加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!
初步计划让小孩9月份独自一人去多伦多念9年纪,有几个问题想向各位前辈请教:1、Bayview、Pierre Elliott Trudeau、Unionville三所高中一般留学生是否根本申请不到学位?2、Richmond Hill、Bur Oak、Markham、Markville 这四所学校哪所相对更好?3、Bur Oak中学好像成立时间不长,有没有对这个学校比较详细的介绍?4、有没有比较的好的西人家庭可以homestay的麻烦帮忙介绍一下,十分感激!
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!初步计划让小孩9月份独自一人去多伦多念9年纪,有几个问题想向各位前辈请教:1、Bayview、Pierre Elliott Trudeau、Unionville三所高中一般留学生是否根本申请不到学位?这几个都是比较热点学校,留学生申请学习位置不容易,至少半年提前,还要这里有人给你办理。 2、Richmond Hill、Bur Oak、Markham、Markville 这四所学校哪所相对更好?也不错。 3、Bur Oak中学好像成立时间不长,有没有对这个学校比较详细的介绍?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bur_Oak_Secondary_SchoolBur Oak Secondary School (BOSS) is a public secondary school in Markham, Ontario, Canada established in 2007, and is part of the York Region District School Board.[2] The school was named after the road which it is built on. Bur Oak had 1004 students as of September 2009.[3]BOSS offers a four-year Core French program, which, unlike other French programs in the board, has an intensive focus on French culture and history, in addition to grammar and structure. BOSS has several councils such as Athletics Council, Global Action Council, Community Council, Music Council, Business Council, and Events Council. BOSS also offers numerous clubs such as Announcement Team, Badminton Club, FOCUS!, Improv Team, White Pine Readers, and Zero Footprint.Bur Oak Secondary School opened in September 2007 with only two grades (9 & 10). The school now has 4 grades (9-12). B.O.S.S. held its “Official Opening” ceremony on Thursday, May 1st, 2008 followed by an open house. The school's official colours consist of royal blue, gold, white, and black. Bur Oak's mascot is the bulldog, hence the representative name for teams, the "Bur Oak Bulldogs".At its semiannual awards ceremony (one each semester), the school recognizes the academic achievement of students with the following awards:1.) Honour Roll: These recipients have earned an overall average of at least 80%.2.) Subject Award: These recipients have shown initiative in a specific course. However, unlike the vast majority of schools that give the award to the student earning the highest mark and the strongest performance, BOSS merely requires a mark of at least 75%.3.) Principal's Award: This highly regarded and competitive award is given to the three students earning the highest academic average in each grade 4、有没有比较的好的西人家庭可以homestay的麻烦帮忙介绍一下,十分感激! 这么小的孩子独自一人恐怕在西人家会遭罪。除非,在小镇。
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind......回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!您知道Agincourt Collegiate Institute (离我家走路七八分钟;)一所老学校,曾经在多伦多排名第五。我先生是学校老师,已经从教二十多年。Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute(离我家开车七八分钟。)Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute 理科非常出名,有几位进了常青藤。
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!初步计划让小孩9月份独自一人去多伦多念9年纪,有几个问题想向各位前辈请教:1、Bayview、Pierre Elliott Trudeau、Unionville三所高中一般留学生是否根本申请不到学位?这几个都是比较热点学校,留学生申请学习位置不容易,至少半年提前,还要这里有人给你办理。 2、Richmond Hill、Bur Oak、Markham、Markville 这四所学校哪所相对更好?也不错。3、Bur Oak中学好像成立时间不长,有没有对这个学校比较详细的介绍?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bur_Oak_Secondary_School Bur Oak Secondary School (BOSS) is a public secondary school in Markham, Ontario, Canada established in 2007, and is part of the York Region District School Board.[2] The school was named after the road which it is built on. Bur Oak had 1004 students as of September 2009.[3]BOSS offers a four-year Core French program, which, unlike other French programs in the board, has an intensive focus on French culture and history, in addition to grammar and structure. BOSS has several councils such as Athletics Council, Global Action Council, Community Council, Music Council, Business Council, and Events Council. BOSS also offers numerous clubs such as Announcement Team, Badminton Club, FOCUS!, Improv Team, White Pine Readers, and Zero Footprint.Bur Oak Secondary School opened in September 2007 with only two grades (9 & 10). The school now has 4 grades (9-12). B.O.S.S. held its “Official Opening” ceremony on Thursday, May 1st, 2008 followed by an open house. The school's official colours consist of royal blue, gold, white, and black. Bur Oak's mascot is the bulldog, hence the representative name for teams, the "Bur Oak Bulldogs".At its semiannual awards ceremony (one each semester), the school recognizes the academic achievement of students with the following awards:1.) Honour Roll: These recipients have earned an overall average of at least 80%.2.) Subject Award: These recipients have shown initiative in a specific course. However, unlike the vast majority of schools that give the award to the student earning the highest mark and the strongest performance, BOSS merely requires a mark of at least 75%.3.) Principal's Award: This highly regarded and competitive award is given to the three students earning the highest academic average in each grade4、有没有比较的好的西人家庭可以homestay的麻烦帮忙介绍一下,十分感激! 这么小的孩子独自一人恐怕在西人家会遭罪。除非,在小镇。点击展开... 非常非常感谢,给出了很详细的答案,您真是一位热心人
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!您知道Agincourt Collegiate Institute (离我家走路七八分钟;)一所老学校,曾经在多伦多排名第五。我先生是学校老师,已经从教二十多年。Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute(离我家开车七八分钟。)Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute 理科非常出名,有几位进了常青藤。点击展开... 这两所学校我还不是特别了解,我再上网查查资料,anyway ,非常感谢您的指点,有机会到您那里参观
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!另外还有个问题,上述学校里,是否有以法语为主的?我希望让孩子进一所以英语教学为主的学校
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!呵呵,都是英语的学校
Youth is not a time of life. It is a state of mind......回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!mark
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!这么小的孩子,独自来加拿大读高中,也就是对语言要求最难的高中,家长有没有想过,这样做,孩子是否能适应?
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!您知道Agincourt Collegiate Institute (离我家走路七八分钟;)一所老学校,曾经在多伦多排名第五。我先生是学校老师,已经从教二十多年。Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute(离我家开车七八分钟。)Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute 理科非常出名,有几位进了常青藤。点击展开...mark下,都在士嘉宝吧?
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!你可试一下RICHMOND GREEN中学,我看见不少韩裔留学生在那儿,但教学质量如何就不知了,在安省排名约19吧。关于孩子HOMESTAY,你可看看艾米娃娃的帖子,大人都应付不了那些难缠的主儿,何况一个孩子?西人也不是个个NICE,大都也奔着钱去的,而且他们把有些事情分得很清,以至于让人觉得不近人情,孩子在这个年龄阶段被迫独立很容易向大人期望的相反方向发展。慎重。
回复: 新人求助,感谢帮忙!!!麦当劳高中也不错,就在我家附近,我家homestay也行,现在有一学生
·生活百科 5年的历程
·生活百科 Tindo 太阳能电池板和系统,值得吗?