加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大生育险问题
回复: 加拿大生育险问题应该不用,你应该也有太阳卡。点击展开...太阳卡是什么卡
I must be strong and carry on!回复: 加拿大生育险问题你老公不知道吗?他周围没有同学同事朋友这样过?前提是你老公有OHIP(安省的,其他省我不知),你来加落地3个月后也可以办OHIP,(你老公的OHIP可以COVER你和小孩的,只要他有,你也可以办)你有了OHIP,产检和生孩子费用都免费了,政府给你掏钱,赶紧来吧,呵呵
回复: 加拿大生育险问题你老公不知道吗?他周围没有同学同事朋友这样过?前提是你老公有OHIP(安省的,其他省我不知),你来加落地3个月后也可以办OHIP,(你老公的OHIP可以COVER你和小孩的,只要他有,你也可以办)你有了OHIP,产检和生孩子费用都免费了,政府给你掏钱,赶紧来吧,呵呵点击展开...这不一定都有保险,看学校和经费来源不同而不同。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard大家好!如果老公在加做博士后,妻子到加国陪读,之后怀孕,生孩子的费用自己承担吗?还是有什么保险可以抵消一部分?谢谢!点击展开...哪个省?
回复: 加拿大生育险问题多伦多市
回复: 加拿大生育险问题http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/ohip/eligibility.html you are the spouse, same sex partner, or dependent child (under 22 years old or 22 years and over if dependent due to a mental or physical disability) of an OHIP-eligible foreign worker or an OHIP-eligible foreign clergy member; http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/ohip/temp_foreign_workers.html Family members of OHIP-eligible temporary foreign workers may be eligible for OHIP coverage (this includes family members of OHIP-eligible open work permit holders and OHIP-eligible closed work permit holders) provided they are legally entitled to stay in Canada. Family members must provide the following : OHIP-eligible Foreign Worker’s Work Permitand one of the following:The eligible foreign worker’s Canadian Immigration document identifying the accompanying family member(s); orThe individual family member’s immigration document as issued by CIC; orFamily member’s passport with an admission stamp cross-referenced to the foreign worker’s work permit.
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