加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息说说加拿大看牙的事
去年10月30日因意外(吃Chicken drum )将一颗门牙咯掉,想作 Dentist accident, 去年打报告,三个月之前批下来,同意我种牙。 然后我找了新的牙医,因为原来那个牙医感觉不太好,新牙医对我说,我年龄大了,直接种牙不行,要在掉的那颗门牙底下(牙床底部安一块骨头,三个月之后,这块骨头长得差不多了,就可以种牙。我是3个月之前作的这项工作,打了麻药,最终说是在牙床里放了一块骨头,今天是三个月期满,我满以为可以种牙了,结果牙医跟我説原来放的骨头已经下沉,如果要再种牙的话,需要再放骨头,这样就需要再等半年,因为我的年龄导致我的牙齿即便放上骨头也会长得很慢,他建议我接受第二个方案,就是镶烤瓷牙。事已如此,我也只好接受他的第二方案,因为,如果再等半年还不行,我现在边下的牙就会受影响,现在已经有点松动了。此时,突然想起国内,按说不应该拿加拿大和国内比,但是,人到了关键时刻,还是会犯痴,我在想,若是在国内,这颗牙早就搞定了。我不是牙医,我也不明白这个牙医所说的原来放进去的骨头已经下沉的话,不过,我一直在怀疑,是否原来放的骨头,在我吃东西的时候不小心已经弄没了。 所以,牙医发现不了它,才说要重新再放骨头。但是,我为了不影响旁边的牙齿也只能接受他的第二方案。不过,我接受第二方案,还需要牙医再打报告给保险公司,保险公司再研究、审批,原来种牙的方案推翻,(新方案自然要再研究审批)牙医安慰我:不会等太久的, 我笑了笑,无所谓了,反正是等呗,已经等了半年了,还差1个月,不过,在回家的路上还是在想:这加拿大看个牙竟然要半年到一年,这效率,唉!一声叹息!
UrMysuperhero 说:镶一个牙2000多刀要是有机会就回国看吧点击展开...这里镶牙还是比种牙便宜。 我这次是按牙齿事故处理,我不花钱,全是保险公司出。 本来想回国看的,结果一看我争取的牙齿事故批下来了,就在这里等吧!只是有点担心那颗掉的牙老安不上会影响旁边的牙齿,现在旁边的牙齿已经出现松动。
dave 说:去年10月30日因意外(吃Chicken drum )将一颗门牙咯掉,想作 Dentist accident, 去年打报告,三个月之前批下来,同意我种牙。 然后我找了新的牙医,因为原来那个牙医感觉不太好,新牙医对我说,我年龄大了,直接种牙不行,要在掉的那颗门牙底下(牙床底部安一块骨头,三个月之后,这块骨头长得差不多了,就可以种牙。我是3个月之前作的这项工作,打了麻药,最终说是在牙床里放了一块骨头,今天是三个月期满,我满以为可以种牙了,结果牙医跟我説原来放的骨头已经下沉,如果要再种牙的话,需要再放骨头,这样就需要再等半年,因为我的年龄导致我的牙齿即便放上骨头也会长得很慢,他建议我接受第二个方案,就是镶烤瓷牙。事已如此,我也只好接受他的第二方案,因为,如果再等半年还不行,我现在边下的牙就会受影响,现在已经有点松动了。此时,突然想起国内,按说不应该拿加拿大和国内比,但是,人到了关键时刻,还是会犯痴,我在想,若是在国内,这颗牙早就搞定了。我不是牙医,我也不明白这个牙医所说的原来放进去的骨头已经下沉的话,不过,我一直在怀疑,是否原来放的骨头,在我吃东西的时候不小心已经弄没了。 所以,牙医发现不了它,才说要重新再放骨头。但是,我为了不影响旁边的牙齿也只能接受他的第二方案。不过,我接受第二方案,还需要牙医再打报告给保险公司,保险公司再研究、审批,原来种牙的方案推翻,(新方案自然要再研究审批)牙医安慰我:不会等太久的, 我笑了笑,无所谓了,反正是等呗,已经等了半年了,还差1个月,不过,在回家的路上还是在想:这加拿大看个牙竟然要半年到一年,这效率,唉!一声叹息!点击展开...以你的年纪可能最好是一开始就采用镶烤瓷牙,不一定准确,只是个人看法而已。
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。就当是慢工出细活吧,国内以前洗牙,把我牙齿外面珐琅质给弄坏了。补牙,没几个月,就坏了。拔牙因为没有x光,还残留了骨头,后来回到国外,又拔了一次。诗人,最近有新作没?拜读一下。点击展开...你说得没错,最近翻译的王维诗200首将在亚马逊网站发售。我的加拿大朋友帮我校对,我写上了他的名字, 估计一般中国人很少会这样作,因为他根本不懂中文,他所谓的校对就是看我翻译的在用词和韵脚方面是否有问题,而且也不是全部,但是,不管怎么说,他付出了就应该有回报,我跟他説,将来出书,真要有收入,我会和你平分的。尽管是我交给出版商的出版费。这些都无所谓了,人生结局都一样,我看重的是过程。 做完这件事也就等于放下了一个过程。至于这个过程会有什么样的结果无所谓了。因为结果就两种:好或者坏。谢谢关注! 这次我没有用王维译诗来作书名,我的书名很奇特:触摸王维的脉搏。书的背面我附上了去年去辋川在王维手植银杏树前拍的照片。 我非常喜欢王维的诗!与杜甫、李白不同,王维是画家兼诗人而且还是音乐家,所以,他的诗不仅是充满禅佛,而且充满音乐、色彩的。诗中有画,画中有诗。我附上我在这本书里写的两首英文诗。 Visit to the River Wang David Du 1,Looking forward, no boat, no ferry appears there.There’s no grave yard, no village nearby.Only the ginkgo tree stands there.Only the tablet is breathing and It is as if I see tears running from The tree, tablet and river.2,A song to Wang river David Du Lean on Qi Lake and it will drip many jade beads, Accompany Mount Yao and run clear with seed.The stream zigzags as if a spoked wheel radiating,The path being circuitous as if a magic ring drifting.I don’t know when Wang River was bornBut I can see its beautiful shape has gone.I know Wang River was created in ancient times, but Let’s say it become famous due to only one person-the poet,Wang Wei.The bright moon shines among the pine woods;The clear stream runs around our green boat.Mr Song Zhi Wen’s old villa, he had bought and built a marvelous home for his many moods,invited his friend Mr Pei Di cultivated the calamus cushion.Toured the mountain and river, a duty of the officer position,Played the white lyre, mused around the poetic layer,Listened to the birds twittering, work up from the Zen breathingThe 20 landscapes of the Wang River come from Wang Wei;Over 100 poems by Wang Wei to the Wang River relate.The King of Liu Bang passed by Jin Zhu Hill in the time of Han,And left the song of a Phoenix that became a special song in ChinaAnd in the Tang Dynasty Wang Wei lived in the Mount Zhong NanAnd built a deer thicket and got a unique copy of the River Ba. Look around the River Wang: in front of the ragged house standing,With the unique ginkgo shaking, the rugged mountain embracing The village with no clear river or lake, and no birds twittering.At the back of the highway, the railway runs through the hillOn which sits no commemorative block of stone or a will.On the left side, a stone cave has opened and you sight Wang Wei’s figure in stone-it shines in the setting sun.The simple stream in this vicinity also reflects the light. And this light even radiates upon the green mountain.The right side is the one stores are lined upon,And the guests ’voices noise the quiet River Wang.Sadly, at today’s Wang River, There’s no evidenceOnly a ginkgo tree that was planted, in a sense,By his breathing-writing, with an old tablet!Sadly, on old Mount Zhong Nan there’s no hermit testes,And lack of alchemy with a half crystal continent!When I watch the present Wang River before I leave,I can’t help writing a poem to express my discontent. I make light if travelling from a far place-Canada;I want to see the traces of the temple covered By a bamboo woods in the Wang River area.However, in the Wang River water shed,I find the clear stream of Wang River has gone.And only in its branches float the clouds.Although its basic shape still zigzag on.Sitting and appreciating the unique boughsOf the ginkgo tree that was painted by Wang Wei,Thinking and remembering the deer thicket poemThat was printed when the Tang Dynasty held sway,I wish I would see a new colour replace the present Sign—In the gully where the birds are twittering their return.
周雅 说:以你的年纪可能最好是一开始就采用镶烤瓷牙,不一定准确,只是个人看法而已。点击展开...你说得没错,种牙是因为我听那个新找的牙医介绍。 实际,人生有很多时候因循守旧未必是坏事,我原来的牙医她就不主张我种牙。 我放弃了她,选择这个新牙医,结果等了3个月等来这样一个结果。没办法,现在只能接受,因为我如果再换回原来的牙医,又要打报告,这一折腾,今年这牙就搞不定了。 所以,我接受了镶牙的方案,就等审批了。 无所谓,已经等了6个月,就不差再等3个月了。不过,加拿大办事效率説低真低,说高真高。
XYX1 说:不是我吓唬老弟:最后结果:死人!没错,就是仅仅因为一颗牙齿。加拿大效率是小事,最后的结果是:你老弟蹬腿死人。不是我诅咒你,而是事实!建议:回国治!如有可能,尽早远离苦寒之地!!别怪我这超级神人没有严肃警告你!加拿大死人,不是你第一个了。加拿大医生,包括牙医===垃圾、狗屎!屁眼!!真话伤人!上帝保佑你!该说的,圣人宇航员都斗胆说了,你自己看着办吧。祝你死里逃生。点击展开...谢谢你,我已经决定镶牙了。 不种了。死活都随缘吧!今年没有回国计划。
不怕慢只怕站 说:种牙真有死人的。身体不接受外来物。点击展开...谢谢,我已经接受第二方案不种牙,改镶牙了!
书名英文是什么?已经付梓?你说得没错,最近翻译的王维诗200首将在亚马逊网站发售。我的加拿大朋友帮我校对,我写上了他的名字, 估计一般中国人很少会这样作,因为他根本不懂中文,他所谓的校对就是看我翻译的在用词和韵脚方面是否有问题,而且也不是全部,但是,不管怎么说,他付出了就应该有回报,我跟他説,将来出书,真要有收入,我会和你平分的。尽管是我交给出版商的出版费。这些都无所谓了,人生结局都一样,我看重的是过程。 做完这件事也就等于放下了一个过程。至于这个过程会有什么样的结果无所谓了。因为结果就两种:好或者坏。谢谢关注! 这次我没有用王维译诗来作书名,我的书名很奇特:触摸王维的脉搏。书的背面我附上了去年去辋川在王维手植银杏树前拍的照片。 我非常喜欢王维的诗!与杜甫、李白不同,王维是画家兼诗人而且还是音乐家,所以,他的诗不仅是充满禅佛,而且充满音乐、色彩的。诗中有画,画中有诗。我附上我在这本书里写的两首英文诗。Visit to the River Wang David Du1,Looking forward, no boat, no ferry appears there.There’s no grave yard, no village nearby.Only the ginkgo tree stands there.Only the tablet is breathing andIt is as if I see tears running fromThe tree, tablet and river.2,A song to Wang river David DuLean on Qi Lake and it will drip many jade beads,Accompany Mount Yao and run clear with seed.The stream zigzags as if a spoked wheel radiating,The path being circuitous as if a magic ring drifting.I don’t know when Wang River was bornBut I can see its beautiful shape has gone.I know Wang River was created in ancient times, butLet’s say it become famous due to only one person-the poet,Wang Wei.The bright moon shines among the pine woods;The clear stream runs around our green boat.Mr Song Zhi Wen’s old villa, he had boughtand built a marvelous home for his many moods,invited his friend Mr Pei Di cultivated the calamus cushion.Toured the mountain and river, a duty of the officer position,Played the white lyre, mused around the poetic layer,Listened to the birds twittering, work up from the Zen breathingThe 20 landscapes of the Wang River come from Wang Wei;Over 100 poems by Wang Wei to the Wang River relate.The King of Liu Bang passed by Jin Zhu Hill in the time of Han,And left the song of a Phoenix that became a special song in ChinaAnd in the Tang Dynasty Wang Wei lived in the Mount Zhong NanAnd built a deer thicket and got a unique copy of the River Ba.Look around the River Wang: in front of the ragged house standing,With the unique ginkgo shaking, the rugged mountain embracingThe village with no clear river or lake, and no birds twittering.At the back of the highway, the railway runs through the hillOn which sits no commemorative block of stone or a will.On the left side, a stone cave has opened and you sightWang Wei’s figure in stone-it shines in the setting sun.The simple stream in this vicinity also reflects the light.And this light even radiates upon the green mountain.The right side is the one stores are lined upon,And the guests ’voices noise the quiet River Wang.Sadly, at today’s Wang River, There’s no evidenceOnly a ginkgo tree that was planted, in a sense,By his breathing-writing, with an old tablet!Sadly, on old Mount Zhong Nan there’s no hermit testes,And lack of alchemy with a half crystal continent!When I watch the present Wang River before I leave,I can’t help writing a poem to express my discontent.I make light if travelling from a far place-Canada;I want to see the traces of the temple coveredBy a bamboo woods in the Wang River area.However, in the Wang River water shed,I find the clear stream of Wang River has gone.And only in its branches float the clouds.Although its basic shape still zigzag on.Sitting and appreciating the unique boughsOf the ginkgo tree that was painted by Wang Wei,Thinking and remembering the deer thicket poemThat was printed when the Tang Dynasty held sway,I wish I would see a new colour replace the present Sign—In the gully where the birds are twittering their return.点击展开...
dave 说:谢谢,我已经接受第二方案不种牙,改镶牙了!点击展开...如果没有牙根,需要戴牙套,挂在两边的牙上,是这样镶牙吗?少遭不少罪,不过这样旁边的牙容易松动。可以先这样,过些年种植技术提高了再种。
canada2019 说:如果没有牙根,需要戴牙套,挂在两边的牙上,是这样镶牙吗?少遭不少罪,不过这样旁边的牙容易松动。可以先这样,过些年种植技术提高了再种。点击展开...牙医说得就是这个方案,我也担心会影响两边的牙齿松动,但是,毕竟年龄大了,也只能接受这种方案了。 谢谢,我明白了,增加了牙槽骨的厚度,很专业呀,看来你也是医生。 不过,通过这次一折腾,我也明白种牙对过了55岁的人是不合适的。 其实,我从一开始就犯了一个错误,前年,我听说我父母的墓地下陷,一晚上竟然会掉一半牙,就是这颗门牙的上半部分掉了一小瓣,当时我以前的牙医给了我两个方案:一是把整个牙拔掉,镶一颗牙。二是采用一种材料将缺的半片牙补齐。我接受了第二个方案。结果补的很好,但是牙医已经告诉我不能吃硬物,尤其不能啃骨头。结果,我犯了一个错误,导致原来补的牙连同那一半好的牙一起被鸡骨头咯掉。 所以,全是我自己造成的这个结果。
dave 说:牙医说得就是这个方案,我也担心会影响两边的牙齿松动,但是,毕竟年龄大了,也只能接受这种方案了。 谢谢,我明白了,增加了牙槽骨的厚度,很专业呀,看来你也是医生。 不过,通过这次一折腾,我也明白种牙对过了55岁的人是不合适的。 其实,我从一开始就犯了一个错误,前年,我听说我父母的墓地下陷,一晚上竟然会掉一半牙,就是这颗门牙的上半部分掉了一小瓣,当时我以前的牙医给了我两个方案:一是把整个牙拔掉,镶一颗牙。二是采用一种材料将缺的半片牙补齐。我接受了第二个方案。结果补的很好,但是牙医已经告诉我不能吃硬物,尤其不能啃骨头。结果,我犯了一个错误,导致原来补的牙连同那一半好的牙一起被鸡骨头咯掉。 所以,全是我自己造成的这个结果。点击展开...不要自责了,每个人的坏牙都是这么产生的。补的牙镶的牙种的牙,都不能吃很硬的东西,可是人每天咀嚼无数次,总有大意的时候,早晚会坏的。我不是医生,久病成医吧,中国的医生现在也比较友好,会仔细跟你解释他在做什么,为什么要做,慢慢就懂得了。我的牙也是和你一样,啃排骨掉的,其实是牙已经坏了,迟早会掉,医生和我说,他们的价值就是延缓患者牙齿失能的时间,延缓哦⊙∀⊙另外,我不记得医生说过年龄大一点不适合种牙。我第一次植骨的时候遇到一位男士,估计不少于五十五了,至少不少于五十了,人家骨头够料,不需要植骨直接种的。你不妨多看几位医生。
一人一半,才是伴!书名英文是什么?已经付梓?点击展开...这个月可以出版,书名是 The Pulse of Wang Wei. 王维的脉搏。我没有采用王维诗翻译这种一般人常用的书名。 算是付梓吧,已经付给出版商钱,这次我的封面是采用的王维的画《长江积雪图》。封底是我去年访问辋川在王维手植的银杏树旁拍的照片。
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