加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题
怀孕3个月了,上个礼拜去做了第一次产检,第一次做B超,看到肚子里的宝宝在动,偶跟老公都泪眼朦胧了。护士建议说在5个月的时候,可以去做个detail ultrasound,说可以看到性别,还能检查孩子的各个器官。但是又听说做太多B超对孩子不好,不知道有没做过的姐妹?
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题B超其实是很安全的~~5个月的时候是要做一次DETAIL ULTRASOUND的~我怀孕的时候一共做了4次~~真的不知道国内是怎么传的,把B超传的那么吓人~~
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题B超是做多了不好,不过这里整个孕期正常的话也就2到3次吧,我觉得这个量还是可以接受的。20周的详细B超可以看到内脏是否有畸形和简单的外形问题,整个下来要半个多小时,但不是全程B超都开着,医生找到了器官,就会关掉B超探头,在屏幕上作些测量,还会给你解释现在看到是什么器官,所以我觉得全程B超开着的时间并不长。再一个,B超的危害主要是热效应,20W的宝宝已经没有那么脆弱了。
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题我三个月的时候做了一次,五个月的时候做了一次,八个月的时候做了一次,现在BB半个月大了,呵呵
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题5个月那次是必要的。我的医生只给我开5个月那次而已。
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题Ultrasound has multiple purposes during pregnancy including confirming the pregnancy, checking for defects and the growth of the baby. Questions about safety exist. Are there risks to ultrasound?In the last 30 years, no conclusive evidence has shown that the levels of ultrasound used on humans are harmful. However some animal studies with higher levels of ultrasound have indicated changes in cell structure or function and even cell death. These studies seem to indicate that the tissue or body part that was being examined under the high frequency waves was altered in some way.As a result the NIH has released the following statement, “ultrasound examination in pregnancy should be performed for a specific medical indication.”Perhaps one of the biggest risks of ultrasound is the chance of identifying something “outside the normal range” with the baby and the inevitable invasive tests, such as amniocentesis that result. More often than not, these “unusual” findings either resolve on their own or turn out to be normal by the time the baby is born. You can imagine that the stress parents experience during this time of waiting and wondering is never beneficial!As with any other prenatal test, be sure that you have a very good reason for getting an ultrasound and with regard to safety and multiple ultrasounds, less is definitely more!
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题有哦,做了三四次。不过偶一直到快生时,最后一次B超,才看出是女孩。
回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题五个月这次是一定要做的!!
我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强!回复: 问个关于detail ultrasound 的问题B超对孩子就没什么影响,又不是X光。你5个月要做的畸形筛查,看看孩子各个器官的发育有没有畸形,这个筛查大概要做20分钟,同时他们会告诉你孩子性别。我是18周做的。
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