加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息耶鲁大学中国行(英文新闻)


President Richard C. Levin is currently leading a delegation of 100 Yale students, faculty and administrators in China at the invitation of President Hu Jintao of China.President Hu made the invitation in April 2006, when he visited the Yale campus to deliver a major address. “Yale is a forerunner in conducting China-U.S. educational exchanges and provides an important platform for cultural exchanges between our two countries,” President Hu stated during his speech at Yale. “To enhance mutual understanding between young people and educators of the two countries, I announce with pleasure here that we have decided to invite 100 Yale faculty members and students to visit China …”The Yale delegation will visit China May 15-25. The trip will include visits to Peking University in Beijing and Fudan University in Shanghai, interaction with Chinese students and scholars, meetings with government leaders, tours of major cultural and historical sites in Beijing and Shanghai, and visits to historical sites in the ancient city of Xi’an.更多新闻.http://www.yale.edu/chinatrip/

回复: 耶鲁大学中国行(英文新闻)已经来了,没看见中国方面的报道

回复: 耶鲁大学中国行(英文新闻)ChinaChinese president meets Yale University delegationWATCH VIDEOSource: CCTV.com | 05-17-2007 08:12 Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) meets with a delegation of Yale University students and faculty in Beijing, capital of China, May 16, 2007. The delegation, led by Richard Levin, president of Yale University is on a visit to China from May 15 to 25 at the invitation of Chinese President Hu Jintao. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng) President Hu Jintao has met a delegation from Yale University. Led by its president, Richard Levin, the 100-strong group arrived in Beijing Tuesday. Hu Jintao said young people are the future. They not only have the responsibility of building a better future for their own country, but of building a better future for the people of the world. He said strengthening exchanges between the young people of both countries would be mutually beneficial, helping to improve understanding, friendship and bilateral relations. The Chinese president said he hopes the teachers and students of Yale University would enjoy their time in China, to experience it and work with Chinese youth to contribute to their country's friendship. Editor:Du Xiaodan

回复: 耶鲁大学中国行(英文新闻)http://www.cctv.com/english/20070517/100341.shtml看来你没看CCTV新闻.

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