“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 反馈:骆驼客, 卡城西北, Jaclyn 和 15 其他人 7.85 2020-02-27#2
Work Hard for Better Canada
付费矿工 1,545$(0.28$赞力,#32) 4,998 $7.07 $1,545.03 沙发自己拿上评论
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 2020-02-27#3 M 2,472 $0.00 炸酱面。这不是菜
Aidemengdun 说:硬菜小吃都可以。点击展开...藜蒿炒腊肉红菜苔炒腊肉
有一种情怀,淡如轻烟,却能长久而执著地散发着暖人的温馨;有一种感动,默无声息,却能让我们为之心酸并为之泪流满面. 赏 反馈:confiture, Aidemengdun, 清茶一杯 和另外1个人 0.19 2020-02-27#7 付费矿工 8,475$(1.53$赞力,#8) 19,957 $58.69 $8,475.17 白斩鸡狗肉煲
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 赏 反馈:金角大王, Aidemengdun 和 catorclie 0.02 2020-02-27#8
付费矿工 1,769$(0.32$赞力,#30) 14,735 $15.77 $1,768.90 猪肉炖粉条子评论
是朋友、多来往;不是朋友、少见面。出来玩,开心最重要!别的,一切都是浮云!炸酱面。这不是菜 点击展开...所以我说都可以呀。我也喜欢黄瓜丝加上
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 爆炒鳝鱼点击展开...江苏有类似的叫红烧马鞍桥你这个是爆炒鳝鱼丝吧
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 腌笃鲜。点击展开...桑海印呐……我也爱吃。弄不到好的咸肉啊
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 藜蒿炒腊肉红菜苔炒腊肉点击展开...再来一碗排骨藕汤
梦里雪飞扬 说:藜蒿炒腊肉红菜苔炒腊肉点击展开...湖北湖南哒?我也特别爱吃腊肉
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 白斩鸡狗肉煲点击展开...哈哈。咱周总粤菜系列我也喜欢话说大温粤菜馆白斩鸡应该有做的好的吧?
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 猪肉炖粉条子点击展开...这个就不用我介绍啦这个这头都能买到。好的酸菜粉条
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 再来一碗排骨藕汤点击展开...湖北的藕最好。拉丝的,做排骨汤
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 湖北湖南哒?我也特别爱吃腊肉点击展开...这两个是湖北菜,武汉洪山菜苔为最佳
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