加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息购物省钱 - 好信用卡


1、我原来用PC 的,买菜在Superstore能积分1%返点,还是比较方便的。只是没有银行办公间;没有华语服务;saving account to chequing account转帐需要24 business hours 比较郁闷。 2、听说costco的american express也不错。 3、如果你有mbna的卡可以考虑升级到它的smart cash mastercard. 关于卡的讨论可以看红旗网:http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=722828。这个卡的好处是:It is a Platinum card. No annual fee.Promotional rate 5% rebate on GAS and GROCERIES (registered gas, grocery business: Loblow, Safeway, etc.., Walmart, Canadian Tire are NOT) on first 6 months up to $600 per month, after that it is 1%.After 6 months, regular rate is 3% rebate for the first $600 per month and after $600 it is 1%.All other purchases are 1% rebate.Also the interest rate for the new Smart Cash Card is 13.9% compared to 19.9% for the PRP+. 如果你不是mbna的现有用户,也可以打电话去申请,但是不能保证申请到。 3、旅行比较多可以考虑RBC的Avion,保险比较好,买机票相当于2%的返点。RBC Visa Infinite Avion card挺好的,如果不介意年费。积点可以换机票,相当于2%。租车可以不买保险,其它保险也很好。我们有一次旅游,前一班飞机晚点,误了后一班,只好在中转的城市住了一晚。吃住花了200多,因为机票是用这个卡买的,所以全给报销了。 4、[URL="http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID517_LIDen,00.html7"]http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID517_LIDen,00.html7[/URL] Scotia bank Momentum no fee CASH reward 这个visa要39刀的年费,返现金, 2% on gas, grocery, 1% all other retail purchase 5、CIBC, no fee dividend 1% CASH reward 没有年费返现金 6、ATB MyHusky Rewards MasterCard, http://www.atb.com/Dev/mastercar ... m_campaign=homepage More details. www.atb.comGo further with 2% back1 and no annual fee EdmontonPlus receive a $25 FREE gift2 including $10 off gasFeatures of the myHusky Rewards MasterCard:No annual fee Earn a full 2% back on purchases at participating Husky and Mohawk locations Earn a full 1% back everywhere else MasterCard is accepted Extra rewards for CAA members3 Low minimum payment of 3% of balance 21-day grace periodFree personalized cheques Chip Technology How the program works: Earn 2% back for every $1 charged on all Husky or Mohawk purchases, and 1% back everywhere else you shop. Automatic Rewards - no need to keep track of your rewards. With every $25 you earn, we'll automatically send you a $25 Husky gift certificate No limit on the rebate you can earn Rewards never expire Additional Features:Autopay (optional) Balance Insurance Plan (optional) MasterCard Global Service MasterCard SecureCode Master RoadAssist Services Master Purchase Up to 20% discount on car rentals at

https://forum.iask.ca/threads/884689/1、我原来用PC 的,买菜在Superstore能积分1%返点,还是比较方便的。只是没有银行办公间;没有华语服务;saving account to chequing account转帐需要24 business hours 比较郁闷。 2、听说costco的american express也不错。 3、如果你有mbna的卡可以考虑升级到它的smart cash mastercard. 关于卡的讨论可以看红旗网:http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=722828。这个卡的好处是:It is a Platinum card. No annual fee.Promotional rate 5% rebate on GAS and GROCERIES (registered gas, grocery business: Loblow, Safeway, etc.., Walmart, Canadian Tire are NOT) on first 6 months up to $600 per month, after that it is 1%.After 6 months, regular rate is 3% rebate for the first $600 per month and after $600 it is 1%.All other purchases are 1% rebate.Also the interest rate for the new Smart Cash Card is 13.9% compared to 19.9% for the PRP+. 如果你不是mbna的现有用户,也可以打电话去申请,但是不能保证申请到。 3、旅行比较多可以考虑RBC的Avion,保险比较好,买机票相当于2%的返点。RBC Visa Infinite Avion card挺好的,如果不介意年费。积点可以换机票,相当于2%。租车可以不买保险,其它保险也很好。我们有一次旅游,前一班飞机晚点,误了后一班,只好在中转的城市住了一晚。吃住花了200多,因为机票是用这个卡买的,所以全给报销了。 4、[URL="http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID517_LIDen,00.html7"]http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID517_LIDen,00.html7[/URL] Scotia bank Momentum no fee CASH reward 这个visa要39刀的年费,返现金, 2% on gas, grocery, 1% all other retail purchase 5、CIBC, no fee dividend 1% CASH reward 没有年费返现金 6、ATB MyHusky Rewards MasterCard, http://www.atb.com/Dev/mastercar ... m_campaign=homepage More details. www.atb.comGo further with 2% back1 and no annual fee EdmontonPlus receive a $25 FREE gift2 including $10 off gasFeatures of the myHusky Rewards MasterCard:No annual fee Earn a full 2% back on purchases at participating Husky and Mohawk locations Earn a full 1% back everywhere else MasterCard is accepted Extra rewards for CAA members3 Low minimum payment of 3% of balance 21-day grace periodFree personalized cheques Chip Technology How the program works: Earn 2% back for every $1 charged on all Husky or Mohawk purchases, and 1% back everywhere else you shop. Automatic Rewards - no need to keep track of your rewards. With every $25 you earn, we'll automatically send you a $25 Husky gift certificate No limit on the rebate you can earn Rewards never expire Additional Features:Autopay (optional) Balance Insurance Plan (optional) MasterCard Global Service MasterCard SecureCode Master RoadAssist Services Master Purchase Up to 20% discount on car rentals at点击展开...在温哥华,所有的PC银行都有国语服务,就连ATM都可以选择汉语,即使是CIBC的取款机,当你插入PC的银行卡时,也可以选择中文操作。

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