加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息英国设计公司:后疫情时代的飞机内部将会是这


@中国日报网 被誉为“大不列颠设计标杆”的英国普睿谷设计工作室对后疫情时代的飞机内部配置提出了一些新设想,其中包括清洁后会变色的座椅布料和上至天花板的座椅分隔屏。 Courtesy of PriestmanGoode. With mandatory masks and empty middle seats, air travel certainlylooks different during the Covid-19 pandemic. But London-basedtransportation design firm PriestmanGoode has taken it a step further,and re-imagined how airplane cabins could be outfitted to make theenvironment safer for passengers and crew. 疫情时期乘坐飞机必须佩戴口罩,还要空出中间座位,肯定是和往日不同了。但是总部在伦敦的交通设计公司普睿谷更进一步,重新设想了机舱的配置,从而为乘客和机组人员打造更为安全的环境。 While it’s unclear when or if these designs could be brought to life,here are models depicting PriestmanGoode’s proposed changes to economycabins: 虽然不清楚这些设计能否实现,不过,可以通过模型图看看普睿谷公司对经济舱提出的改变。 Courtesy of PriestmanGoode. Maintaining six feet of distance from other people on an airplane iscurrently very challenging. Airlines such as Delta, JetBlue andSouthwest have taken to temporarily blocking middle seats to allow formore space between passengers. 在飞机上保持人与人之间6英尺(1.8米)的距离目前是非常有挑战性的。达美、捷蓝和西南航空公司都采取了暂时封闭中间座位的方法,在乘客之间留出更多空间。 PriestmanGoode proposes staggering the rows of seats, so that peoplehave more private space. This also allows people to sit with a group oftwo or three friends or family members, while steering clear of otherparties on board. Between each row of seats, a screen divider wouldextend from the ceiling to the top of the seat for additionalprotection. Even the seats are constructed with no seams or cracks sothey’re easier to clean. 普睿谷公司建议交错摆放座椅,从而让人们有更多私密空间。这也让人们可以和两三好友或家人坐在一起,同时又能避开飞机上的其他人。在每排座位之间都有一块上至天花板下至座椅顶部的分隔屏作为附加防护。座椅之间甚至都没有接缝,这样更容易清洁。 Seat backs and tray tables have been completely overhauled byPriestmanGoode. Instead of built-in touchscreens for movies andin-flight announcements, this design includes attachments for passengersto prop up their own tablets and smartphones on the seat backs. 普睿谷对椅背和折叠桌进行了全面改革。椅背上不再有播放电影和机舱通知的内置触摸屏,而是设置了让乘客在椅背上支起自己的平板电脑和智能手机的附属装置。 overhaul[əʊvə'hɔːl]: v. 彻底检修;全面改革(制度、方法等) Courtesy of PriestmanGoode. And instead of the usual pocket with magazines and brochures, thefirm has opted to print safety information and in-flight announcementson the seat so there’s less material to touch and handle. Similar to themedia display, passengers could use bungee cords to fasten their ownbag, water bottle or personal items to the back of the seat. 椅背上也不再设置放杂志和小册子的袋子,而是印刷了安全信息和机舱通知,以减少接触和处理的材料。和媒体播放类似,乘客可以用椅背上的弹力绳来系牢自己的包包、水壶或私人物品。 bungee cord: 弹力绳 Courtesy of PriestmanGoode. One innovation that PriestmanGoode is touting is fabric that changescolor after it’s been cleaned. According to a press release, the seatfabric is treated with “photochromic and thermochromic ink” that reactsto cleaning supplies to indicate that it’s been disinfected with heatand light. Once someone sits in the seat, the fabric changes color. 普睿谷宣扬的一个创新产品是清洁后会变色的布料。根据新闻稿,这种座椅布料经过“光致变色和热变色染料”的处理,可以和清洁用品发生反应,显示出已经用高温和紫外线光消毒。一旦有人坐在椅子上,布料就会变色。 The design firm also proposes using far-UVC light to kill airbornegerms and virus particles in the cabin. The lights would be blue duringthe UVC light cleaning process, then shift to warm yellow when complete. 这家设计公司还建议用远程短波紫外线来杀死机舱空气中的细菌和病毒颗粒。短波紫外线清洁过程中会发出蓝色光,清洁完毕后会转为温暖的黄色光。 Courtesy of PriestmanGoode. New research suggests that far-UVC light can kill small particles ofviruses and bacteria on surfaces and in the air. A study out of ColumbiaUniversity found that far-UVC light killed 99.99% of coronaviruses inair droplets. Experts say these lights could be useful in healthcaresettings, but more studies need to be done on the long-term effects offar-UVC light exposure to make sure it’s safe. 新研究显示,远程短波紫外线可以杀死表面和空气中的病毒和细菌微粒。哥伦比亚大学的一项研究发现,远程短波紫外线可杀死空气飞沫中99.99%的新冠病毒。专家称,这些光可能在医疗环境中有用,但仍需更多研究来确定长期暴露在远程短波紫外线中是否安全。 Business class could provide even more of an upgrade. 商务舱会提供更多升级服务。 PriestmanGoode suggests that business class travelers have their ownpod, complete with a personal overhead compartment and wardrobe forstoring items. A curtain would serve as a partition between the flyerand the rest of the aircraft for more protection. 普睿谷提出,商务舱乘客应有自己的隔间,包括私人行李架和储物柜。在乘客和机上其他区域之间要装上门帘作为屏障,以增强防护。 Courtesy of PriestmanGoode. Covid-19 is mainly spread through respiratory droplets when aninfected person breathes, talks, coughs or sneezes. Air travel increasesyour risk of contracting Covid-19 because you spend extended periods oftime in close proximity with other people, and come in contact withhigh-touch surfaces, according to the Centers for Disease Control. 美国疾控中心称,新冠病毒主要通过感染者呼吸、讲话、咳嗽或打喷嚏产生的呼吸道飞沫进行传播。航空旅行会增加感染新冠病毒的风险,因为会长时间与其他人近距离接触,还会触摸接触率很高的表面。 英文来源:CNBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮

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