加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?
不知卡城的小学和中学教育情况怎么样?当然主要是指国立学校了,因为要是交费的私立学校,我们也上不起。我想问的内容主要包括:1、学校华人多吗? 2、学校的教学质量 3、是否是双语? 4、学校的管理
宝贝女儿贝贝的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/ybn1110回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?同问,顶一下
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?不知卡城的小学和中学教育情况怎么样?当然主要是指国立学校了,因为要是交费的私立学校,我们也上不起。我想问的内容主要包括:1、学校华人多吗?2、学校的教学质量3、是否是双语?4、学校的管理点击展开...1.一般好的学校华人多点2.学校间没多大差别,老师更重要3.有french immersion program4.学校间没多大区别.
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?看来和温哥华的情况差不多啊
宝贝女儿贝贝的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/ybn1110不知卡城的小学和中学教育情况怎么样?当然主要是指国立学校了,因为要是交费的私立学校,我们也上不起。我想问的内容主要包括:1、学校华人多吗? 2、学校的教学质量 3、是否是双语? 4、学校的管理点击展开...
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?LZ准备从温到卡?
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?LZ准备从温到卡?点击展开...现在还在犹豫,来过温城后觉得温城消费和收入严重不成正比。在这里潜水一段时间后觉得卡城的收入相对来说可能机会更大一些。
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! Prepare to spend 40-50% more in Calgary than Vancouver. And of course, earing is more too. But doing labor may not be as good in Calgary as in Van.点击展开...how do you get expense in Calgary is 40-50% more than in Vancouver? Price's skyrocketing in Calgary now, but if it's saying Calgary is 40-50% more expensive than Vancouver, it's simply groundless, living in Calgary's still slightly cheaper than in Vancouver.
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?My ground is that my family is in Vancouver. What is the basis you got your conclusion? Yes, maybe I have gone a little more, probably right now Calgary 30% more expensive than Vancouver is good estimate today. Because there is no control for rent increase in Alberta, high potential for living cost increase. More than 40% is very easily to be achieve if not today. how do you get expense in Calgary is 40-50% more than in Vancouver? Price's skyrocketing in Calgary now, but if it's saying Calgary is 40-50% more expensive than Vancouver, it's simply groundless, living in Calgary's still slightly cheaper than in Vancouver.点击展开...
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! My ground is that my family is in Vancouver. What is the basis you got your conclusion? Yes, maybe I have gone a little more, probably right now Calgary 30% more expensive than Vancouver is good estimate today. Because there is no control for rent increase in Alberta, high potential for living cost increase. More than 40% is very easily to be achieve if not today.点击展开...rent is about at same lever in both; house price in V is still superior to C; food is a bit more here, but it's only a little part of total expense; gas price in V is about 15-20 cents/L more than in C all year round; car insurance in V > in C;7-8% provincial tax apply on everything in V; do a math, 30% more in C than in V, it's just your speculation. this is an old topic though, if you'd like to compare to, you'd better compare apple to apple.
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?Have you rented in Vancouver? Rent there is much cheaper than here. Here in Calgary one bedroom sharing is $450 above, however in Vancouver it should be 300 dollars for one. Toronto rental is comparable to Calgary but still about 10% cheaper than Calgary.Food in Vancouver should be 40% cheaper than Calcalgary.But you are right Vancouver house is more expensive than Calgary. But I dont' think many will buy house at first come.Anyway, you have yours and I have my opinions. For LZ, better to call your friends in Vancouver and Calgary to get a better idea.People were born to have different opinion, which makes the world colorful. The bottom line is mutual respect to each other having different perspectives. rent is about at same lever in both; house price in V is still superior to C; food is a bit more here, but it's only a little part of total expense; gas price in V is about 15-20 cents/L more than in C all year round; car insurance in V > in C;7-8% provincial tax apply on everything in V; do a math, 30% more in C than in V, it's just your speculation. this is an old topic though, if you'd like to compare to, you'd better compare apple to apple.点击展开...
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?one bedroom rent here is about $700-$800, how much does it cost in V?;40% more on food is kind of sacring away people, as I mentioned and you must know it only contributes to a little piece of total expense, let's put it down in a number to make more sense, $200 more here for whole family is absolutely enough;you missed gasoline and provincial tax which plays a way bigger role than food in your daily life;so even without adding house to it, V and C are still at about same level in living cost.
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?You can get free dinner for one bedroom rent here is about $700-$800 in Calgary. Please find me as many as you can. I want them all. I need such info for many new immigrants.Regarding the tax. Grocerries are not taxed. Rent is not taxed. These major expenses are not taxed. So you really think tax makes a lot difference? Get your receipt in a month and calculate all your tax, then you will have a clearer idea. one bedroom rent here is about $700-$800, how much does it cost in V?;40% more on food is kind of sacring away people, as I mentioned and you must know it only contributes to a little piece of total expense, let's put it down in a number to make more sense, $200 more here for whole family is absolutely enough;you missed gasoline and provincial tax which plays a way bigger role than food in your daily life; so even without adding house to it, V and C are still at about same level in living cost.点击展开...
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! You can get free dinner for one bedroom rent here is about $700-$800 in Calgary. Please find me as many as you can. I want them all. I need such info for many new immigrants. Regarding the tax. Grocerries are not taxed. Rent is not taxed. These major expenses are not taxed. So you really think tax makes a lot difference? Get your receipt in a month and calculate all your tax, then you will have a clearer idea.点击展开...don't jump to your words, http://calgary.renting.canada.com/properties/search/results.php?qTerms=rent&qSearchTab=rent&qAction=search&qMinPrice=400&qMaxPrice=800&qBedrooms=1-&qBathrooms=1-&propertyType[0]=Accommodations+Wanted&propertyType[1]=Commercial+&+Retail&propertyType[2]=Furnished+Rentals&propertyType[3]=Apartments,+Condos+&+Townhomes&propertyType[4]=House+&+Other+Rentals&pagesize=10&view=detailed&qtotal=62&qSortBy=Price&qSortDirection=DESC&page=6
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?Don't believe what you saw on website unless you have confirmed the availability. Many newcomers urgently need apartment within the price range you mentioned. I really thank you if you can provide rental info within your mentioned price range. don't jump to your words, http://calgary.renting.canada.com/properties/search/results.php?qTerms=rent&qSearchTab=rent&qAction=search&qMinPrice=400&qMaxPrice=800&qBedrooms=1-&qBathrooms=1-&propertyType[0]=Accommodations+Wanted&propertyType[1]=Commercial+&+Retail&propertyType[2]=Furnished+Rentals&propertyType[3]=Apartments,+Condos+&+Townhomes&propertyType[4]=House+&+Other+Rentals&pagesize=10&view=detailed&qtotal=62&qSortBy=Price&qSortDirection=DESC&page=6点击展开...
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 现在还在犹豫,来过温城后觉得温城消费和收入严重不成正比。在这里潜水一段时间后觉得卡城的收入相对来说可能机会更大一些。点击展开...一家之言--从T&T的价格看大部分价格跟温差不多,但海产品价格高于温;不过阿省有少一个税的优势,其他消费无法比较;目前温跟卡从纯LABOR的工资而言差距不大(每小时1,2刀差距税后基本一样,无明显优势),不过从你的专业而言估计卡城的机会要远多于温
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?不能光看T&T的广告特价。卡尔加里的蔬菜水果明显比温哥华贵(土豆除外)。更别说盒饭了,温哥华2荤的盒饭5.5,你看看卡尔加里多少钱?!
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?不能光看T&T的广告特价。卡尔加里的蔬菜水果明显比温哥华贵(土豆除外)。更别说盒饭了,温哥华2荤的盒饭5.5,你看看卡尔加里多少钱?!点击展开...有一定道理;能说说一家3口正常情况下在卡城生活方面的支出是多少?温跟卡的生活用品的价格差异算上税后能持平吗(6%的差距)?(目前温跟卡的房租估计半斤八两),不过根据楼主的专业(电力方面)我想应该还是卡城的机会要多于温(不知道卡城目前状况是否如此?)
回复: 卡城的小学和中学教育怎么样?有一定道理;能说说一家3口正常情况下在卡城生活方面的支出是多少?温跟卡的生活用品的价格差异算上税后能持平吗(6%的差距)?(目前温跟卡的房租估计半斤八两),不过根据楼主的专业(电力方面)我想应该还是卡城的机会要多于温(不知道卡城目前状况是否如此?)点击展开...温哥华的房租便宜多了,600多租个交通生活方便的1室的公寓很容易吧?你看看卡尔加里的网友们都租得多少钱的。生活费用还是温哥华便宜,但工作机会还是卡尔加里多。
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