加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教,大家觉得这样的幼儿园怎么样?


Our customized curriculum at our school focuses on the child and how best we can build the strongest possible foundation in their first 2000 days. We do not limit how our children learn by offering Montessori or Regio Emilia or an emergent curriculum. We combine the best of all teaching styles and use what works for the children. We are also constantly researching new and exciting techniques to make sure our children's time is fun AND educational.The foundation of our program is a tried and true curriculum that has been studied for over 40 years. Using adult-child interactions that have our teachers work alongside the students to encourage learning. Our classrooms are divided into interest areas and stocked with materials to stimulate your child. The daily routine is an important part of our curriculum to give the children structure and learning opportunities.Our teachers take a mandatory extra year of training and education so they can be the very best teachers in our method. Using active participatory learning they get down to your child’s level and are truly hands on to help guide our students in a fun day of learning.Our program would not be complete and whole without the arts. We are strong advocates of using the arts to learn. Dance, painting, yoga, pottery, physical education, gardening, and so much more. Our curriculum values the arts as much as the academics and many times blending the two in a seamless way.we believe that all programs, methods and philosophies have great things to add to a child’s life. That is why we do not limit ourselves to our curriculum, Montessori or any other method. We take the very best and use them to make sure that our students get the most out of their time here and their first 2000 days.The balance of our curriculum is a keystone to a healthy, happy student.We teach the following subjects at our pre-kindergarten school:Reading - Reading is a very important aspect of a child's development. At our school we use the Jollyphonics method to teach reading. With this we us Kindermusikas a fun and interactive way to enhance our children's literacy skills. This is a proven, effective and fun way to learn reading. Find out more by clicking on the links in this paragraph.Writing - As with reading we use Jollyphonics as the core of our reading program. Proven again and again to increase writing in children at a very young age. We also use art to help children build their dexterity. A few examples of this is finger painting for the young ones, sand paper letters and even picking up ants with tweezers.Math - Montessori math is the mechanism we use to help teach math to all our students. But at the same time math is all around us. Even if you do not like math you use math daily. We know this and show the children how fun it can be! Math can be found everywhere and anywhere. Having fun with math and not making it work goes a long way to teaching children the 1, 2, 3's.Social Studies - The world is becoming smaller and more open. Knowing what is outside, not just your door step but the door step of someone 3000 kms away is essential. Our Community Kids program shows children that there are many people in the world and we need to respect them all and help them all.Creative Arts - Whether it is a Picasso, Monet or a finger painting by your little one; art is loved by all. Playing with clay or making a sculpture out of boxes and paper are both fun art activities that are great teaching moments. The lessons art teaches your child are numerous. The fun it can bring is priceless.Language Arts – Children in the first 2000 days are like a sponge. They cannot learn enough and this is the perfect time to teach them Spanish, French, Cantonese and more. That is why we teach them the basic premise of 5 languages so in the future if they choose one or ten to study it will come that much easier.Yoga - Children like adults get stressed and work better when relaxed. Yoga does this in a fun and active way. We have professional Yoga instructors come to our school and teach children how fund and relaxing Yoga can be.Music - Brain development needs music. It is an outlet for emotions, helps with imagination and an amazing tool for teaching. Kindermusik is just one amazing way we teach music and also literacy.Dance - Life cannot be all books and pencils. Dance is or should be a large part of life. Not only is it fun but it teaches many social lessons.Physical Education - Hockey, soccer, football, basketball, cricket and lacrosse are all taught at our school. Their gross motor skills are being developed and they learn the basics of these very popular sports. And coming soon Playball will be teaching at our school for no extra cost.

https://boereport.com/ 2015-01-13#2 STILLWELL 8,173 $0.00 Full Day Program For Ages 1-5Fully Accredited CentreSmall Class Sizes And RatiosTeachers With An Additional Year Of Training And Continual EducationBalanced Curriculum That Values The Arts (Creative arts, Yoga, Dance, Music) Just As Much As Core Subjects (Reading, Writing, Math and More)State Of The Art Facility That Is Professionally Maintained3 Nutritious Meals Made By Our In House Chef, Vegetarian Option Available5600 square foot standalone building all on one level. No stairs or other business in the way.2100+ sqft Of attached And Secure Outdoor SpaceCentral Location Minimizes Transit Time, Spend More Time With Your Little OneParents Always Welcome To Visit, Play And Watch Your Children Grow At Our SchoolFamily Run And Family Oriented. We Are Much More Than A Daycare Or Pre-school, We Are Your Second FamilyThe foundation of our program is a tried and true curriculum that has been studied for over 40 years. Using active participatory learning this research based and child focused curriculum yields positive and impressive results. Our belief is that all philosophies and methods have great potential and that gives us freedom to improve our curriculum as needed. Such as adding Montessori games and methods to our already rich and effective curriculum.The arts are implemented throughout the day as we believe that this is an important aspect of a child's growth and development. From learning about Rembrandt, finding their chakra in yoga, painting an amazing canvas, working with clay or making a guitar out of a tissue box. Our school combines academics and the arts with outstanding results that give your child an amazing first 2000 days.We are much more than a Calgary daycare or full day preschool. We are a full school with the some of the best teachers and teaching methods. Children graduate to the next class, have teachers that get extra education and learn in unique classrooms. Even though we are a full day early learning school the children have plenty of time to play, have fun and discover who they are.

https://boereport.com/ 2015-01-13#3 D 391 $0.00 看上去不错,不过daycare还是要visit几次,看看老师怎么对待孩子。硬件如何都是其次,老师好不好是唯一。

dyxh366 说:看上去不错,不过daycare还是要visit几次,看看老师怎么对待孩子。硬件如何都是其次,老师好不好是唯一。点击展开...这周有空去看一下。私人的,家庭开的幼儿园,租的商业建筑,雇了些员工。包三餐。夏天也不放假。一周5天,早上7:30-17:30 费用:2900多刀/月也有一周2天和一周3天的。刚又找了家双语的学校(从preschool 到12年级)幼儿园期间基本全法语授课,也是私立的,幼儿园的费用一年1万2-1万3,还有七七八八的费用。自带饭,有暑假。下周有open house.

https://boereport.com/ 2015-01-13#5 S 899 $0.00 觉得k-G12的好,规范。家庭的缺少监督和动力。广告是说的,想怎么说多行。其实要看实际做的怎样。所以你要在不同的时间多参观几次学校,了解他们真正的运作情况。

shenzhenren 说:觉得k-G12的好,规范。家庭的缺少监督和动力。广告是说的,想怎么说多行。其实要看实际做的怎样。所以你要在不同的时间多参观几次学校,了解他们真正的运作情况。点击展开...家庭幼儿园的图片看起来不错,还有家长写了review说是卡城最好的之一。比我在看到的小区社区幼儿园好多了。我后来又想了一下,说什么教几种语言都是收钱的噱头。后来算下来一年学费要3万5。我们现在去的playschool是属于市政府的,和健身房游泳池在一起,口碑也不错,半天的,但是没有音乐和球类的活动。不过可以报健身房的各类运动项目。我是想在3-6岁上全法语教学的幼儿园,一年级后去公办法语immersion小学中学。如果他们喜欢那个私立法语学校,如果以后也付得起学费的话上到12年纪也可以。

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