加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[家长必看]5-8年级必读书单


[英美文学读书会]针对G5-G12备考SAT/ SSAT/ IELTS/ TOEFL学生或广大阅读爱好者,按年龄段推荐必读书单及文学作品详细解析。扩大词汇积累,夯实阅读基础,拓展思想深度,重塑写作结构。关注英美文学读书会,开始兴趣阅读与应试阅读的完美结合,实现精英教育名校梦。如下书单全部属于Teen Literature,题材有性格塑造,青春叛逆,种族问题,历史战争等,希望家长可以引导孩子选择不同题材读书,这样在扩展知识面和不同话题词汇量同时,也可以进行思想纬度延展[5-8年级必读书单]1. Hatchet – Gary Paulsen Genre – adventure/ fictionSynopsis – In this novel, thirteen-year-old Brian is flying on a bush plane when the pilot suddenly has a heart attack and dies. Brian manages to keep the plane level until it crashes into a lake. Brian survives the crash, but that is just the beginning. Brian must find a way to survive the wilds of the Canadian forest if he ever hopes to be rescued. Hatchet is an adventure story that will take its character from a common city boy to a survivalist in a manner of days. 2. The Adventure of Tom SawyerMark Twain Genre – adventure/ fictionSynopsis – The novel revolves around the youthful adventures of the story’s school boy protagonist, Thomas Sawyer, whose reputation precedes him for causing mischief and strife. 3. A Long Walk to Water – Park, Linda Sue Genre – historical fiction/ true storySynopsis: A Long Walk toWater, told in alternating sections, about a girl in Sudan in 2008 and a boy inSudan in 1985. The girl, Nya, becomes one of the “lost boys” of Sudan, refugees who cover the African continent on foot as they search for their families and for a safe place to stay. 4. A Wrinkle in TimeL’Engle, Madeline Genre – science fiction/ fantasySynopsis: Meg and Charles Wallace and Calvin O’Keefe search for Meg’s father, a scientist who disappeared while trying to solve the tesseract (wrinkle in time)problem. The story combines theology , fantasy, and science in a story of time and space travel and the power of good over evil. The value of a close, loving family is emphasized. 5. Baseball in AprilSoto, Gary Genre – autobiography/ memoirSynopsis—Eleven short stories portray the lives of Mexican American children in everyday situations – solving problems, dealing with friendships and disappointments, and being part of a family.6. Children of the Dust BowlStanley, Jerry Genre – narrative non-fictionSynopsis – The plight of Depression migrant workers, the prejudice against these new comers, their forced existence in the federal labor camp at Arvin,California, and the remarkable school superintendent who provided opportunities for the children and changed their lives. Primary source photographs document this uplifting story of an otherwise bleak chapter in California’s history. 7. CrashSpinelli, Jerry Genre – fictionSynopsis – Crash is an arrogant, athletic seventh grader with a jock mentality and a knack for putdowns. Things change when Crash’s grandfather comes to live with his family and suffers a severe stroke. 8. Feathers Woodson, Jacqueline Genre – historical fictionSynopsis – Set in 1971, this story centers on Frannie, who is in sixth grade in a mostly black classroom. It is told from Frannie’s viewpoint and filled with memorable characters:Frannie’s teacher introduces her students to Emily Dickinson and her poem,“Hope is the Thing with Feathers.” An excellent choice for starting a discussion about disabilities, religion, appearances, and bullying.请大家扫码或添加微信号关注Kate老诗,关注英美文学读书会, 每天为大家推送更多科学阅读的好文章Wechat ID: Kateteacher

[英美文学读书会]针对G5-G12备考SAT/ SSAT/ IELTS/ TOEFL学生或广大阅读爱好者,按年龄段推荐必读书单及文学作品详细解析。扩大词汇积累,夯实阅读基础,拓展思想深度,重塑写作结构。关注英美文学读书会,开始兴趣阅读与应试阅读的完美结合,实现精英教育名校梦。如下书单题材有性格塑造,青春叛逆,种族问题,历史战争等。学生应该选择不同题材读书,这样在扩展知识面和不同话题词汇量同时,也可以进行思想纬度延展1. ToKill a Mockingbird-HarperLee Genre—coming-of-age storySynopsis:In To Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore civil rights and racism in the segregated Southern United States of the 1930s. Told through the eyes of Scout Finch, you learn about her father Atticus Finch, an attorney who hopelessly strives to prove the innocence of a black man unjustly accused of rape; and about Boo Radley,a mysterious neighbor who saves Scout and her brother Jem from being killed.2. Of Mice and Men—John Steinbeck Genre—fiction, tragedySynopsis: John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men is a parable about what it means to be human. Steinbeck's story of George and Lennie's ambition of owning their own ranch, and the obstacles that stand in the way of that ambition, reveal the nature of dreams, dignity,loneliness, and sacrifice. Ultimately, Lennie, the mentally handicapped giant who makes George's dream of owning his own ranch worthwhile, ironically becomes the greatest obstacle to achieving that dream.3. Night—Elie Wiesel Genre—literary memoir,World War II, autobiographySynopsis: François Mauriac, Nobel-prize winning French novelist and biographer of General Charles de Gaulle, encouraged Wiesel to speak for the survivors of the Holocaust. Mauriac advised Wiesel on the publication of Night, a humanistic documentary. The most personal branch of literature, autobiography consists of diaries, journals, letters, and memoirs. As narratives, autobiographies introduce the reader to intimate thoughts and responses of a single point of view at a precise moment in time.4. The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini Genre—fictionSynopsis: The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, follows the maturation of Amir, a male from Afghanistan who needs to find his way in the world as he realizes that his own belief system is not that of his dominant culture. Set in Afghanistan and the United States, The Kite Runner is a bildungsroman that illustrates the similarities as well as the differences between the two countries and the two vastly different cultures. It is the story of both fathers and sons and friends and brothers, and it is a novel about right and wrong and the nature of evil. Published in 2003 to great critical and popular acclaim, The Kite Runner is considered a contemporary classic.5. The Things They Carried—Tim O’Brien Genre—war memoir,autobiographySynopsis: The Things They Carried is a powerful meditation on the experiences of foot soldiers in Vietnam and after the war. 6. The Great Gatsby—F.Scott Fitzgerald Genre—Jazz Age novelSynopsis: F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, follows Jay Gatsby, a man who orders his life around one desire: to be reunited with Daisy Buchanan, the love he lost five years earlier. Gatsby's quest leads him from poverty to wealth, into the arms of his beloved, and eventually to death. Published in 1925, The Great Gatsby is a classic piece of American fiction. It is a novel of triumph and tragedy, noted for the remarkable way Fitzgerald captured a cross-section of American society.7. Death of aSalesman—Arthur Miller Genre—tragedySynopsis: Arthur Miller's play Death of aSalesman addresses loss of identity and a man's inability to accept change within himself and society. The play is a montage of memories, dreams, confrontations,and arguments, all of which make up the last 24 hours of Willy Loman's life. 8. MacBeth—WilliamShakespeare Genre—tragedy, playSynopsis: Macbeth is a play of contradiction and ambition. Macbeth is a tragedy of William Shakespeare. It takes place in medieval Scotland and retraces in a very fictionalized way the reign of Macbeth, taking a close inspiration from the narrative that Raphael Holinshed in his Chronicles,published in 1587.9. Into the Wild—Jon Krakauer Genre—Biography, true travel storySynopsis: Into the Wild was published to great success,spending more than two years on the New York Times bestseller list.The book was also made into a movie in 2007. One of the questions Krakauer tried to answer in his research was what exactly had killed Chris McCandless. 10. 1984—GeorgeOrwell Genre—science fiction Synopsis: In George Orwell's 1984, Winston Smith wrestles with oppression in Oceania, a place where theParty scrutinizes human actions with ever-watchful Big Brother. Defying a ban on individuality, Winston dares to express his thoughts in a diary and pursues a relationship with Julia. These criminal deeds bring Winston into the eye of the opposition, who then must reform the nonconformist.11. Chasing Lincoln’s Killer—James L. Swanson Genre—nonfictionSynopsis: Based on rare archival material, obscure trial manuscripts, and interviews with relatives of the conspirators and the manhunters, CHASING LINCOLN'S KILLER is a fast-paced thriller about the pursuit and capture of John Wilkes Booth: a wild twelve-day chase through the streets of Washington, D.C., across the swamps of Maryland, and into the forests ofVirginia.12. The Outsiders—S.E.Hinton Genre—young adult fictionSynopsis: The Outsiders is about two weeks in the life of a 14-year-old boy. The novel tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider.添加微信号Wechat ID: Kateteacher 或扫描附件中二维码关注[英美文学读书会],更多好书详细解析帮助您实现兴趣阅读与应试阅读完美结合。


[英美文学读书会]针对G5-G12备考SAT/ SSAT/ IELTS/ TOEFL学生或广大阅读爱好者,按年龄段推荐必读书单及文学作品详细解析。扩大词汇积累,夯实阅读基础,拓展思想深度,重塑写作结构。关注英美文学读书会,开始兴趣阅读与应试阅读的完美结合,实现精英教育名校梦。美国历史重要节点 1492-1845 [Columbian Exchange]kate老诗微信二维码-图片.png 始于哥伦布登上新大陆白种人与native Americans进行文化,语言,习俗等交换交流同时给native Americans 带来了传染病,导致土著人大量死亡 1607 [Jamestown Colony]位于Virginia州英国在美国的第一个殖民地种植烟草出口英国 1763-1783 [The American Revolution]起初殖民地美国只是表示反抗英国高额征税著名以少胜多战争民族英雄华盛顿将军深得人心取胜三个原因:华盛顿将军鼓舞士气/法国的经济支持/美国民兵为个人自由而战 1783-1792[Constitutional Convention]史称为美国“立宪阶段”开国先贤在费城集会确立了独立宣言,宪法,权利法案 1787-1800[The Federalists]确立联邦政府,在开国文献中明确联邦和各州政府的权责届时总统为George Washington和John Adams 1787-1882 [Early American Immigration]从殖民时期到1882年,美国移民无任何限制间或出现地方保护主义(如:担心德国移民会削弱英语使用和政府统治;大量爱尔兰移民会混淆英国纯正Anglo-Saxon血统;中国去美国西部修铁路劳工血统与文化与当地白人格格不入。大部分移民来自于德国,爱尔兰和中国 1791-1806 [Louisiana Purchase]加倍了美国领土面积时任总统Jefferson法国人至今的痛 1812-1815 [War of 1812]美国对英国宣战(因为英国肆意搜查美国商船)美国国歌“星条旗永不落”产生产生日后最伟大美国总统之一Theodore Roosevelt 1819-1848 [Mexican-American War]美国历史上第一个有争议的战争(之后有越战,伊拉克战争等),是美国西部大开发争夺德州领土和资源的重要一步棋美国鼓动一支墨西哥军队反政府起义美国战胜后签订割地条约,墨西哥把德州拱手让人 1835-1982 [Women’s Movements]宪法第19条修正案赋予女性选举权二战后女性运动再次兴起,虽未通过平权法案,但女性就业和教育等权利受到保护 1846-1855 [California Gold Rush]使美国人对一夜暴富充满渴望奠定了[美国梦]基础 1860-1865 [The Civil War]是美国史上最血腥,死亡人数最多战争至今唯一完全在美国领土作战的战争真正原因并非是消除南方奴隶制度,而是消除各州间进出口税差异 1862-1916 [The West ]联邦政府出台系列政策帮助人们西迁获得更多精彩文章与文学作品解析,请添加微信:Kateteacher,拉你进入[英美文学读书会群]

[英美文学读书会]针对G5-G12备考SAT/ SSAT/ IELTS/ TOEFL学生或广大阅读爱好者,按年龄段推荐必读书单及文学作品详细解析。扩大词汇积累,夯实阅读基础,拓展思想深度,重塑写作结构。关注英美文学读书会,开始兴趣阅读与应试阅读的完美结合,实现精英教育名校梦。美国历史重要节点kate老诗微信二维码-图片.png 1869-2009 [Labor Unions]大部分美国人对工会态度又爱又恨至今工会在汽车业,教育,印刷媒体及政治届仍很普遍 1893-1913 [The Spanish-American War]届时美国经济发展缓慢,所以军工复合体势力提出一定要有战争(美国历来在战争中获利)战场在古巴古巴西班牙先开战,美国后加入,战争持续4个月 1914-1919 [World War I]美国体现了军事,财务及工业实力,奠定了世界领跑者地位。威尔逊总统宣战Burberry开始为英国士兵制作防雨的trench coat战后战败国奥斯曼帝国被分裂为巴勒斯坦和伊拉克 1929-1941 [The Great Depression]自由市场与联邦政府都无法调节经济Franklin Roosevelt临危受命[罗斯福新政]旨在通过联邦政府干预市场发展,就业情况来扭转经济。该政策被指有共产主义色彩。该政策一致未被美国三权联邦政府正式通过 1939-1945 [World War II]纳粹对犹太人种族迫害美国对日本使用核武器正式确立美国在世界事务中领头地位,所以美国人称之“the good war”军工厂推动美国战时经济,摆脱大萧条总统罗斯福坚信美国总能发战争财,且美国民众气愤于德国核潜艇大战 1944-1989 [Cold War]美国与苏联在贸易竞争,军备竞赛,核武器研发,外太空探险等方面近50年美苏各自支持不同国家开战冷战原因主要是美苏两国意识形态截然不同;另外二战后美国内部共产党躁动起来要颠覆美国民主,所以美国必须通过冷战来压制 1950-1953 [The Korean War]战争始于红色北朝鲜攻打反共南韩,美国支持南韩该战争被美国人成为“the forgotten war” 1954-1978 [Civil Rights Movement]始于著名的Rosa Parks拒绝在公交车上给白人让座通过了民权法案Civil Rights Act,废除种族隔离制度,要求不同种族有获得同样的就业机会通过选举权法案 1960-1975 [The Vietnam War]在美国号称“the longest war”(持续15年),最后以美国撤兵告终,越南南方归顺于北方5任美国总统无法结束该战争是美国历史上最耻辱的惨败获得更多精彩文章与文学作品解析,请添加微信:Kateteacher,拉你进入[英美文学读书会群]


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  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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