加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息CRA网站上牛奶金申请
刚才在某个网站上看到,申请牛奶金要求的资料 -这些材料是否可以在CRA网站上直接申请?还是要打印表格,然后邮寄?申请牛奶金所需的资料1、申请人需要填写 RC66( Canada Child Tax Benefit Application)表格,根据申请人的情况,还可能需要填写在加拿大的身份表格-Status in Canada/Statement of Income。如果申请人的孩子从未领取过牛奶金,且孩子未在加拿大境内出生或者年满1岁以上,申请人需要递交孩子的出生证明;2、申请人以及其配偶必须每年报税,当年没有收入同样需要报税,这样才能享受这此福利。申请人的配偶不是加拿大居民,申请人需要填写Form CTB9(Canada Child Tax Benefit - Statement of Income)表格;3、申请人加拿大身份证明,护照复印件或者枫叶卡复印件;4、申请人加拿大居住证明,租房合同,水电费单据或银行证明;5、申请人孩子的出生医学证明;6、申请人是孩子的首要抚养人证明,包括孩子学校、幼儿园、家庭医生、律师等出具的证明信。 孩子刚刚登陆,九月份才能入幼儿园,也没有健康卡,怎么才能开这个证明?
2012-04-21 递料 -- 2012-04-24 CIC签收2012-07-31 DM1 --2012-08-29 AR22012-09-18 补户信 --2012-10-07 DM22012-10-10 双地址 --2012-10-30 VISA刚才在某个网站上看到,申请牛奶金要求的资料 -这些材料是否可以在CRA网站上直接申请?还是要打印表格,然后邮寄?申请牛奶金所需的资料1、申请人需要填写 RC66( Canada Child Tax Benefit Application)表格,根据申请人的情况,还可能需要填写在加拿大的身份表格-Status in Canada/Statement of Income。如果申请人的孩子从未领取过牛奶金,且孩子未在加拿大境内出生或者年满1岁以上,申请人需要递交孩子的出生证明;2、申请人以及其配偶必须每年报税,当年没有收入同样需要报税,这样才能享受这此福利。申请人的配偶不是加拿大居民,申请人需要填写Form CTB9(Canada Child Tax Benefit - Statement of Income)表格;3、申请人加拿大身份证明,护照复印件或者枫叶卡复印件;4、申请人加拿大居住证明,租房合同,水电费单据或银行证明;5、申请人孩子的出生医学证明;6、申请人是孩子的首要抚养人证明,包括孩子学校、幼儿园、家庭医生、律师等出具的证明信。孩子刚刚登陆,九月份才能入幼儿园,也没有健康卡,怎么才能开这个证明?点击展开...依照政府网站的要求去做:https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-child-benefit-overview/canada-child-benefit-apply.htmlhttps://www.canada.ca/content/dam/cra-arc/formspubs/pbg/rc66/rc66-17e.pdf
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 2018-07-10#3 J 128 $0.00 Do you need to attach Schedule RC66SCH, Status in Canada/Statement of Income? You must attach Schedule RC66SCH, Status in Canada/Statement of Income, if you or your spouse or common-law partner: • became a Canadian citizen within the last 12 months; • became a new resident or returned as a resident of Canada in the last two years; • are, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a permanent resident, protected person (refugee), or temporary resident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months; or • are not a Canadian citizen and are an Indian within the meaning of the Indian Act. - 实在搞不懂到底要不要这个表格。我老婆是2012年成为永久居民,一直来回跑, 过去18个月也是两边住。我2010年成为公民,基本在加拿大。
2012-04-21 递料 -- 2012-04-24 CIC签收2012-07-31 DM1 --2012-08-29 AR22012-09-18 补户信 --2012-10-07 DM22012-10-10 双地址 --2012-10-30 VISA 赏 2018-07-16#4 J 128 $0.00 我2010年成为公民,每年报税。老婆2015年全年在中国,按非税务居民算的,但2016,2017都报税了。这种情况是否还需要填写RC66SCH?填表说明:are, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a permanent resident, protected person (refugee), or temporary resident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months; 按这个说明,似乎只要有一个是PR, 就必须填这个RC66SCH?Part D - Immigration Status怎么填?If you were, or your spouse or common-law partner was, a permanent resident, a protected person, or a temporary resident, enter the dates in the areas below to cover the entire period for which you are applying for benefits.我们孩子15年出生,但刚刚登陆成为移民,她登陆前肯定是没有benefits的。这个日期填她登陆的日期?Part E - Statement of IncomeStep 1 – Year you became resident of Canada Enter the year you became a resident of Canada. Enter your income from January 1 of that year to the date you became a resident. If you had a spouse or common-law partner, enter his or her income from January 1 of that year to the date they became a resident.我老婆2012年成为永久居民,这里要填2012年的收入?可现在都2018年了,要2012年收入完全的没任何道理 !Step 2 – One year before you became resident of Canada Enter one year before the year that you indicated in Step 1, and enter your income and that of your spouse or common-law partner for that year.这里还要2011年的收入?更没有道理了。
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