Yale delegates to visit China President Richard C. Levin will lead a delegation of 100 Yale students, faculty and administrators to China this spring at the invitation of President Hu Jintao of China. Hu extended the invitation to Yale in April 2006, when he visited the campus to deliver a major address. "Yale is a forerunner in conducting China-U.S. educational exchanges and provides an important platform for cultural exchanges between our two countries," Hu stated during his speech at Yale. "To enhance mutual understanding between young people and educators of the two countries, I announce with pleasure here that we have decided to invite 100 Yale faculty members and students to visit China ..." Related links The World TomorrowGiving Catalog The Yale delegates will visit China May 15-25, 2007. The trip will include visits to Peking University in Beijing and Fudan University in Shanghai; interaction with Chinese students and scholars; meetings with government leaders; tours of major cultural and historical sites in Beijing and Shanghai; and visits to historical sites in the ancient city of Xi'an. "Yale is honored to accept President Hu's gracious invitation," Levin said. "This is a wonderful opportunity for Yale students, faculty and administrators to be introduced to China. I hope that many of those who go on this trip will subsequently decide to return to further their studies or to work in China." Bruce Alexander, vice president for New Haven and state affairs and campus development, and Peter Salovey, dean of Yale College, will be leading the delegation with Levin. The Yale group will be broadly representative of the University's different schools, with priority given to individuals who have never been to China. There will be approximately 60 Yale students on the trip, including 30 Yale College students, six students from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and two students from each of Yale's professional schools. Interested Yale College students will apply through their residential colleges, and information about applications will be sent directly to students in each college. Other students will be selected by the dean of their school. Several students who are Chinese nationals or who have Chinese language proficiency will be selected separately. 应胡锦涛邀请 耶鲁大学本月中遣百人访华(图)倍可亲(backchina.com)应中国国家主席胡锦涛邀请,由美国着名学府耶鲁大学100名师生组成的代表团将在15日至25日访问中国。耶鲁大学校长莱文4日在华盛顿接受新华社记者采访时说,该校师生对于受到胡锦涛主席亲自邀请访问中国倍感激动和荣幸,对此次中国之行充满期待。 莱文说,这将是他第9次访华,也是最有意义的一次。访问期间,代表团将在北京、西安和上海与中国着名高校的师生进行交流,并参观中国的历史古迹和现代化建设成果。这将是该校历史上最大规模的一次访华活动,将使耶鲁师生亲身体验和掺解中国的灿烂文化和发展成就。 莱文说,中国的发展举世瞩目,成就有目共睹,中美两国的交流与合作也在不断加强。与中国有着深厚历史渊源的耶鲁大学作为美国着名学府,将通过加强与中国的教育、学术和文化交流,为增进两国人民特别是年轻一代的相互掺解尽一份力量。

回复: 应胡锦涛邀请 耶鲁大学本月中遣百人访华(图) 08老师刚到YALE就遇到大型的中美交流活动
回复: 应胡锦涛邀请 耶鲁大学本月中遣百人访华(图)嘿,等谁请中国100个人到美国来.
回复: 应胡锦涛邀请 耶鲁大学本月中遣百人访华(图)2008,你就不好发个邀请函?俺们也好组织个delegation什么的去Yale转转.
2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal 赏

5,484 $0.00 回复: 应胡锦涛邀请 耶鲁大学本月中遣百人访华(图)没有图啊:(竟然还有学生啊评论
赏 2008,你就不好发个邀请函?俺们也好组织个delegation什么的去Yale转转.点击展开...
回复: 应胡锦涛邀请 耶鲁大学本月中遣百人访华(图)2008,你就不好发个邀请函?俺们也好组织个delegation什么的去Yale转转.点击展开...好~~ 应Beijing2008邀请 中国家园英语世界本月中遣百人访耶大
个人卖车! http://forum.iask.ca/threads/2009-toyota-yaris-sedan-卖车.712400/敢问路在何方,路在脚下。――――――――――――――――――――――――――好~~ 应Beijing2008邀请 中国家园英语世界本月中遣百人访耶大点击展开...
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