加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息最近canada post好像延迟很厉害
popwang 说:你的包裹一般多久可以收到?点击展开...同城有很快的,第二天就收到的。远处的一般都慢。我寄到阿尔伯塔,安省北部的,应该三天到,结果七天了都没收到。往多伦多寄的一星期才到,有个多伦多寄给我的,一星期了还没收到。寄到纽芬兰的,也是应该三天到,结果两个星期以后才收到。我在渥太华。
tototo 说:同城有很快的,第二天就收到的。远处的一般都慢。我寄到阿尔伯塔,安省北部的,应该三天到,结果七天了都没收到。往多伦多寄的一星期才到,有个多伦多寄给我的,一星期了还没收到。寄到纽芬兰的,也是应该三天到,结果两个星期以后才收到。我在渥太华。点击展开...都是用的canadapost么?
popwang 说:都是用的canadapost么?点击展开...对,都是Canada Post,我仅有少量从亚马逊买的东西是Purolator寄的。
tototo 说:对,都是Canada Post,我仅有少量从亚马逊买的东西是Purolator寄的。点击展开...最近用canadapost是啥时候
主要是缺邮递员,和超市的问题一样,工作人员要冒险,不是太愿意工作, 可以理解。这次疫情暴露出很多的问题,不仅仅是医疗系统,养老院系统,公交公司,超市,邮递员等等,特别是在家就可以有 $2000 补助,造成许多必须的服务找不到人上班。安省刚宣布给医疗一线人员加工资,每小时 4 元。看看现在几乎所有的经济补助计划都有漏洞,一定程度造成负面的影响。主要的原因一个是时间紧迫,来不及仔细考虑,另外一个就是政府官员高高在上,对底层的社会了解不够。如果说来加拿大最大的收获,对我个人来说就是了解底层的人生,小时候的经历不算,因为那个时候和社会其实是没有什么关联的,也不会思考,大多数时间在学校和家庭,现在真的是时时刻刻地面临各种问题,最近也联络议员和政府部门,反映问题,一如既往,10 多天也没个回复。
ZT: Canada Post Many postal workers are scared and frustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic, but they continue to work on the frontlines providing an essential service to Canadians. Some Canada Post facilities have already suspended operations due to COVID-19 contamination. To contain further spread, this petition is calling for increased safety measures for Canada Post processing facilities. If you think postal workers and the communities they serve should be protected, sign now.Safe Working Conditions For Canadian Postal Workers During COVID19 Crisis 22,502 have signed Concerned Canadian’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!Sign now with a clickPostal workers are on the frontlines providing an essential service to help Canadians navigate the COVID-19 (C19) crisis; they should be supported to do it as safely as possible without needlessly jeopardizing themselves or public safety.According to the World Health Organization, C19 can live on surfaces between a few hours and a few days, as well as incubate within a person up to 14 days without that person showing symptoms (source). Until definitively proven otherwise by global health authorities, any postal service operating without active, sufficient C19 safety measures should be considered a health risk to postal workers, their families, and the public.Postal workers are scared and frustrated that Canada Post Corporation (CPC) is obstructing implementation of basic C19 safety protocol as requested by their union (source). CPC is instructing their national spokesperson, Jon Hamilton, to actively minimize the lack of proper C19 safety protocol in place for frontline postal workers to ensure their safety (source @ 0:46). While it is likely that C19 will die on product shipping over many days, this ignores the reality that a crowded, unsanitary processing work environment (e.g. ~600 workers split over three 3 shifts) can contaminate product that is transferred within a few hours to crowded, unsanitary delivery depots (e.g. ~1400 delivery agents split between 8 facilities), where potentially contaminated product and delivery personnel then spread out into the public.Two CPC facilities have already suspended processing and delivery due to C19 contamination (St John’s, NFLD & North Bay, ON). To prevent this pattern from repeating, the highest possible safety standards are necessary for all levels of CPC operations to reduce the potential for our postal service to become a contagion network spreading C19.All said, we, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to support the efforts, and demands, of frontline postal workers and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) for the following:To implement, in a timely manner, the best work practices and facility standards for postal workers to minimize the spread of C19 among other postal workers, their families, and the public;To task third-party health experts, as agreed upon by CUPW and the Prime Minister’s office, to audit CPC operations and implement timely changes that will allow postal processing and delivery to maintain safety standards reducing, as much as possible, the spread of C19;To, as a last resort, refuse unsafe working conditions should CPC remain unresponsive to the safety concerns of postal workers.Sign now with a click
这个是我昨天收到的加拿大邮局工人的请愿,要求签名支持,以前还收到其他部门的同样的请愿。安省劳工部最近也发出了几千个 order 给一些工作场所,包括 shut down 的 order我也向政府要求关闭我们这里的沥青厂--安省唯一和公众没有分隔距离的沥青厂,因为空气污染造成这个地方的风险增高。
popwang 说:最近用canadapost是啥时候点击展开...我每个星期一二都要发不少包裹。
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