加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT数码及移动互联 - embroidery punching China Textile C


China Textile City recently , in the long-fiber from a few days before New Year's Day , printed embroidered cotton market, T / C cloth ,embroidery Digitizer, embroidered cotton printing , dyeing and embroidery T / C cloth , cotton embroidery dyed ,embroidery digitizing service, Buy involving many species , mainly by South African business in the Middle East business Xinjiang favored by Russian businessmen . There has been much needed and timely addition to sporadic horses fight package deal , relatively eager to goods , then look at one more in a few kilometers ; more than just a pattern embroidery twenty thousand meters . Such as a 63 inches T/C65/35, 45S × 45S, 96 × 72 since scattered about a single , multi- days that were pressed . Price , product volume of about 8.50 yuan / m , small batch volume of about 8.80 yuan / meter. In addition , 63 inches T/C65/35, 32S × 32S, 60 × 60 or hook embroidery,embroidery punching, and other different forms by the order . Some customers provide their own batch dyeing or burnt-out, printed T / C General hook embroidery processing more than 2.50 to be added up to 3.00 yuan / m ; such as flat embroidery is more than up to increase 2.00 yuan 3.00 yuan / m . As the embroidery manufacturers continue to make year-end price , the current types of embroidery finished fabric has the highest price the previous period , ranging from price , which finished the Yarn hook embroidered cloth , the highest price the previous period the cumulative difference between the 3.00 yuan / m inside and outside overall Yarn embroidery cloth prices fell only slightly inferior to filament embroidered cloth .

  ·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
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