加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT数码及移动互联 - *Need Immediately* 急寻 ASP .NET
** Needed Immediately ** We are looking for an independent software developer (Project Base Contract type work - work can be done after hours evening/weekend due to low & tight budget) to develop a web base business application requires user login (intranet & internet user) to keep track of inventory in warehouse, inventory module , shipping module (receive / delivery) and Reports in ASP.NET (C# in VS 2008 or higher).We have designed the database scheme (done in MS SQL 2005 or 2008 Express), business requirements etc. we just need a software developer writes the codes (GUI) in ASP.NET (C# in VS 2008/Ajax/JavaScript or higher).Project based on flat rate (inventory module & login page must be complete before Aug 25th, 2011). Start immediately.Please provides your name, phone number, latest resume & past project(s), how much time you can contribute, quote in $ for this project. Please email to [email protected] Thank you!
回复: *Need Immediately* 急寻 ASP .NET C# 程序员Calgary, Alberta
回复: *Need Immediately* 急寻 ASP .NET C# 程序员2011/7/29 孔维华 <[email protected]>Dear:I'm a chinese in Beijin, I has 2 year's+ experience in ASP.NET C#,want to migration to Canada.I can't speek English... want $0/hour to work for 2 years,just let me migration to Canada.if I can get the job,I need your job offer and LMO letter,then I can do any else procedure. this is chinese letter:您好:我是来自中国的求职者,现在在北京工作,从事C#开发工作,独立完成多个项目,个人能力强,现在在北京易达迅(易达星空)公司工作,公司网站是:www.estarcom.com.cn 。Win from 和 Web的都做过,有两年多C#方面的工作经验,水平算是个熟练工,在北京的工资大约8千人民币。我英语不好,不知道能不能申请这个工作。。如果可以的话我会积极补习英语的,请给个机会。。我申请这个工作纯粹是以移民为目的的,0元工资,可以干两年。如果可以考虑我的话,我需要您提供工作邀请信和劳工市场意见(LMO)批文,其他的事我都可以自己搞定,不需要您费心。大约1个月可以到岗。2011/7/29 加拿大家园论坛 <[email protected]>Lux780, 您好!konweihua 刚回复了您在 加拿大家园论坛 所收藏的 工作求职 版面主题 - *Need Immediately* 急寻 ASP .NET C# 程序员此主题位于:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=482642&goto=newpost下面是刚刚发表的帖子内容:***************抱歉我看你招聘简介的时候忽略了,今早用词霸仔细的扫了一遍才发现你是在招远程接入的外包工作是吧?我撤~~~~外包又辛苦钱又少,再加上你这样子貌似活不够多不够连续,饥一顿饱一顿的,为了你辞个职貌似不值啊。。单价再高也没有意义啊。。可不可以和你谈成这样:1、助我到加拿大混工作经验类移民,需要您提供劳工市场意见(LMO)批文,其他的事我都可以自己搞定,不需要您费心。大约1个月能到岗。价格绝对你你到北京找人外包还要便宜,我是移民目的嘛,钱无所谓的。不过我不能在这里说,怕要价太低被论坛里人群殴了。。2、如果你的活够多够赚,我可以在北京聚一帮人给你干活,我就做包工头啦,目前我正盘算着要升个级做个组长或办个小公司。要是你还坚持老想法,我就帮你在一个C#程序员群里吆喝一下,只要价格有吸引力,大把人各个技术方向的都有。私活是很受欢迎的我的电话:135205零贰188 小孔***************
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