今天和儿子去礼宾府 (Government House) 参加新斯科舍省和爱德华王子岛省议会圣约翰勋章授勋仪式 (The Order of St. John Nova scotia and Prince Edward Island Council Investiture Ceremony)。St. John Ambulance is unique amongst Canadian charitable organizations in that the senior-most award of the organization (the Order and the Service Medal) are official national honours.圣约翰救护服务在加拿大慈善组织中是独一无二的,因为该组织的最高奖项(勋章和服务奖章)是官方的国家荣誉。The humanitarian efforts of St. John first came to Canada close to 400 years ago - in the 17th century - with the second Governor of New France (now Quebec).圣约翰的人道主义工作最早是在近400年前--17世纪时--随着新法兰西(今魁北克)第二任总督来到加拿大。The modern Order of St. John has been active in Canada for nearly 130 years through what is today as St. John Ambulance.现代的圣约翰勋章通过今天的圣约翰救护服务在加拿大活跃了近130年。The Order consists of five grades: Bailiff Grand Cross, Knight/Dame of Grace/Justice, Commander, Officer, and Serving Member.勋章由五个等级组成: 大十字执达官、恩典/正义骑士/夫人、指挥官、军官和在职成员。勋章是由NS省督 (Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor) 颁发。儿子一直以来都在圣约翰救护服务做义工。今天被授予“Serving Member"的勋章。
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哈法 说:今天和儿子去礼宾府 (Government House) 参加新斯科舍省和爱德华王子岛省议会圣约翰勋章授勋仪式 (The Order of St. John Nova scotia and Prince Edward Island Council Investiture Ceremony)。St. John Ambulance is unique amongst Canadian charitable organizations in that the senior-most award of the organization (the Order and the Service Medal) are official national honours.圣约翰救护服务在加拿大慈善组织中是独一无二的,因为该组织的最高奖项(勋章和服务奖章)是官方的国家荣誉。The humanitarian efforts of St. John first came to Canada close to 400 years ago - in the 17th century - with the second Governor of New France (now Quebec).圣约翰的人道主义工作最早是在近400年前--17世纪时--随着新法兰西(今魁北克)第二任总督来到加拿大。The modern Order of St. John has been active in Canada for nearly 130 years through what is today as St. John Ambulance.现代的圣约翰勋章通过今天的圣约翰救护服务在加拿大活跃了近130年。The Order consists of five grades: Bailiff Grand Cross, Knight/Dame of Grace/Justice, Commander, Officer, and Serving Member.勋章由五个等级组成: 大十字执达官、恩典/正义骑士/夫人、指挥官、军官和在职成员。勋章是由NS省督 (Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor) 颁发。儿子一直以来都在圣约翰救护服务做义工。今天被授予“Serving Member"的勋章。点击展开...哇,赞