加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息子女教育 - 圣约翰勋章授勋仪式


今天和儿子去礼宾府 (Government House) 参加新斯科舍省和爱德华王子岛省议会圣约翰勋章授勋仪式 (The Order of St. John Nova scotia and Prince Edward Island Council Investiture Ceremony)。St. John Ambulance is unique amongst Canadian charitable organizations in that the senior-most award of the organization (the Order and the Service Medal) are official national honours.圣约翰救护服务在加拿大慈善组织中是独一无二的,因为该组织的最高奖项(勋章和服务奖章)是官方的国家荣誉。The humanitarian efforts of St. John first came to Canada close to 400 years ago - in the 17th century - with the second Governor of New France (now Quebec).圣约翰的人道主义工作最早是在近400年前--17世纪时--随着新法兰西(今魁北克)第二任总督来到加拿大。The modern Order of St. John has been active in Canada for nearly 130 years through what is today as St. John Ambulance.现代的圣约翰勋章通过今天的圣约翰救护服务在加拿大活跃了近130年。The Order consists of five grades: Bailiff Grand Cross, Knight/Dame of Grace/Justice, Commander, Officer, and Serving Member.勋章由五个等级组成: 大十字执达官、恩典/正义骑士/夫人、指挥官、军官和在职成员。勋章是由NS省督 (Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor) 颁发。儿子一直以来都在圣约翰救护服务做义工。今天被授予“Serving Member"的勋章。Medal.jpg

Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活赞反馈:Tianhai, marianboo, Aidemengdun 和 23 其他人 1.51 2020-09-19#2 金 10,989 $0.00 恭喜,好样的 (y)

哈法 说:今天和儿子去礼宾府 (Government House) 参加新斯科舍省和爱德华王子岛省议会圣约翰勋章授勋仪式 (The Order of St. John Nova scotia and Prince Edward Island Council Investiture Ceremony)。St. John Ambulance is unique amongst Canadian charitable organizations in that the senior-most award of the organization (the Order and the Service Medal) are official national honours.圣约翰救护服务在加拿大慈善组织中是独一无二的,因为该组织的最高奖项(勋章和服务奖章)是官方的国家荣誉。The humanitarian efforts of St. John first came to Canada close to 400 years ago - in the 17th century - with the second Governor of New France (now Quebec).圣约翰的人道主义工作最早是在近400年前--17世纪时--随着新法兰西(今魁北克)第二任总督来到加拿大。The modern Order of St. John has been active in Canada for nearly 130 years through what is today as St. John Ambulance.现代的圣约翰勋章通过今天的圣约翰救护服务在加拿大活跃了近130年。The Order consists of five grades: Bailiff Grand Cross, Knight/Dame of Grace/Justice, Commander, Officer, and Serving Member.勋章由五个等级组成: 大十字执达官、恩典/正义骑士/夫人、指挥官、军官和在职成员。勋章是由NS省督 (Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor) 颁发。儿子一直以来都在圣约翰救护服务做义工。今天被授予“Serving Member"的勋章。点击展开...哇,赞 

·<a href='https://www.china2au.com/html/aozhouxinwen/zhongwenxinwen/'>中文新闻</a> <a href='https://www.china2au.com/html/aozhouxinwen/zhongwenxinwen/2024/1222/3406450.html'>工党政府赋予工会“巨大的权力”</a><br>·<a href='https://www.china2au.com/html/aozhouxinwen/zhongwenxinwen/'>中文新闻</a> <a href='https://www.china2au.com/html/aozhouxinwen/zhongwenxinwen/2024/1222/3406427.html'>莉莉·詹姆斯 (Lily James) 凌晨 4 点被发现与身价 65 亿英镑的 Air</a><br>

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