
14岁女孩变性案又起波澜:女记者被告上法庭 - 无忧资讯
寻源思远 说:沉默,正在毁灭加拿大风四海过度的政治正确,会让加拿大走向何方?这一个月都心系国内,没有怎么关注加拿大。可是这两天猛然惊觉,不关注不行啊,加拿大正在发生一些同样关系你我的大事!容我细细道来。还记得前一段闹得轰轰烈烈的那个父亲反对孩子变性败诉的案子吗?一个孩子的父母离异,但是离婚时签署了双方对孩子的医疗都有监护权的协议。孩子13岁时想变性,母亲支持,父亲反对。父亲认为,孩子被带去诊所后只是和医生谈了谈情况,并未得到全面、适当的检查,便匆忙地被送到儿童医院开始了激素治疗。诉诸法庭后,法院判父亲败诉,并要求父亲不许称呼孩子变性前的名字和人称代词,不许公开自己和孩子的名字,也不许提及学校顾问及诊所医生的名字。案件判决后,引起很大的社会反响。反对判决的人认为,这是公然剥夺家长对孩子的监护权,将孩子暴露于“被促动变性”的危险之下。加拿大法律规定未成年人不能吸烟、饮酒、用信用卡,16岁以下纹身需要父母或监护人同意,却能允许孩子们自主决定变性,这不是太匪夷所思了吗?加拿大的司法体系属于判例法。这个案件的裁断无疑是里程碑式的,直接指导了后面相关案件的裁断。事关重大,家长们也坐不住了。那位父亲首先不顾禁令,站出来讲述了这段痛苦的经历。一些反对SOGI123的社会活动人士也纷纷声援这位父亲,如最早公布这件事的詹·史密斯(Jenn Smith,其本身是一名未成年人变性的受害者)及在申小雨庭审现场外被“头巾女”泼咖啡的劳拉琳(Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson)。然而,他们也受到了法院的判罚。法院要求詹·史密斯不能在他的公开演讲中用这个案例,要求劳拉琳从她的社交媒体上撤下对这位父亲的采访。詹·史密斯和劳拉琳还要每人支付起诉方的律师费500元——对方的律师阵容相当庞大,法官看在詹·史密斯和劳拉琳属于“无业游民”的情形下,以恻隐之心,让他们象征性支付而已。说到他俩的“无业”,也与SOGI123有关。劳拉琳原本是著名电视主持,属于“网红”,可是从她三年前反SOGI123以后,便被扣上大帽子,各个合作方迫于某些势力的压力而和她解约。詹·史密斯作为LGBTQ中的一员,深知未成年人变性的危害而站出来全力以赴地反对。视频被社交媒体主动删除了。然而,事情还没有完。这件事影响太大,早已“声名远扬”。美国群众看不惯了,在劳拉琳的社交媒体上留言说,想看视频的,请点击这个链接。他们把采访视频放到了美国网站上。这倒是一举两得。既满足了大家想看视频的愿望,又宣传了自己的网站。法院又不干了,要求劳拉琳把这条留言删了。这次劳拉琳不干了——她那么忙,哪里有空一条条去看留言?作为公众人物,巴不得粉丝互动活跃,怎么好随意删留言呢?这不是赤裸裸地得罪粉丝、违反言论自由吗?再说,平时骂她的留言她都没删,有何动力要删这条呢?这件事还在僵持中,等待进一步的判决。对于我们吃瓜群众来说,采访视频为什么这么“火”,需要关注。看完之后,我又在油管上看了劳拉琳的频道上几段其他视频,还真是吓了一跳。不仅如此,关于这个“帮忙”变性的医生(姓名已被打码隐去),网络上也有不少爆料,但先后被媒体自删了,Reddit上还“硕果仅存”一篇:这个医生2010年开办青少年变性诊所时,从教育体系输送来的患者只有4位,到了2019年时,仅从教育体系来的孩子已经超500位。“事情进展之快超过了我们的预期。”进展之快的原因很复杂。根据该医生一场演讲的视频综合,这位医生本人很努力,他创作了一些相关内容的绘本,鼓励孩子们考虑变性问题,比如告诉孩子们变性可以是一件给自己的特殊的圣诞礼物,变性后就真的和目标性别一模一样了等等。他还向孩子们传授一些能让家长同意变性的方法,比如自杀。“你知道你需要怎么做吗?搞些特效。自杀,他们会让你获得你想要的。”他还说,那些性别焦虑的孩子们“学得很快”。另外,大环境也很“给力”。SOGI123中告诉孩子,如果有性别焦虑、考虑变性,无需告诉家长,直接和学校顾问交流。政府支付变性费用。一些学校里还有相关俱乐部,俱乐部活动时,食物丰富。同学们中只要出现了有变性的,就有可能成为风气。有个孩子说,她班里有四五位变性的同学。这位医生的许多患者是被寄养的孩子——这也是詹·史密斯竭力反对的另一个原因。詹·史密斯从小生活在寄养家庭,他认为,寄养的孩子对性别的困惑更多是心理问题,政府应该拿出资金帮这些孩子做好心理疏导,而非变性。众所周知,青少年大脑还没有发育完全,对许多问题的判别、思考能力不够。这也是为何未成年人需要监护人——监督保护孩子们健康成长。变性是不可逆的。一旦踏出这一步,很难走回头路。更何况政府为青少年变性提供资金,但是如果变性人士成年后想转换回原有性别,则需要自费。更令人费解的是,这位医生的患者中,最低年龄的只有3岁!对这件事真是不知道说什么好。想起来之前看过的一个反对青少年变性的评论说:“不是孩子们说想成为什么,我们就要让他们成为什么。我小时候有一段时间还每天都说想变成美人鱼呢。感谢上帝,我的父母那时没有听我的。”点击展开...在微信群看过报道,变性又是政治正确的一个雷区,一般人不想多说。。。
sabre 说:一点链接都不给啊,点击展开...微信群里看到的。只好拷过来。
寻源思远 说:微信群里看到的。只好拷过来。点击展开...微信里骗子好多, 好多类似的文章, 断章取义, 夹带私货,这种东西, 要看法院的判决,
2020 BCCA 11 A.B. v. C.D.法院判决I. OVERVIEW[1] AB is a transgender teenager: assigned female at birth, he feels and perceives himself to be male. While still a minor, he wished to pursue hormone therapy, a medical procedure that would align his body more closely with how he perceives his gender (the treatment).[2] His father, CD, strongly opposed AB receiving this treatment, while his mother EF was supportive.[3] A medical team assessed AB as sufficiently mature to make the treatment decision on his own, and CD pursued litigation. AB and CD both commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in February 2019 concerning CD’s efforts to prevent the treatment and AB’s ability to consent on his own behalf. The three orders under appeal stem from this litigation.[4] First, a February 2019 order declared AB validly able to consent to treatment, and that referring to AB as a girl or attempting to convince him to halt treatment would be considered family violence under the Family Law Act, S.B.C. 2011, c. 25 [FLA]. Second, an April 2019 protection order restricted CD’s ability to speak with others, including media outlets and AB, about AB’s decision to receive hormone therapy. Third, a July 2019 order dismissed the action initiated by CD as vexatious and an abuse of process.[5] CD appeals all three orders. He argues that they violate his Charter-protected freedoms of belief and expression and what he terms “parental rights”, were procedurally unfair, and do not reflect AB’s best interests.[6] AB maintains that these orders were fairly decided, are Charter-compliant, and reflect his best interests as well as the statutory right of mature minors to make their own medical decisions under s. 17 of the Infants Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 223. He is supported by EF and the other respondents.[7] Following the hearing of this appeal, this court observed there was no reason to interfere with the finding that AB’s consent was valid. The treatment, which AB began following the February order, was thus permitted to continue.[8] In these reasons, we explain that decision. We further explain why, in our view, certain aspects of the first two orders were issued in a procedurally irregular fashion and cannot stand. We would allow the appeals of these orders in part and substitute procedurally appropriate orders. We would dismiss the appeal of the July order dismissing CD’s action.II. BACKGROUNDA. AB’s medical assessment and treatment recommendation[9] AB’s parents, CD and EF, have been separated for several years. They share parenting time and responsibilities over AB under the terms of a separation agreement.[10] At the time this appeal was heard, AB was nearing his 15th birthday.[11] AB has identified as male since he was 11 years old. At 12, he began to socially transition, enrolling in school under a chosen male name and using male pronouns with his teachers and peers.[12] Around 13 years of age, after two years of consistently identifying as male, AB’s persistent discomfort with his body led him to want to take steps to appear more masculine. With the support of his mother, AB went to see a registered psychologist, Dr. IJ, for a number of sessions.[13] Following these sessions, Dr. IJ finalized an assessment and treatment plan for AB. The plan concluded that AB met the diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria. As described in the consent form signed by AB, gender dysphoria is a recognized medical condition where a person experiences significant distress because the gender identity they experience differs from their genetic or biological gender, and how others perceive them.[14] Dr. IJ found that AB would be a good candidate for hormone treatment, and referred him to the BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH) for further assessment.[15] In August 2018, AB met with pediatric endocrinologist Dr. GH at the Gender Clinic at BCCH. Dr. GH conducted a further assessment of AB and again determined that masculinizing hormone treatment was both reasonable in the circumstances and in AB’s best interests.[16] He explained the nature, consequences, and foreseeable risks and benefits of the treatment to AB, presenting a detailed consent form that laid out these risks. AB decided to proceed with the treatment, and signed the form. AB’s mother, who supported him throughout this process, also signed the form.[17] Upon learning AB’s father was not aware he was pursuing this treatment, Dr. GH postponed its start in order to present information to AB’s father, CD.[18] CD emailed the clinic a few days later expressing his opposition to the proposed treatment.[19] From August to December 2018, a social worker at the clinic made “numerous attempts” to set up a meeting between Dr. GH and CD to discuss the proposed treatment. CD did not attend at the clinic and did not engage with the medical team.[20] On 1 December 2018, Dr. GH and social worker UV sent a letter to CD. The letter addressed CD’s disagreement with the treatment and explained that, under s. 17 of the Infants Act, minors are permitted to consent to their own medical treatment.[21] The letter explained that the consent of a parent is not required to administer health care to a minor where the health care provider is satisfied the minor understands a treatment’s nature and consequences, and has concluded the health care is in the minor’s best interests. It informed CD that the BCCH medical team had assessed AB and found him capable, meaning CD’s consent was not required for AB to proceed with treatment.[22] After litigation commenced, Dr. GH took further steps to ensure his capacity assessment of AB was correct. He asked for an opinion from the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) Ethics Service, which examined his finding of capacity and agreed that AB demonstrated capacity to understand the treatment.[23] The ethics opinion suggested that, while not necessary, Dr. GH may wish to have an additional capacity assessment done by a provider outside the current care team in order to assuage CD’s concerns and improve family dynamics.[24] Dr. GH referred AB to Dr. MN, a psychiatrist at BCCH in the BC Mental Health Centre, who assessed AB and found that he demonstrated a detailed understanding of the risks and benefits of the treatment. Dr. MN further assessed AB’s mental status, finding he displayed reasonable judgment and insight.B. Procedural history1. Provincial Court proceedings[25] This matter first came before a court on 12 December 2018. CD filed an application in the Provincial Court of British Columbia asking that AB be prevented from seeking treatment for gender dysphoria without CD’s consent.[26] The hearing proceeded without notice to AB on 14 January 2019. The court ordered that AB be prevented from pursuing treatment until 28 January 2019.[27] On 28 January 2019, the order was extended to prevent treatment from commencing until CD had filed proceedings in Supreme Court.
这些狗法官几乎都是党派政治的小丑!土豆批了跨山管道,他就判印第安人败诉,土豆要搞BC 印第安人封路就不敢管了。
三月三十日抵达卡尔加里. 赏

10,587 $0.00 小孩子变性,是个可怕的现象,任何鼓励这个的,都不支持。评论
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 赏
dave 说:加拿大今年还有一个大事件,大家都不关心、讨论,土著人反对政府铺输油管道竟然将铁路封死, 造成加拿大整个铁路瘫痪、停运。货物到不了商家,商家开始给员工减工时,同时将物价再次抬高。点击展开...加国也应该有相关的法律约束这些妨碍社会秩序的行为吧。不能因为是土著就有特权吧?在故国,警察就直接上了。
寻源思远 说:加国也应该有相关的法律约束这些妨碍社会秩序的行为吧。不能因为是土著就有特权吧?在故国,警察就直接上了。点击展开...所以,民主国家和中央集权制国家还是有区别,没法説谁好,谁坏,但是苦是真的。 我现在就这一份工,减了时间,物价又高,说不苦那是自欺欺人。
是朋友、多来往;不是朋友、少见面。出来玩,开心最重要!别的,一切都是浮云!所以,民主国家和中央集权制国家还是有区别,没法説谁好,谁坏,但是苦是真的。 我现在就这一份工,减了时间,物价又高,说不苦那是自欺欺人。点击展开...是啊,民主国家制度的根本,是少数服从多数。但目前的事实常常是置多数人的利益不顾,去迁就少数人的利益。输油管道项目受阻是这样,大麻、同性恋合法化也是这样。
寻源思远 说:是啊,民主国家制度的根本,是少数服从多数。但目前的事实常常是置多数人的利益不顾,去迁就少数人的利益。输油管道项目受阻是这样,大麻、同性恋合法化也是这样。点击展开...所以,我最终走上了修佛的道路,因为只有佛陀的话才会让我明白一直困惑的问题。 世间万物没有是非,只有苦乐!
14岁女孩变性案又起波澜:女记者被告上法庭 - 无忧资讯
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