转贴自北美驴友:http:///bbs/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=76#lastpost Guu的名气在温哥华可以说非常大,喜欢吃日式料理的朋友都应该知道这里在这里我更多的是和朋友到Guu的居酒屋来点两个下酒菜吃一下,然后一起畅饮虽然说guu的食物分量比较小,可是东西确实非常好吃,如果不喝酒的话,人均消费大概在20加附近,主要也是看你饭量大不大,还有你点了什么吃

Guu 在温哥华一共有6家分店,可以说每一间分店都有自己的风格和menu,大家可以根据自己的喜好来决定想去哪一家

相关介绍如下: Guu original

Menu:http://guu-izakaya.com/original/menu/最早的一家guu,很典型的居酒屋,里面都是些不太贵的下酒小菜This very first Izakaya was established in 1993, Vancouver and changed its name to "Guu" in 2000. This Guu keeps its pride as the original and offers the most authentic izakaya dish with quick and affordable price. What do you see in the flame that is rose from our pan? Address: 838 Thurlow Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 1W2TEL: 604-685-8817Lunch[Mon-Sat] 11:40 - 13:40Dinner[Mon - Sat] 17:30 - 24:30[Sun] 17:30 - 24:00Guu Garlic

Menu: http://guu-izakaya.com/robson/menu/继承了第一家guu的风格,也属于典型居酒屋This second Guu was born in 2001. The basic concept is "Garlic is sexy". Sexy is not only about its surface but also points the fundamental attitude that reflects the energy. Garlic is good, makes you healthy and beautiful! Yeah! Garlic is always good with sake too. Address: 1698 Robson Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6G 1C7TEL: 604-685-8678Regular Dinner[Mon - Thu] 17:30 - 24:00[Fri] 17:30 - 24:30[Sat] 16:30 - 24:30[Sun] 16:30 - 24:00Guu Otokomae

menu: http://guu-izakaya.com/gastown/menu/Opened in the fall of 2003. Otokomae literally means handsome man or true man in physically and mentally. Guu with handsome man? The concept behind its name is a better customer service with attractive contemporary tapas than "authentic" Izakaya. Address: #105-375 Water Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5C6TEL: 604-685-8682Dinner : [Sun - Thu] 17:00 - 23:30 [Fri - Sat] 17:00 - 24:00Guu richmond

menu: http://guu-izakaya.com/richmond/menu/这一家有很多制作精美,设计别出心裁的sushi~ Guu Richmond offers the best raw fish and authentic Izakaya otsumami since 2007. The raw fish selection includes fish that has been imported from Japan. This Guu is suitable for hard-core fish lovers. For beginners and vegetarians? Of course there are standard sushi list and vegetable sushi for you. Address: #2790-4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, B.C. V6X 4J7 (In Aberdeen Centre)TEL: 604-295-6612Fax: 604-273-8122Lunch : [Mon - Fri] 11:30 - 14:30 [Sat, Sun, Holiday] 11:30 - 15:30Dinner : [Sun - Thu] 17:00pm - 22:30pm [Fri, Sat] 17:00pm - 23:30pmGuu Garden

menu: http://guu-izakaya.com/garden/menu/Guu Garden is an oasis in the middle of down town here since the end of 2009. This Guu is the only Guu that specializes in oden, prepare two kinds anytime: Kanto-Daki Oden (light soy sauce based Oden) and Miso Oden is rich Haccho-miso based. Address: M101-888 Nelson Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2H2TEL: 604-899-0855Lunch : [Mon - Sat] 11:30 - 14:30Dinner : [Mon - Sun] 17:30 - 24:00Guu Kobachi

menu http://guu-izakaya.com/kobachi/menu/这家里厉害了,听说是最好的师傅都在这一家!!
"No Regular Menu"Guu's most talented and experienced chef is now ready to serve you another Guu with a concept of “no regular menu”. We only serve daily fresh sheets and accept your request as much as possible. Dashimaki tamago, oshinko, yakitori, sausage, ochazuke, potato salad, butter rice, or ramen? Just ask them and see what you get. Address: 735 Denman Street Vancouver, BC V6G 2L6TEL: 604-683-0735Email:
[email protected]Dinner17:30 - 1:30[Sunday] 17:30-23:30
回复: 推荐给喜欢日本料理或者居酒屋的朋友呵呵~森林也推荐精坷可口的一家
SushiHolic 3311 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC, CanadaPhone: 604-879-4881
Fax: 604-879-4882
Store Hours:Monday to Sunday:11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话BC省MSP医疗辅助保健/儿童保健计划/药物补助计划补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 园艺 / 健身 / 相片 / 减脂 / 诗集 / 插花回复: 推荐给喜欢日本料理或者居酒屋的朋友评论
回复: 推荐给喜欢日本料理或者居酒屋的朋友fish imported from Japan---现在还敢吃吗? 反正我是有点怕怕.
回复: 推荐给喜欢日本料理或者居酒屋的朋友昨天刚吃了日本自助
生命是一条长长的打着结的绳子,每一个结都是人生的刻度,丈量着人生的宽广和深厚!Life is a long, long rope with knots, each of which serves as a sign of its broadness and depth![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
回复: 推荐给喜欢日本料理或者居酒屋的朋友不错!
回复: 推荐给喜欢日本料理或者居酒屋的朋友俺也推荐一家: Toshi Sushi 181 East 16th AvenueVancouver, BC V5T 4R2 (604) 874-5173 不预约,排队30分钟, 味道不错!据说是日本一个大家庭开的
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