加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT数码及移动互联 - 求救,下面我该怎么办


本人新移民,习惯了下载美剧,结果收到这个,这里我先认个错,以后不下载了,请喷子绕绕路。只是想问问会开庭吗,我应该做啥,有前辈收到过类似的邮件吗,最后结果是如何?Electronic Box has received a notice from a copyright holder who is reporting a violation which was allegedly performed through our network. The copyright holder has identified the IP address and the time at which these events occurred. The information was then passed on to Electronic Box. Our systems indicate that the IP address provided in this report was associated with your account at this precise time. We are legally required to send out this notice due to the new Copyright Act that took effect on January 1, 2015.→ You can view the original and unedited copy of the report filed by the copyright holder at the end of this message.What does this notice mean and what information should I know?According to our privacy policy, your name and your personal information have not been revealed to the copyright holder. Your personal information can only be revealed to a third party if a court ordered warrant is issued by a court who holds jurisdiction over the matter, which has not occurred in your situation.Electronic Box does not track your Internet history nor do we collect information about you. We only keep your IP address and your usage on file for billing purposes. This notice was transmitted to us by a copyright holder or an agent on behalf of them, and we are legally obliged to inform you of such notice. Electronic Box does not in any way monitor your online activity.We are only sending this notice as a third party. Protecting your privacy is very important to us. We are not able to track or identify your Internet browsing and search history. Following this notice, we are legally required to save your IP address, as well as the date and time of the alleged violation, for a period of six months. This applies whether the account is currently with us or has been closed. If a situation arises where the copyright holder decides to file a suit against you in a court of law, Electronic Box may be required to keep your IP address, and the date and time of the alleged violation, for a longer period time.How can a copyright holder know my IP address?Copyright holders aim to protect the work of authors. It is not uncommon that computers are set up which are designed to exchange files over the Internet with other users. When you or another individual using your network downloads or shares files, your IP address becomes visible in order to initiate the transfer. They are then able to log the time, the IP address, and the name of the file in question. A letter is then sent to the Internet Service Provider (also referred to as the “ISP”) associated to that IP address informing them of the copyright violation. According to the Copyright Act, this notice must now be transmitted to our clients as of January 1, 2015.Can Electronic Box be penalized if they do not send out this notice?According to the Copyright Act, we can be fined between $5 and $10,000 if we do not send out this notice. Please understand that as a result, we are legally obliged to send this out to you.Is there any possibility that I could receive a fine?As long as the copyright holder does not take legal action against you, no fine can be issued. If the copyright holder decides to take legal action, we will take all necessary actions in order to advise you of such.In Canada, according to the Copyright Act, an individual found guilty of a copyright violation can be fined up to $5,000. A company found guilty of such can be fined between $500 and $20,000.How can I obtain more information on the matter, and what can I do?Electronic Box cannot provide you with legal advice regarding the matter. A lawyer specialized in online laws could provide you with more information. If your IP address is eventually pursued in a court of law, we will send you an email providing you with all of the information that we have. Only a court who holds jurisdiction over the matter can force us to reveal your personal details.I don't understand what is going on, was my account hacked?We strongly suggest that you secure your wireless network and that you regularly change the password in order to avoid unauthorized use of your connection. We also recommend that you install an anti-virus program, and that you scan your computer to make sure that it is not infected. We advise that you inform any other user that may be using the connection to follow those same steps. Finally, please regularly check your Internet usage on our new usage counter, available on the Support section on our website, to ensure that there is no unusual usage associated with your connection.What was Electronic Box's position regarding copyright violations before January 1, 2015?Electronic Box did not participate in the copyright violation notification system. You have therefore never received any notice regarding these matters on our behalf. Our clients' personal information has never been revealed to any third party except in cases where a court ordered warrant has been issued by one who holds jurisdiction over the matter.We do not keep any notices received before 2015. These notices will therefore not be sent to our clients.Does it cost anything to send out this notice and who has to pay the fee?The Copyright Act authorizes Minister of Industry to set a fee for transmitting copyright violation notices. Currently, it does not cost anything to send out this notice, as no fee has yet been imposed.How many complaints do you receive of this nature?We may receive tens of thousands of complaints of this nature on a monthly basis. Our systems are designed specifically to send out these notices while ensuring that our clients' privacy is protected.Where can I obtain a copy of the Copyright Act?http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/Index.htmlhttp://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca02920.htmlThe amounts listed in the original message do not correspond with those listed in the current laws in Canada.Electronic Box only acts as a third party when sending the original message. In the United States of America, under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the penalties for copyright violations vary from those of Canada, and are generally higher. It is possible that the message has been sent out by American copyright holders, and that a Canadian version was not available. Electronic Box is legally obliged to send you the original unedited message received below. Since we are required to forward the original and unedited message, we cannot be held responsible for it's conformity with laws in your province and precisely regarding language laws.Beginning of the original and unedited message.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA1Dear Sir/Madam and/or Sir/Madam Subscriber,We are writing this message on behalf of HOME BOX OFFICE, INC. ("HBO"), with physical offices located at 1100 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, United States (Attention: Director of Anti-Piracy).We have received information leading us to believe that an individual has utilized the IP address xxx.xx.xxx.xx at the noted date and time below to host and/or facilitate the downloading and/or streaming of content (listed below) in which HBO is the copyright owner of such content (the "HBO Properties"). No one is authorized to exhibit, reproduce, transmit, or otherwise distribute HBO Properties without the express written permission of HBO, and the unauthorized distribution of HBO Properties constitutes copyright infringement. This conduct may also violate other laws, international law, and/or treaty obligations.The title in question is: BansheeAs the owner of and/or subscriber using the IP address, HBO requests that you immediately take steps to prevent further downloading or uploading of HBO content without authorization.We have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law, and we are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.This letter is not a complete statement of HBO's rights in connection with this matter, and nothing contained herein constitutes an express or implied wavier of any rights or remedies of HBO in connection with this matter, all of which are expressly reserved.We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Your prompt response is requested.Any further enquiries can be directed to [email protected]. Please include this message with your enquiry to ensure a quick response.Respectfully,Adrian LeatherlandCEOIP-EchelonEmail: [email protected]: 6715 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, 90028, United States- ------------- Infringement Details ----------------------------------Title: BansheeTimestamp: 2015-04-13T18:51:05ZIP Address: xxx.xx.xxx.xxPort: 49198Type: BitTorrentTorrent Hash: 4d91df9e066f5bb4156d55a608d7e46296f1c3dcFilename: Banshee.S03E05.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[rarbg]Filesize: 1151 MB- ---------------------------------------------------------------------



赞反馈:一条路, hopeandwish67 和 八宝大辣酱面 2015-04-15#4 盗 194 $0.00 自宫了哦也,是为了抵御毛片的诱惑吗


游客 2015-04-15#6 K 625 $0.00 只是一个警告而已,不再下载HBO的视频就该没事了。

2015-04-15#7 多伦多小街坊
1,455 $0.00 这信写得很清楚,暂时没有事情:Is there any possibility that I could receive a fine?As long as the copyright holder does not take legal action against you, no fine can be issued. If the copyright holder decides to take legal action, we will take all necessary actions in order to advise you of such. In Canada, according to the Copyright Act, an individual found guilty of a copyright violation can be fined up to $5,000. A company found guilty of such can be fined between $500 and $20,000.对方不起诉,屁事没有。如果对方起诉了,那么别人的个人意见也没有什么用,到时雇用律师让律师处理就好了。当然,发一封自己承认事实并求情的信会让事情恶化,并且请律师也没有转圜的余地。最后,请尊重别人的版权,花几块钱买东西,可以让别人有活路,出品更多作品,你也可以欣赏更多。

没得回头的事情就得及时放下。赞反馈:GUTU16079 2015-04-15#8 N 354 $0.00 关注

这信写得很清楚,暂时没有事情:Is there any possibility that I could receive a fine?As long as the copyright holder does not take legal action against you, no fine can be issued. If the copyright holder decides to take legal action, we will take all necessary actions in order to advise you of such. In Canada, according to the Copyright Act, an individual found guilty of a copyright violation can be fined up to $5,000. A company found guilty of such can be fined between $500 and $20,000.对方不起诉,屁事没有。如果对方起诉了,那么别人的个人意见也没有什么用,到时雇用律师让律师处理就好了。当然,发一封自己承认事实并求情的信会让事情恶化,并且请律师也没有转圜的余地。最后,请尊重别人的版权,花几块钱买东西,可以让别人有活路,出品更多作品,你也可以欣赏更多。点击展开...谢谢解答,那就是停止下载,啥也不做,安心等待了,希望他们太忙不来找我



花无人摘,酒无人劝赞反馈:Belge晓梦 2015-04-15#12 Chinada
付费矿工 698$(0.13$赞力,#46) 12,306 $0.31 $697.81 下载没关系,不要上传当种子

八宝大辣酱面 说:看banshee,忒没品了,猥琐男准备好罚款就行了点击展开...卧槽,你没看过你咋知道banshee是啥,我是听朋友说不错才下载的,还没看呢就来信了

盗版下载 说:卧槽,你没看过你咋知道banshee是啥,我是听朋友说不错才下载的,还没看呢就来信了点击展开...不值。现在权利的游戏第五季出来了

花无人摘,酒无人劝本人新移民,习惯了下载美剧,结果收到这个,这里我先认个错,以后不下载了,请喷子绕绕路。只是想问问会开庭吗,我应该做啥,有前辈收到过类似的邮件吗,最后结果是如何?Electronic Box has received a notice from a copyright holder who is reporting a violation which was allegedly performed through our network. The copyright holder has identified the IP address and the time at which these events occurred. The information was then passed on to Electronic Box. Our systems indicate that the IP address provided in this report was associated with your account at this precise time. We are legally required to send out this notice due to the new Copyright Act that took effect on January 1, 2015.→ You can view the original and unedited copy of the report filed by the copyright holder at the end of this message.What does this notice mean and what information should I know?According to our privacy policy, your name and your personal information have not been revealed to the copyright holder. Your personal information can only be revealed to a third party if a court ordered warrant is issued by a court who holds jurisdiction over the matter, which has not occurred in your situation.Electronic Box does not track your Internet history nor do we collect information about you. We only keep your IP address and your usage on file for billing purposes. This notice was transmitted to us by a copyright holder or an agent on behalf of them, and we are legally obliged to inform you of such notice. Electronic Box does not in any way monitor your online activity.We are only sending this notice as a third party. Protecting your privacy is very important to us. We are not able to track or identify your Internet browsing and search history. Following this notice, we are legally required to save your IP address, as well as the date and time of the alleged violation, for a period of six months. This applies whether the account is currently with us or has been closed. If a situation arises where the copyright holder decides to file a suit against you in a court of law, Electronic Box may be required to keep your IP address, and the date and time of the alleged violation, for a longer period time.How can a copyright holder know my IP address?Copyright holders aim to protect the work of authors. It is not uncommon that computers are set up which are designed to exchange files over the Internet with other users. When you or another individual using your network downloads or shares files, your IP address becomes visible in order to initiate the transfer. They are then able to log the time, the IP address, and the name of the file in question. A letter is then sent to the Internet Service Provider (also referred to as the “ISP”) associated to that IP address informing them of the copyright violation. According to the Copyright Act, this notice must now be transmitted to our clients as of January 1, 2015.Can Electronic Box be penalized if they do not send out this notice?According to the Copyright Act, we can be fined between $5 and $10,000 if we do not send out this notice. Please understand that as a result, we are legally obliged to send this out to you.Is there any possibility that I could receive a fine?As long as the copyright holder does not take legal action against you, no fine can be issued. If the copyright holder decides to take legal action, we will take all necessary actions in order to advise you of such.In Canada, according to the Copyright Act, an individual found guilty of a copyright violation can be fined up to $5,000. A company found guilty of such can be fined between $500 and $20,000.How can I obtain more information on the matter, and what can I do?Electronic Box cannot provide you with legal advice regarding the matter. A lawyer specialized in online laws could provide you with more information. If your IP address is eventually pursued in a court of law, we will send you an email providing you with all of the information that we have. Only a court who holds jurisdiction over the matter can force us to reveal your personal details.I don't understand what is going on, was my account hacked?We strongly suggest that you secure your wireless network and that you regularly change the password in order to avoid unauthorized use of your connection. We also recommend that you install an anti-virus program, and that you scan your computer to make sure that it is not infected. We advise that you inform any other user that may be using the connection to follow those same steps. Finally, please regularly check your Internet usage on our new usage counter, available on the Support section on our website, to ensure that there is no unusual usage associated with your connection.What was Electronic Box's position regarding copyright violations before January 1, 2015?Electronic Box did not participate in the copyright violation notification system. You have therefore never received any notice regarding these matters on our behalf. Our clients' personal information has never been revealed to any third party except in cases where a court ordered warrant has been issued by one who holds jurisdiction over the matter.We do not keep any notices received before 2015. These notices will therefore not be sent to our clients.Does it cost anything to send out this notice and who has to pay the fee?The Copyright Act authorizes Minister of Industry to set a fee for transmitting copyright violation notices. Currently, it does not cost anything to send out this notice, as no fee has yet been imposed.How many complaints do you receive of this nature?We may receive tens of thousands of complaints of this nature on a monthly basis. Our systems are designed specifically to send out these notices while ensuring that our clients' privacy is protected.Where can I obtain a copy of the Copyright Act?http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/Index.htmlhttp://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca02920.htmlThe amounts listed in the original message do not correspond with those listed in the current laws in Canada.Electronic Box only acts as a third party when sending the original message. In the United States of America, under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the penalties for copyright violations vary from those of Canada, and are generally higher. It is possible that the message has been sent out by American copyright holders, and that a Canadian version was not available. Electronic Box is legally obliged to send you the original unedited message received below. Since we are required to forward the original and unedited message, we cannot be held responsible for it's conformity with laws in your province and precisely regarding language laws.Beginning of the original and unedited message.-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Hash: SHA1Dear Sir/Madam and/or Sir/Madam Subscriber,We are writing this message on behalf of HOME BOX OFFICE, INC. ("HBO"), with physical offices located at 1100 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, United States (Attention: Director of Anti-Piracy).We have received information leading us to believe that an individual has utilized the IP address xxx.xx.xxx.xx at the noted date and time below to host and/or facilitate the downloading and/or streaming of content (listed below) in which HBO is the copyright owner of such content (the "HBO Properties"). No one is authorized to exhibit, reproduce, transmit, or otherwise distribute HBO Properties without the express written permission of HBO, and the unauthorized distribution of HBO Properties constitutes copyright infringement. This conduct may also violate other laws, international law, and/or treaty obligations.The title in question is: BansheeAs the owner of and/or subscriber using the IP address, HBO requests that you immediately take steps to prevent further downloading or uploading of HBO content without authorization.We have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law, and we are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.This letter is not a complete statement of HBO's rights in connection with this matter, and nothing contained herein constitutes an express or implied wavier of any rights or remedies of HBO in connection with this matter, all of which are expressly reserved.We appreciate your assistance and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Your prompt response is requested.Any further enquiries can be directed to [email protected]. Please include this message with your enquiry to ensure a quick response.Respectfully,Adrian LeatherlandCEOIP-EchelonEmail: [email protected]: 6715 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, 90028, United States- ------------- Infringement Details ----------------------------------Title: BansheeTimestamp: 2015-04-13T18:51:05ZIP Address: xxx.xx.xxx.xxPort: 49198Type: BitTorrentTorrent Hash: 4d91df9e066f5bb4156d55a608d7e46296f1c3dcFilename: Banshee.S03E05.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[rarbg]Filesize: 1151 MB- ---------------------------------------------------------------------点击展开...

Chinada 说:下载没关系,不要上传当种子点击展开...这个是确信是真的吗,我是用迅雷下载的,本来设定的下载结束自动关机,结果没关,一看自己上传了10g的数据,也许这个是主要原因?不过无论如何我也要潜了,理亏啊

zhangyu316 说:楼主用的是什么下载软件?迅雷还是utorrent?直接下载的种子还是用的磁力链接?点击展开...磁力连接下载的,ttmeiju大家都知道

盗版下载 说:这个是确信是真的吗,我是用迅雷下载的,本来设定的下载结束自动关机,结果没关,一看自己上传了10g的数据,也许这个是主要原因?不过无论如何我也要潜了,理亏啊点击展开...应该只是警告,目前看还没事,别吓唬自己了


盗版下载 说:磁力连接下载的,ttmeiju大家都知道点击展开...如果磁力链接也不行,那楼主以后就别直接下载了,去网盘下。

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·新西兰新闻 致两名投资者被骗近200万纽币 奥克兰61岁男子获洗钱罪名



华人网大家好: 我父母來了加拿大都已經十年啦,開始準備申請加拿大老人金。 本人對這項福利都還好迷茫,希望各位多多指教, 多謝!本人父母居住加拿大已經十年,過去十年,沒有工作 ...



华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



华人网今天送老公先回加拿大,从沈阳出发经首尔当天飞多伦多。 给老公买的是沈阳至首尔 大韩航空的 从首尔到多伦多 加拿大航空 行李在沈阳可以直挂到多伦多 给了两段航程的登机牌 行李 ...



华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...