加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息孩子学校染虱子 查点解决办法资料共享


孩子学校发信说学校里发现虱子:Dear ParenVGuardian: A case of pediculosis (head lice) has been identified in your child's classroom. This is not a cause for alarm. Pediculosis is not considered a health problem because it is not a carrier of a communicable disease. However, head lice multiply quickly and can spread from person to person easily. lt is not associated with age, sex, race, social class or hygiene. Anyone can get lice. Therefore to prevent its spread, we request that you be alert for pediculosis in your family. Watch for persistent itching and scratching of the scalp and examine the hair of allfamily members. Head lice are tiny wingless insects with flattened bodies. They are about 1/8 inch long and can take on the colour of the hair to whicb they are attached. As a result, they are very difficult to see. More easily seen are the eggs or nits. Nits are oval shaped, silvery, yellowish white, and often mistaken for dandruff. They often lie very close to the scalp especially behind the ears and at the nape of the neck and are firmly attached to the hair shaft. lf pediculosis is identified, then information regarding treatment can be obtained from your pharmacist, family doctor or the Peel Health Department. Please notify the school if you discover an infestation. Lice combs are available from the office at a cost of $4.00. Even if pediculosis is not found at this time, it is recommended that you continue to inspect your family's hair weekly. Other means of prevention include: t encouraging children to keep their hats and scarves inside coat pockets and sleeves . discouraging children from sharing combs, brushes, hats, scarves or hair accessories . tying long hairin ponytails or braids Your cooperation is an important part of the efforts being made to completely control the spread of pediculosis in our school. Thank you. Sincerely, 我们开始也不在意,结果两天后发现孩子腿上被咬了十余个小红点,而且晚上有新增的,于是全家动员打虱子歼灭战一周,衣物被褥统统清洗,每天孩子放学进门先脱衣服再洗澡换衣服后才行,其后一两个月不知道是我们的方法奏效还是学校里面也没有了,反正孩子不被咬了,最终我们搬家换个了学校。当时看绝望的主妇里面有有两集是讲学校里面头虱的,觉得现实生活不大可能发生的,结果自己经历了一回。听起来自己都觉得奇怪bed bug 和 head lice 有区别吗?我贴了消除bed bug的文档



楼主是哪个市? 哪个学校, 小学还是中学, 是私校还是公校?英语有这个彦语:if you sleep with dogs, you wake up wtih fleas! 这是直译, 意译是近墨者黑。估计是那些穷不啦叽的阿三或难民家的小孩带到学校的, 他们不换衣不洗澡还养狗养猫脏兮兮的。虱子要开水烫,臭虫就完蛋了, 换学校搬家。。。。

一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]楼主是哪个市? 哪个学校, 小学还是中学, 是私校还是公校?if you sleep with dog, you wake up wtih flea!估计是那些穷不啦叽的阿三或难民家的小孩带到学校的, 他们不换衣不洗澡还养狗养猫脏兮兮的。虱子要开水烫,臭虫就完蛋了, 换学校搬家。。。。点击展开...马版这种有钱人果然字里行间处处透着高端大气上档次,佩服佩服

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