一,现在申请移民去加拿大。来自多大的网站,算下来Arts/Science学费每年差16353刀,合人民币10万多一点,问题是每年学费还要上涨的吧?Fees are composed of tuition (academic) fees and compulsory incidental (non-academic) fees. Domestic Tuition Fees For the 2009-10 year, domestic tuition fees are:Bachelors - Arts: $4,991 Bachelors - Science: $4,991 Bachelors - Commerce: $4,991 Bachelors - Computer Science: $4,991Students enrolled in the Commerce and Computer Science programs pay higher fees after first year. For the 2009 Commerce cohort, the tuition fee for students in Year 2 of the program in 2010-11 will be $11,319.For the 2009 Computer Science cohort, the tuition fee for students in Year 2 of program in 2010-11 will be $8,140.International Tuition Fees For the 2009-10 year, international tuition fees are:Bachelors - Arts: $21,344 Bachelors - Science: $21,344Bachelors - Commerce: $21,344Bachelors - Computer Science: $21,344Students enrolled in the Commerce and Computer Science programs pay higher fees after first year. For 2009-10, the tuition fees for Commerce students in their second year are $26,255. The tuition fees for Computer Science students in their second year are $22,973.Please visit the fees information section of our web site for newly admitted students to learn more about changes to how fees are assessed for new students beginning their studies in the Faculty of Arts and Science in September 2009.Incidental Fees All tuition-paying students are charged compulsory non-academic incidental fees. These include fees for student societies and for campus based services (e.g. Student Services, Student Affairs, the Health Services, Hart House and the Athletics Centre). Cost of LivingBooks, accommodation, transportation, and other expenses will affect your cost of living while a University of Toronto student.
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