加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题



回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题急求助:登陆后我们有事需要回国几个月,孩子不足16岁,高中在读,单身住在我的兄弟家里,请问在我们离开加拿大这段时间,需要办理孩子的监护人手续吗?如果不办的话,学校需要家长签字时该怎么处理?我的兄弟可以自然成为孩子的监护人吗?点击展开...只要你们兄弟(姐弟)在写好的授权监护纸上分别签了名,就有法律效用。

回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题什么也不用做,在学校要一张表,更新一下监护人信息就可以了。实在不放心,填好下面的表,公证一下,教给学校CUSTODIANSHIP DECLARATION CUSTODIAN​(Secondary Students Gr. 9 - Gr. 12)STUDENT Information​Student’s Full Name Sex​​​​​Male​​​​​FemaleCitizenship Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)Name and address of school in Canada​Toronto District School Board, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2N 5N8​PARENTS’ Information (Preferably from both parents)​Parent (Father) Parent (Mother)​Full NameDate of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)Home AddressHome Phone NumberCell/Mobile NumberE-mail Address​CUSTODIAN Information​Full Name Sex​​​​​Male​​​​​FemaleStatus in Canada​​​​​Canadian Citizen​​​​​Permanent ResidentDate of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)Home AddressHome Phone Number Cell/Mobile Number E-mail Address​The application of the official seal below confirms that the notary public has received evidence that the custodian is aCanadian Citizen or a Permanent resident, is over 18 years of age, and currently resides at the home address stated above.I, __________________________ (name of custodian), solemnly declare that I am a Canadian Citizen or PermanentResident of Canada and over the age of 18 years. I hereby declare to take on the full custodianship for the said student__________________________ (student name) during his/her stay in Canada while under legal age in the Province ofOntario.As a custodian, I have made the necessary arrangements for the care and support of the said student in times of emergency,such as when medical attention or intervention is required, but also for day to day care and supervision of the Student asappropriate.​Signature of Custodian: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________​Sworn before me at: _________________________(city), in theProvince of: _________________________(province/territory),_________________________ Country (if applicable).This ____day of ______________(month), ___________(year)​Signature of Notary: __________________________________ Official seal of Notary Public

多伦多生活条件较好的家庭寄宿,欢迎实地考察进行全方位的比较。对于孩子的成长而言,不仅仅是学知识、学英文,还有心灵的建设与人格的培养。www.torontochinesehomestay.com回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题最简单的是什么都不用做。就当什么也没发生。这里家长出去度假的大有人在。只要Contact Number有人接电话就行。

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养最简单的是什么都不用做。就当什么也没发生。这里家长出去度假的大有人在。只要Contact Number有人接电话就行。点击展开...两位的“什么都不用做”,其实已经做了弟兄姐妹间的口头授权,口头授权没有法律效用。 看来安省学校接收孩子监护的口头授权,BC省可不完全这样。 如果什么都不用做,BC省有些CITY,立即把楼主家这样的学生转视为国际学生。

回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题急求助:登陆后我们有事需要回国几个月,孩子不足16岁,高中在读,单身住在我的兄弟家里,请问在我们离开加拿大这段时间,需要办理孩子的监护人手续吗?如果不办的话,学校需要家长签字时该怎么处理?我的兄弟可以自然成为孩子的监护人吗?点击展开...不会那么严重吧jtlg。楼主不过回去几个月而已

第一代移民,只求稳定,不图发展移民故事,生活历程自己动手,美化家居望子成龙,子女培养回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题jtlg:没有听说过会将有移民身份的学生转为国际学生,恐怕怎么也说不过去。我的寄宿学生家长回国,只是将监护人的信息改为我的信息,我也收到学校老师让我去参加有关活动的电话或者询问学生考勤的电话,其他好像就没有什么事情了。

多伦多生活条件较好的家庭寄宿,欢迎实地考察进行全方位的比较。对于孩子的成长而言,不仅仅是学知识、学英文,还有心灵的建设与人格的培养。www.torontochinesehomestay.com回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题温哥华有这样的。闹到报纸上了。

回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题谢谢各位了!

回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题什么也不用做,在学校要一张表,更新一下监护人信息就可以了。实在不放心,填好下面的表,公证一下,教给学校CUSTODIANSHIP DECLARATION CUSTODIAN(Secondary Students Gr. 9 - Gr. 12)STUDENT InformationStudent’s Full Name SexMaleFemaleCitizenship Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)Name and address of school in CanadaToronto District School Board, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2N 5N8PARENTS’ Information (Preferably from both parents)Parent (Father) Parent (Mother)Full NameDate of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)Home AddressHome Phone NumberCell/Mobile NumberE-mail AddressCUSTODIAN InformationFull Name SexMaleFemaleStatus in CanadaCanadian CitizenPermanent ResidentDate of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)Home AddressHome Phone Number Cell/Mobile Number E-mail AddressThe application of the official seal below confirms that the notary public has received evidence that the custodian is aCanadian Citizen or a Permanent resident, is over 18 years of age, and currently resides at the home address stated above.I, __________________________ (name of custodian), solemnly declare that I am a Canadian Citizen or PermanentResident of Canada and over the age of 18 years. I hereby declare to take on the full custodianship for the said student__________________________ (student name) during his/her stay in Canada while under legal age in the Province ofOntario.As a custodian, I have made the necessary arrangements for the care and support of the said student in times of emergency,such as when medical attention or intervention is required, but also for day to day care and supervision of the Student asappropriate.Signature of Custodian: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________Sworn before me at: _________________________(city), in theProvince of: _________________________(province/territory),_________________________ Country (if applicable).This ____day of ______________(month), ___________(year)​Signature of Notary: __________________________________ Official seal of Notary Public点击展开...

回复: 求助:父母离加后孩子监护人问题非常感谢!

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