加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月
RT以前我不知道,后来朋友说了,我看官网,在一个枝页的网页上看到说明了. 和大家求证一下.
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?没人回答么?我搜中文网页还真没搜到这个说明.但是官网是这么说的:http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/citizens/health-insurance/healthcare/Pages/medical-services.aspxHealthcare received during the waiting periodPending receipt of your card, be sure to keep the letter indicating that you are subject to a waiting period, because some healthcare services are available free of charge to persons waiting for their coverage to take effect, such as services:...related to pregnancy, child birth or termination of pregnancy;...
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗? you'll get the reimbursement of related expenseshttp://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrants-foreign-workers-students/health-insurance/pages/healthcare-covered.aspxHealthcare received during the waiting period Generally speaking, if you arrive in Québec from outside Canada, even if you are a Canadian citizen, you will be eligible for the Québec Health Insurance Plan after a waiting period of up to 3 months following your registration. The Régie does not reimburse you for healthcare you receive during the waiting period. To save you from having to pay for any healthcare services that you or your family members may need, the Régie strongly recommends that you take out private insurance within 5 days following your arrival in Québec. Thereafter, coverage is more difficult to obtain. For information about private insurance, contact the OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI). Pending receipt of your card, be sure to keep the letter indicating that you are subject to a waiting period. This is because, given the situation, some healthcare services may be available free of charge to persons waiting for their coverage to take effect, for instance, services such as those:- needed by victims of conjugal or domestic violence or of sexual assault;- related to pregnancy, child birth or termination of pregnancy;- needed by people suffering from infectious diseases that have an impact on public health.点击展开...
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗? you'll get the reimbursement of related expenses点击展开...Thanks. Is it paid by self first and reimburse? Or just show the document and they will charge to the government?
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。没人回答么?我搜中文网页还真没搜到这个说明. 但是官网是这么说的: http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/citizens/health-insurance/healthcare/Pages/medical-services.aspx Healthcare received during the waiting period Pending receipt of your card, be sure to keep the letter indicating that you are subject to a waiting period, because some healthcare services are available free of charge to persons waiting for their coverage to take effect, such as services: ...related to pregnancy, child birth or termination of pregnancy;...点击展开...我上你说的网站看了一下,提到在等待太阳卡期间,与妊娠、生产和中止妊娠相关的服务是免费提供的。
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?我们也在等dm和visa,4月体检,6月怀孕,可能要到34周左右登陆2013年1月),之前看了N多蒙城生产的贴子,可以确定生孩子不受健康卡控制,直接去医院生,不要钱。
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?我们也在等dm和visa,4月体检,6月怀孕,可能要到34周左右登陆2013年1月),之前看了N多蒙城生产的贴子,可以确定生孩子不受健康卡控制,直接去医院生,不要钱。点击展开...谢谢楼上。34周上飞机有点晚啊,要医院证明适合坐飞机的。你有没有催vo?
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。谢谢楼上。34周上飞机有点晚啊,要医院证明适合坐飞机的。你有没有催vo?点击展开...一周催一次,但是好像没用,加航36周前都不需要证明,我已经问过,国航32-35周要证明。
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?联邦的移民直接到蒙城也可以吗?
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?雯雯妈,已经生了吗
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?亲身证明,一切全免费。
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?亲身证明,一切全免费。点击展开...就是说您是到了蒙城以后所有与生孩子有关的费用都是免费的吗,或都先垫上,等医疗卡下来后又返回帐户了?我朋友四个月会去,也有许多的担心。
回复: 魁北克省登陆,孕妇产检,生孩子的医疗没有三个月等候期 是吗?就是说您是到了蒙城以后所有与生孩子有关的费用都是免费的吗,或都先垫上,等医疗卡下来后又返回帐户了?我朋友四个月会去,也有许多的担心。点击展开...是的,与生孩子相关的费用都免费,不用垫。 注意登陆之后尽快找居住证明(暂住的房东宣誓证明信都可以),然后申请医疗卡,然后凭那封确认信就可以去诊所联系生孩子的医院了。
-2010/1/14妥投(0213)- 2013/1/25 Visa ! - 2013/2/17 登陆定居蒙城 - 2013/5 生老三 。。。 - 终于工作了。。。是的,与生孩子相关的费用都免费,不用垫。 注意登陆之后尽快找居住证明(暂住的房东宣誓证明信都可以),然后申请医疗卡,然后凭那封确认信就可以去诊所联系生孩子的医院了。点击展开...谢谢啦。祝你一切顺利!
·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖