加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT数码及移动互联 - “嵌入式单片机产品开发、生
研嵌电子工作室由多名在自动控制、工业通讯、和单片机(8、16、32位)开发方面有丰富经验的工程师组成,多数工程师曾在知名大公司产品开发一线长期从事研发工作,因而研嵌电子从更高的角度组织开发生产,在保证产品质量的前提下,降低了成本。研嵌电子主要从事消费类电子、自动化产品及PDA产品的开发和生产,在消费类电子方面使用台湾低成本IC、在自动控制方面除使用PLC、工控机为客户设计控制系统外, 还采用单片机为客户开发控制系统,以实用、高性能、高档次、低成本来满足用户。并提供完善的售前售后及保修服务。研嵌电子为提高产品质量,与知名生产厂家建立长期合作伙伴关系。所用元件均从国内外知名大公司采购,甚至不惜降低自己的利润也要达到产品质量趋近0缺陷的目的。 为客户提供实用、优质、低价格的产品是我们的宗旨。业务范围1、嵌入式单片机产品开发、设计、生产、测试和质量控制。2、工控机、PLC控制系统开发。3、WinCE、Linux ARM应用系统开发、设计、生产、测试和质量控制。 行业应用消费电子、小家电、工业控制板、温度监控板、监控系统、RFID等 Advantech embedded electronic studio is comprised by development team of experienced engineers, who majored in automatic control, industrial communication, and SCM (8,16,32 bit). Most of them have engaged in product development in large companies for a long time, thus advantech embedded electronic has sufficient experience to develop and produce. We can reduce cost on the premise of quality assurance. Advantech embedded electronic main occupation is development of automation products and PDA products. In terms of automatic control, besides selecting PLC and industry control computer to design control system for user, we also use SCM to implement this task. We meet the needs of the client with practical, high performance, high-grade and low cost products, and provide pre-sales service, after-sale service and warranty services.To improve the quality of products, our components are purchased from well known companies both in the nation and abroad. Our aim is to provide customers with practical, high-quality and low price products.Business1.Embedded microcontroller product development, design, production, testing and quality control.2.Industrial PC, PLC control system development.3.WinCE, Linux ARM application development, design, production, testing and quality control. Industry ApplicationsConsumer electronics, small appliances, industrial control panels, temperature control panels, monitoring systems, RFID, etc. http://www.yqmcu.com
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