加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Googlers Eat


How much does it cost to feed Google's 50,000 employees endless amounts of free food? Former executive head chef Nate Keller left in 2008 back when there were 19,000 employees. He can't speak for Google now, but when he was running a team of 675 kitchen workers, he says Google was going through 40,000 meals per day and $1 million worth of chicken per month. Then, Google was spending an estimated $20 per employee per day on food, or $80 million per year on food costs alone. Now, the costs are likely much higher, but feeding employees gobs of goodies is almost expected in Silicon Valley. Twitter and Facebook also boast impressive free kitchens on their campuses.

Googlers Eat Way More Than 40,000 Free Meals Per Day And $1 Million Worth Of Chicken Per Month

Keller, who is now the lead chef at meal delivery startup Sprig, describes what it was like pioneering one of the biggest corporate kitchens in the world. " I landed at Google in 2002," Keller tells Business Insider. "At the time there were 400 employees and only 11 in the kitchen. From then until 2008 we were doing over 40,000 meals a day and had 675 employees in the kitchen." Keller became executive chef when his boss, Charlie Ayers, stepped down in 2005. He launched Google's kitchens in New York and all over the world, hiring a handful of other executive chefs for the tech giant. "G oogle was growing so fast...it was like entrepreneurial boot camp," Keller tells Business Insider. "Any idea could be a new Google restaurant in six weeks." We asked him a few other questions about the early days of running Google's kitchen pre IPO, a job he initially turned down before a high school friend and his mother talked sense into him. His boss, Ayers, reportedly made $26 million during the IPO. We asked how much Keller made, but he declined to answer. Here's the lightly-edited Q&A, which was conducted over the phone and via email: Business Insider: How did you end up at Google pre-IPO? Nate Keller: It was completely random. I had a friend from high school and I went to visit him thinking I wanted to work at a San Francisco restaurant. He said, "You should come look at the campus." I thought, "I don’t want to work in a cafeteria." It sounded terrible. But I met with the chef and my friend said he liked me and that he wanted me to come in for a tryout. I said, "I’m really not interested in that." That wasn’t the career I looked at because it didn't really exist back then. Google was a [kitchen] pioneer at that time...The was no Food Network. There were no celebrity chefs. I originally turned down Google's offer. It wasn’t what I wanted to do. But my friend called and said, "Do you understand what you’re turning down?" I had no experience with [startups]. He said, "There are bonuses involved. This is what a stock option is." I ended up calling my mom [for advice]. She said, "You’re taking the job."


要点是: end up at Google pre-IPO

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