加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译


在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译,急用!请高手指点谢谢大家回复!是在河边,湖边用的警示牌,意思应该是不能戏水,也不能游泳,照这样看应该用DO NOT ENTER WATER吧,但我用了DO NOT PLAY IN THE WATER.直白了些

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译Don't dabbling.我的理解是“请勿玩水”,right?

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译,急用!请高手指点点击展开...在国外只有No Swimming 的牌子.

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译见图No Swimming signs are posted by lifeguards to advise beachgoers of extrememe conditions and when beaches are closed because of dangerous, life threatening, conditions. DO NOT ENTER WATER WHEN THESE SIGNS ARE POSTED!

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译,急用!请高手指点点击展开...你可说DO NOT ENTER WATER

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译你可说DO NOT ENTER WATER点击展开... DO NOT PLAY WITH WATER

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。赞反馈:八年申请路 2007-07-22#7 K
8,359 $0.00 回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译或者写个swimming,然后上面打个叉?洋洋别骂俺呀,俺看见水就进来了,呵呵

木有马甲赞反馈:yangyang2005 和 八年申请路 2007-07-22#8 B
回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译Play With Water And You Could Get BurnedAld. Hamilton wants to remind residents that no matter how hot it gets in the city this summer that opening fire hydrants is illegal. The tampering can not only damage them causing delays during an emergency, but it can also create danger for children playing in the streets and waste thousands of gallons of water.Residents who see anyone tampering with a fire hydrant are encouraged to call 286-3710. 看用在哪了,如果是街上的水池或喷泉,SWIMMING 和ENTER就不适用.

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译我觉得说不定楼主是说可以游泳但不能够在水里打闹吧?国内泳池经常这样要求不是吗?这个怎么说啊楼主不是在线等吗?人跑哪去聊?难道去游泳池啦?

我觉得说不定楼主是说可以游泳但不能够在水里打闹吧?国内泳池经常这样要求不是吗?这个怎么说啊 楼主不是在线等吗?人跑哪去聊?难道去游泳池啦?点击展开...可参照这里:Basic Pool Rules All persons must shower before entering the main swimming pool.No glass is permitted on pool premises.No running, pushing wrestling, dunking, water fights, or undue disturbance is permitted in the pool or on the pool premises.Pets are not permitted on the pool premises.Eating and drinking is permitted only at tables, in the pavilion and in grassy areas on the pool premises.Smoking is not permitted on the pool premises.Inflatable rafts are not permitted in the main pool. Other flotation devices may be used at the discretion of the lifeguards and in accordance with Special Restriction C.All injuries must be reported immediately to the lifeguards.Abusive, foul and profane language is not permitted and may be cause for removal from pool premises.Toilet trained children are permitted in the main pool. Non-toilet trained children may use the main pool and wading pool if a swim diaper is used.Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on the pool premises and Swim Club property.Emergency and family information must be on file with the lifeguards.No in-line skates, bicycles, tricycles, skate boards, scooters, or the like are permitted on the pool premises.Other rules may be enforced by pool personnel for the benefit and safety of pool users.The lifeguard must be on duty and the pool officially open before any pool user is allowed in the water.All persons using the pool premises or Swim Club property do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. Neither Ulmstead Swim Club, nor the company providing pool operation services ("Management") assumes any responsibility for any accident or injury to person or property in connection with such use.The members and their guests agree to save harmless Ulmstead Swim Club, Inc. and its Officers, Board of Directors and Management and their employees from any and all lawsuits, damages, claims, injuries to person or property, liabilities and/or actions resulting from the use of the swimming pool, pool premises or other Swim Club property.Neither the Swim Club, nor Management will be responsible for loss of or damage to any personal property of any kind. Lost and found items will be discarded biweekly.The pool may be closed at any time due to mechanical breakdown, operational difficulties, inclement weather, special Club events or other appropriate circumstances. The decision is at the sole discretion of Management.Chewing gum is not permitted on the pool premises at any time.For each pool user's privacy and protection, cellular phone, phone camera, camera, and/or video camera use is strictly prohibited in all locker room, shower and changing areas. Anyone found to be in violation of this policy shall be immediately removed from the pool premises and other Swim Club property, shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and banned from pool premises and other Swim Club property. This policy may require the manager or assistant manager to question any pool user at the facility that they have reason to believe has made such forbidden use of such items.Lap lane is for lap swimming only.Front flips are permitted off the diving board, but back dives and back flips are strictly prohibited.Only one person is allowed on a diving board at a time. No diving until previous diver has resurfaced and has cleared the diving area. Only one bounce is permitted. No floatation devices are allowed while jumping from the board. No diving or jumping toward walls will be permitted.General swimming is permitted in the diving area only when diving boards are closed and only at the manager's, assistant manager's, or lifeguard's discretion.

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译premises什么意思啊?我知道了与其要写这么多这不允许那不允许干脆光写一个“general swimming only”呵呵

premises什么意思啊? 我知道了与其要写这么多这不允许那不允许干脆光写一个“general swimming only”呵呵点击展开...estates. Lands and tenements are usually, called premises, when particularly spoken of as, the premises will be sold without reserve.

回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译哦,明白了,就是游泳池的整块儿地,呵呵


回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译哦,国内的泳池没有这个规定反正奥体没有,俺记得不过我觉得国内一切都跟别人学,为啥这个没学呢?或许有规定却没人执行吧


回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译哈哈,高手真多如果是警告牌,应该可以说No Dabbling(可以游泳,但不能在里面戏水)吧俺理解No Swimming为不准游泳欢迎大家继续讨论

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案回复: 在线求助“请勿嬉水”的翻译参考:dabblev.弄湿, 弄水, 涉足其中一个英文解释To splash liquid gently and playfully.嬉水:轻柔嬉耍地泼溅液体dabble+ing=dabblingdabbling duckn. 钻水鸭

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