加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息子女教育 - IB 分数对申请加拿大东部有多重要?
我儿子的朋友收到了UBC major entrance scholarship,但是申请东部的大学都没有给奖学金。只有UBC这么喜欢IB吗?我们家儿子分数没有那么高,进了UBC Arts。还在等UBC和toronto,york,western的奖学金。但是他的40+的朋友们拿到的奖学金都很少,所以我们也差不多放弃了。
General scholarships are awarded based on marks, and how high those marks are. When applying with IB, the schools will translate the 1-7 to a percent mark and then award scholarships based on that. Generally, an average of 6-7 is guaranteed a scholarship. (The points per subject are added up, but I no longer recall the details.) That being said, it's possible to check the Universities websites detailed information, so you'll know if they will or will not award a scholarship. Besides this just apply to a lot of different organizations that award scholarships if possible, although they tend to favor Canadian students over international. Have faith, Universities generally look upon IB students favorably. (for reference, for my year 5-7 = 92% - 100%)
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