加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息卖母乳
回复: 卖母乳To be honest, I don't think you can/should sell breast milk to others because of hygiene purpose. In another word, how do you prove that your breast milk doesn't contain any disease?
回复: 卖母乳产后由于奶水过多,自己的宝宝吃不完,现在出售母乳,我在温哥华,有需要的宝宝可以回贴。点击展开...乳牛? 这是犯法的,知道不?
回复: 卖母乳晕,这样也可以??
回复: 卖母乳卫生检疫过了吧,收HST么?
回复: 卖母乳晕死,这边也有母乳库,但是是消毒过的
回复: 卖母乳多的话留给老公吃就行了。
回复: 卖母乳晕,我多的要么倒了,要么都送给邻居家小宝宝吃了!不认识的不放心吧
回复: 卖母乳我多的也都倒了,或者-18度冻起来,出门的时候用。我理解浪费母乳的心情,我多的也不希望浪费,前一阵子就给3岁的表弟吃,现在表弟不在,一瓶一瓶的倒。。。
回复: 卖母乳你再坚持坚持,等我生完把宝宝抱你那去吃。
回复: 卖母乳you can donate the milk to milk bank, but you cannot and should not sell it.
回复: 卖母乳how to contact milk bank?
回复: 卖母乳how to contact milk bank?点击展开...I never heard of milk bank before either, but use google you can find any info you want. http://www.hmbana.org/index/locations
回复: 卖母乳这么等钱花啊?
08年登录改专业从国内的会计读了护士13年1月在加拿大某医院开始做护士how to contact milk bank?点击展开...rgBC Women's Milk BankThe BC Women’s Milk Bank has operated for over thirty years. It provides pasteurized donor milk to high risk and ill children when their mothers are not able to provide enough breast milk. The pasteurized donor milk is provided with a doctor’s or midwife’s prescription. A processing fee is charged for recipients outside of BC Children’s & BC Women’s Hospitals.Frequently Asked Questions About Donor MilkWho are the donors?Donors are healthy mothers who have completed the screening process. They are able to produce more milk than their babies need.What does the screening process involve?Donors complete a short verbal and written questionnaire. Their doctor or midwife is consulted, and blood tests are done at a local lab.What are the blood tests?The blood tests include: HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-1, HTVV-2, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.Why is the milk pasteurized?Human milk is pasteurized to ensure a safe product. Human milk pasteurization maintains most of the anti-infective properties of fresh human milk.How much milk do I need to donate?Mothers need to be certain they meet the needs of their own infant first. Because of the cost of screening, we screen mothers only when they are able to donate at least 3 litres.( 100 oz.) of milk.How much time will this take?The time it takes to collect milk varies. Some mothers find that if they pump 30 to 60 mls.(1-2 ounces) each day they have enough milk collected within several weeks.Do you provide pumps and bottles for storage?Unfortunately, we are unable to provide pumps or bottles.How do I store the milk?Milk can be stored in the clean food safe plastic or glass containers or milk storage bag. Baggies may not be used. Please place it in the coldest part of the freezer? usually at the back.How do I get the milk to the milk bank?If you live in Greater Vancouver, we can usually make arrangements to get the donor milk to our Bank. If greater distances are involved please contact us.Can I donate if I live outside of Canada?No. Although we appreciate offers from mothers living in the United States, we cannot accept the milk because we cannot complete the screening process.Can I donate if I live outside of Vancouver or British Columbia?If you live in Canada but outside Greater Vancouver, we are pleased to talk to you about donating although we cannot pay for the shipping of the milk.How can I become a donor?Please leave a message at 604-875-2282.How do I become a recipient?Please call and leave a message at 604-875-2424, local 7634. A doctors/midwives prescription is required for donors milk.top of pageResourcesFor more information about topics such as breastfeeding or cup feeding your baby, increasing your milk supply, renting breast pumps, and the Donor Milk Bank, see the Family Resource library .BreastfeedingInfact Canada: www.infactcanada.caLa Leche League Canada: www.LLLC.caQuintessence Foundation: www.babyfriendly.caMilk BankingThere are a number of milk banks in the United States and some will ship milk to Canada. The cost /ounce is approximately $3-$5 US per ounce plus shipping. The current list of Milk Banks in North America is available at www.hmbana.o
回复: 卖母乳开眼了。
回复: 卖母乳理解万岁
回复: 卖母乳我多的也都倒了,或者-18度冻起来,出门的时候用。我理解浪费母乳的心情,我多的也不希望浪费,前一阵子就给3岁的表弟吃,现在表弟不在,一瓶一瓶的倒。。。点击展开...做人奶馒头嘛。
回复: 卖母乳多的冻起来,可以保存4个月。不想冻起来就扔了。我那时喂宝宝时,宝宝吃不完,也是每天扔很多。
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