想让小孩回国呆上半年以上,查看有关规定,半年以上还得续签,而父母不在身边,续签困难重重。还是办个寄养为妙。搜索网上有关办理寄养公证的程序,开始第一步说法怎不一?或许都是正确的。版本1:有关在加国出生、想回国的宝宝遇到的问题! 第一步是找律师办理寄养委托书公证。版本2: 关于办寄养证明1. 找律师开的一份 NOTARIZATION, 你去PHONE BOOK上面的律师那里找,只要能办NOTARY PUBLIC的都行.让律师给你出一份AFFIDAVIT,就是把寄养的细节说一下就好了,比方孩子的姓名,出生日期,父母的姓名之类的,。。。版本3:请教回国寄养小孩的事寄养认证一定要在加拿大办理。在加拿大:1、先请律师将父母的信息和孩子的信息公正,包括父母护照、枫叶卡、孩子护照、出生证长表、有关同意旅行/委托照顾宣誓书。版本4:分享:如何办理儿童寄养公证首先,找一个律师楼,做一个你孩子出生纸的certified true copy。
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录决定按如下附件所述的办理。
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录第一步、下载一份寄养委托书。
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录第二步、了解安省政府文件认证服务部: Ministry of Government Services 9 Floor, 77 Grenville Street Toronto ON M5S 1B3Tel: 416-3258416 Fax: 416-3258434-------Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is an apostille? An apostille is the authentication of official documents of foreign origin for countries that are signatories of the Hague Convention. Canada is not a signatory of the Hague Convention and therefore does not fall within its requirements. Instead, Canada requires, and is required to provide a Certificate of Authentication. Where is ODS located? ODS has one office location only at 77 Grenville Street,9th Floor in Toronto. See the map of the area and subway directions to ODS. How do I contact the Official Documents Services office? See contact information for ODS. What are ODS hours? Office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.ODS is closed on all public holidays:New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day What kind of documents does ODS authenticate? ODS formally authenticates legalized documents requested by foreign consulates and embassies. ODS authenticates notarized or commissioned: birth, adoption, marriage or divorce certificates; property ownership documents; school, college, or university admission papers and transcripts; business and commercial documents; and other government official documents. Please note that ODS authenticates the status of a Notary Public or Commissioner for taking Affidavits; it does not verify the contents of any notarized or commissioned document. What payment methods does ODS accept? Walk-in clients: CashVISA & MASTERCARDDebit cardCertified cheque*Money order* Mail-in: Certified cheque*Money order* * Certified cheques and money orders are to be made payable to the MINISTER OF FINANCE What do I need to do to get my documents authenticated? We recommend that you first check with the appropriate consulate/embassy to ensure that all requirements are met before any document is notarized or commissioned. See contact information for Embassies and consulates.Mail or bring in person, to ODS your original notarized documents, with the appropriate fee. ODS will authenticate the original notarized documents.ODS will issue a certificate of authentication for each document that has been authenticated. Consult our Client checklist for details on what you need to do before presenting documents to ODS. How does ODS authenticate documents? ODS' mandate is to verify the document submitted to its office by comparing the signature and seal/stamp (as applicable) on the document against the information on file pertaining to the notary public/commissioner for taking affidavits. ODS staff must be able to visually inspect all the relevant information on the notarized/commissioned document in its entirety before completing the authentication process. Authentication will only proceed if: all parts of the signature, seal and/or stamp of the Notary Public or Commissionerfor taking Affidavits are visible on the same page of the document; and the Notary Public or Commissioner for taking Affidavits is registered on file with ODS; and the name, seal and/or stamp is identical to that on file at ODS. How long will it take to authenticate my documents? If you are visiting our office, your documents can be authenticated while you wait. If you are mailing the documents, they will be mailed back to you within five (5) business days upon receipt by ODS. We use Canada Post to return your documents. You can use a courier service of your choice if you enclose a pre-paid envelope with your request. Does ODS have an in-house notary public? No. Please consult your local Yellow pages for a notary public in your area.
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录第三步、再去中国驻多伦多大使馆,一并办理护照签证。申请在华寄养外籍儿童须知 [FONT=宋体]办理寄养外籍儿童委托书。办理委托书的具体手续如下:[/FONT][FONT="]1[/FONT][FONT=宋体]、[/FONT][FONT=宋体]父母双方亲自前来办理;[/FONT][FONT="]2[/FONT][FONT=宋体]、填写寄养外籍儿童委托书并在领事官员面前签字;[/FONT][FONT="]3[/FONT][FONT=宋体]、[/FONT][FONT=宋体]填写《公证认证申请表》[/FONT][FONT="]1[/FONT][FONT=宋体]份;[/FONT][FONT="]4[/FONT][FONT=宋体]、提供父、母护照、枫叶卡原件及护照资料页和枫叶卡[/FONT][FONT="]([/FONT][FONT=宋体]正反面[/FONT][FONT="])[/FONT][FONT=宋体]复印件[/FONT][FONT="]1[/FONT][FONT=宋体]份;儿童护照复印件[/FONT][FONT="]1[/FONT][FONT=宋体]份;儿童出生证原件及复印件[/FONT][FONT="]1[/FONT][FONT=宋体]份;[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT]
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事 赏 2010-05-31#6

加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录寄养公证:第一页,安省认证。
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录第二页,安省认证。
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录第三页,寄养公证。其后为父母的护照、公民卡、枫叶卡;小孩护照和出生长表的复印件装订一起,有律师的公证钢章。
加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 办理小孩寄养公证记录有新的规定?http://www.gov.cn/gzdt/2010-05/20/content_1610029.htm公安机关出便利措施扩大外国人居留许可签发对象中央政府门户网站 www.gov.cn 2010年05月20日 来源:公安部网站

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