加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题Hi Selina. It's difficult for me to type Chinese at work so I hope you don't mind my using English to make suggestions to you. 1. It depends on your budget. If you are wealthy, you can actually send your baby to daycare part time (for example, two to three hours a day for a few days a week) after 12 months. Our baby is in daycare full time now and he is 14 months old. Usually people send their babies to daycare at 2 or 3 years old. However, our baby seems to be doing well in daycare and has learned to follow some instructions. He lost some weight but is good spirited and seems to be doing well. Sending your baby to daycare also allows the baby to learn to interact with people and you can have some spare time for yourself and are in a good shape to take care of your baby. 2. For sure, if you want your baby to learn standard English, it should be a group daycare. However, group daycares usually accept babies older than 3 and you need to register well in advance. 3. Babies won't be confused with languages in the long run. Being exposed to different languages might delay the speak-learning process but won't confuse the baby. Don't worry about your baby picking up English in Canada. They pick up a language very easily. My first boy moved to here at 3.5 and he is speaking Mandarin, English and French well. I hope the above is helpful.
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题Hi Selina. It's difficult for me to type Chinese at work so I hope you don't mind my using English to make suggestions to you. 1. It depends on your budget. If you are wealthy, you can actually send your baby to daycare part time (for example, two to three hours a day for a few days a week) after 12 months. Our baby is in daycare full time now and he is 14 months old. Usually people send their babies to daycare at 2 or 3 years old. However, our baby seems to be doing well in daycare and has learned to follow some instructions. He lost some weight but is good spirited and seems to be doing well. Sending your baby to daycare also allows the baby to learn to interact with people and you can have some spare time for yourself and are in a good shape to take care of your baby. 2. For sure, if you want your baby to learn standard English, it should be a group daycare. However, group daycares usually accept babies older than 3 and you need to register well in advance. 3. Babies won't be confused with languages in the long run. Being exposed to different languages might delay the speak-learning process but won't confuse the baby. Don't worry about your baby picking up English in Canada. They pick up a language very easily. My first boy moved to here at 3.5 and he is speaking Mandarin, English and French well. I hope the above is helpful.点击展开...谢谢你的建议,非常有帮助。
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题恩。同意。我家宝宝18个月的时候送的group daycare。每周两次。我开始也担心他语言上混淆,尤其是刚刚学话的时候,另外担心他在家里都说中文,去了daycare不懂老师的话。但后来实践证明,我的担心是多余的。我甚至担心老师叫他的英文名字,他不知道是他。因为我们家里从来不叫他的英文名字。其实担心都是多余。他很快就知道了他的英文名字。他已经学会了一些英文,跟我们沟通也没有问题。而且老师说他还会告状,具体是用的啥语言咱就不知道了,不过意思表达了出来,老师也明白了。他也听的懂老师的话。daycare里面安装有webcam,可以随时看到他的情况。做家长的也不会担心。在幼儿园另一个好处就是学会跟小朋友分享玩具。我们跟其他同龄的没有上daycare的小朋友比较起来,还是愿意与其他小朋友分享的。唯一要有思想准备的是,刚开始去daycare的那一个冬天,恨不得天天感冒。不过很快就好了!
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题恩。同意。我家宝宝18个月的时候送的group daycare。每周两次。我开始也担心他语言上混淆,尤其是刚刚学话的时候,另外担心他在家里都说中文,去了daycare不懂老师的话。但后来实践证明,我的担心是多余的。我甚至担心老师叫他的英文名字,他不知道是他。因为我们家里从来不叫他的英文名字。其实担心都是多余。他很快就知道了他的英文名字。他已经学会了一些英文,跟我们沟通也没有问题。而且老师说他还会告状,具体是用的啥语言咱就不知道了,不过意思表达了出来,老师也明白了。他也听的懂老师的话。daycare里面安装有webcam,可以随时看到他的情况。做家长的也不会担心。在幼儿园另一个好处就是学会跟小朋友分享玩具。我们跟其他同龄的没有上daycare的小朋友比较起来,还是愿意与其他小朋友分享的。唯一要有思想准备的是,刚开始去daycare的那一个冬天,恨不得天天感冒。不过很快就好了!点击展开...我呃彦的?有webcam,只是真胗?檫樵你可以去看。是group 的,所以我不想送去。
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题You're welcome Selina. I am glad you find it helpful.
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题恩。同意。我家宝宝18个月的时候送的group daycare。每周两次。我开始也担心他语言上混淆,尤其是刚刚学话的时候,另外担心他在家里都说中文,去了daycare不懂老师的话。但后来实践证明,我的担心是多余的。我甚至担心老师叫他的英文名字,他不知道是他。因为我们家里从来不叫他的英文名字。其实担心都是多余。他很快就知道了他的英文名字。他已经学会了一些英文,跟我们沟通也没有问题。而且老师说他还会告状,具体是用的啥语言咱就不知道了,不过意思表达了出来,老师也明白了。他也听的懂老师的话。 daycare里面安装有webcam,可以随时看到他的情况。做家长的也不会担心。 在幼儿园另一个好处就是学会跟小朋友分享玩具。我们跟其他同龄的没有上daycare的小朋友比较起来,还是愿意与其他小朋友分享的。 唯一要有思想准备的是,刚开始去daycare的那一个冬天,恨不得天天感冒。不过很快就好了!点击展开...With webcam? Where is this daycare around please? I'd love to see my baby whenever I'd like to.
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题With webcam? Where is this daycare around please? I'd love to see my baby whenever I'd like to.点击展开...恩,我家上的是Coquitlam的BrightStart: http://www.brightstart.ca/有webcam,密码登陆,家长只能看到你自己孩子的那班,还有室外活动场地。真的很放心。我原来担心他自己不会吃饭,要家长喂,但是从监视器里面看到,他在daycare自己吃的很好。睡觉也很好。玩儿的也很好,表现比在家里好多了,真的很放心。刚刚送去的时候,不停的看,后来就放心了,看的也没有那么多了。呵呵。
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题恩。同意。我家宝宝18个月的时候送的group daycare。每周两次。我开始也担心他语言上混淆,尤其是刚刚学话的时候,另外担心他在家里都说中文,去了daycare不懂老师的话。但后来实践证明,我的担心是多余的。我甚至担心老师叫他的英文名字,他不知道是他。因为我们家里从来不叫他的英文名字。其实担心都是多余。他很快就知道了他的英文名字。他已经学会了一些英文,跟我们沟通也没有问题。而且老师说他还会告状,具体是用的啥语言咱就不知道了,不过意思表达了出来,老师也明白了。他也听的懂老师的话。daycare里面安装有webcam,可以随时看到他的情况。做家长的也不会担心。在幼儿园另一个好处就是学会跟小朋友分享玩具。我们跟其他同龄的没有上daycare的小朋友比较起来,还是愿意与其他小朋友分享的。唯一要有思想准备的是,刚开始去daycare的那一个冬天,恨不得天天感冒。不过很快就好了!点击展开...谢谢分享经验!所有的daycare都会有webcam么?我在温哥华这边,听说daycare很难排?你是宝宝多大的时候去排的啊?
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题恩,我家上的是Coquitlam的BrightStart: http://www.brightstart.ca/ 有webcam,密码登陆,家长只能看到你自己孩子的那班,还有室外活动场地。真的很放心。我原来担心他自己不会吃饭,要家长喂,但是从监视器里面看到,他在daycare自己吃的很好。睡觉也很好。玩儿的也很好,表现比在家里好多了,真的很放心。刚刚送去的时候,不停的看,后来就放心了,看的也没有那么多了。呵呵。点击展开...Thanks. I wish we had such daycares in Richmond.
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题恩,我家上的是Coquitlam的BrightStart: http://www.brightstart.ca/有webcam,密码登陆,家长只能看到你自己孩子的那班,还有室外活动场地。真的很放心。我原来担心他自己不会吃饭,要家长喂,但是从监视器里面看到,他在daycare自己吃的很好。睡觉也很好。玩儿的也很好,表现比在家里好多了,真的很放心。刚刚送去的时候,不停的看,后来就放心了,看的也没有那么多了。呵呵。点击展开...我在高倨林不哞,收偻?何?
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题我在高倨林不哞,收偻?何?点击展开...孩子大小不同,送的天数不一样,收费都不一样。你自己参考你的情况,这个是他们的收费表格:http://www.brightstart.ca/fees.php
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题孩子大小不同,送的天数不一样,收费都不一样。你自己参考你的情况,这个是他们的收费表格:http://www.brightstart.ca/fees.php点击展开...?查了咀站,著著!
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题我排了一年半了,都没有排到DAYCARE。这家GROUP跟我说干脆上PRESCHOOL吧! 问一下妈妈们,知道哪家PRESCHOOL好一些吗?我住温哥华
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题请问大家知道richmond 哪家daycare 比较好吗?
回复: 请教小宝daycare及英语学习问题我有一个朋友在RICHMOND新开的DAYCARE,我自己觉得很好,设施很多全新的!团长人也很好,很职业的。不知道位置合适你不?你可以去看下!6047270190
清风拂面之收获请问大家知道richmond 哪家daycare 比较好吗?点击展开...There is a daycare called Angel's Home. It's a family daycare and they provide 3 meals a day from 7:30am to 5:30pm. It's located at No. 3 Road and William and Steveston. They charge less than $900/month. Let me know if you are interested.
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