加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)


今天我们开始播送[流行美语]。在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。 Michael是美国人,但是他听得懂中文。他和李华在这个新学期 里不约而同地都选了摄影课。现在是清早7:50,俩人在课堂门口碰到了。请注意他们讲话中用的两个常用语:bummed和chill。    M: Hey, Li Hua, what are you doing here? You taking this class too?     L: 对,我选了摄影课。可是这节课那么早,我最讨厌起大早。     M: Yeah, I'm really bummed that I have to get up so early! I'm also bummed out that Dr. Johnson is teaching this class. I've heard she's really tough.     L: 嗨,Michael, 什么是 bummed? 我记得Bum 不是指无家可归的人吗?     M: Yeah, that is true. But here I used bummed and bummed out. They both mean to be unhappy or upset.     L: 噢,你看,就这一个字就把我弄糊涂了。原来是 bummed, 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,感到烦恼。嗨,Michael, 你刚才说什么来着?     M: I'm really bummed that I have to get up so early! I'm also bummed out that Professor Johnson is teaching this class.     L: 现在我清楚了,你是说要那么早起床实在叫你不高兴,Johnson博士教这门课也让你不高兴,因为她很严格。嗨,要是女同学拒绝你的邀请,那你就会更难受,对不对?     M: Ha ha. Very funny. But you are right, if I got turned down for a date I'd be bummed. I'm also bummed that summer vacation is over.     L: 嘿,我可了解你,要是遭到女同学的拒绝,你肯定会垂头丧气的。你连暑假结束也会感到烦恼。不过,这个单词很有用。我希望学期结束时,我不会因为分数不好而感到 bummed out。     M: Me too. Hey, I got an idea. Let's go to the student center and relax after class.     L: 我当然知道Johnson博士有多严格。好吧,下了课我们去学生中心休息一下。     M: Glad class is over! I'm ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.     L: 什么? 你说上完课很高兴,但是为什么一上午你会发冷呢?     M: Oh, no! Chill or chill out here means to relax. Chill,     L: 噢,chill或者chill out在这里是指休息。刚才你还说开学前没有机会chill out, 到底是什么意思?     M: I said: "I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days getting ready for school."     L: 原来你是说:过去几天为了准备开学而没有机会休息。     那你能说去打棒球,休息一下?     M: You normally go someplace calm and peaceful where you can relax. I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes. And I know that you like to chill at the museum.     L: 打棒球不能说是 chill out。不错,要到比较安静的地方才能休息。每个人还不一样,你喜欢坐在咖啡馆里看书,你知道我喜欢到博物馆去。能不能说到酒吧间去 chill out?     M: Sure, but we usually only say that if the bar is quiet and not too crowded.     L: 对,要是酒吧间人不多,也不闹,那就能这样说。这个单词太好了。谢谢你教我。我想今晚我到我的朋友家去 chill out。     M: Sounds great! Ah, look at the time. I need to go meet my friend at the bookstore. Sorry that I have to go, I'm really bummed to have to leave you!     L: 得了,你要去书店跟朋友一起买书,你就走吧,别说什么跟我分手很难受这种话。走吧,下回我们到别的地方去玩。     M: Cool. Have fun chilling tonight at your friends'. See you later!    L: 我今晚在朋友家肯定会玩得很高兴,Bye!    Michael和李华在对话里用了两个常用语,一个是:bummed或者是bummed out, 意思是不高兴,烦恼;另一个是:chill或者是chill out, 意思是休息,放松,或者玩。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第二课     今天李华和Michael在对话里使用的两个常用语,一个是:to ditch,另一个是:to hit the spot。现在Michael 正在图书馆里做功课,李华来找他。     L: 嗨,Michael, 功课做得怎么样了?     M: I can't think. It's too noisy. Let's ditch this place.     L: 你没法动脑筋,因为这儿太闹。你还说什么来啦?Ditch this place,什么意思呀?     M: Ditch! To ditch means to quickly leave a place you no longer want to be.     L: 噢,to ditch 就是你不想再呆在那个地方,想赶快离开。你的意思就是要马上离开图书馆。不对啊,ditch 这个字不是可以解释为地上挖的沟吗?你说的 ditch 是同一个字?     M: Yes, it is. Same word, same spelling, but a different meaning.     L: 原来是同一个字,同样拼法,但意思不同。噢, Michael, 再举个例子给我听,好吗?     M: If we want to get away from someone you could say, "Let's ditch him," which means to leave someone behind.     L: 你的意思是 to ditch 不仅可以指地方,还能指人。 上次我们跟 Mary 一起去看电影,看完电影我们俩没跟 Mary 打招呼就走了,这就可以说:We ditched Mary,对不对?     M: That's correct.     L: 要是你干活干腻了,不想干了,那该说。。。     M: To ditch work.     L: 不想去开会。。。     M: To ditch the meeting. You can also say: to ditch the concert.     L: 我知道,那是不想去音乐会。要是和朋友约好了,可是又不想去了,那该怎么说呀?     M: To ditch my friend. Hey, can we ditch the library now! I am really tired and could use some coffee.     L: Ok, ok。让我们离开这图书馆吧。你累了,想喝咖啡。走,去校园外的那个咖啡馆吧。     L: 好,咖啡馆到了。     M: Yep, here's the coffee shop. Li Hua, what do you want, my treat this time.     L: 你请我啊? 那太好了。我要一杯咖啡就行了。     M: Sounds good. Two coffees please. Here's your coffee, Li Hua.     L: Thanks!     M: No problem. Oh, so hot! Be careful. Good coffee, really hits the spot. I feel more awake now.     L: 对,咖啡是不错,你已经觉得清醒点儿啦!我可不信咖啡的作用就那么快!对了,刚才你说: " It really hits the spot? To hit the spot 不是击中要害吗? 你刚才说的好象不是这个意思。你怎么老是说一些怪里怪气的话。     M: Hit the spot means to satisfy one's need. I really needed some coffee earlier so it really hit the spot.     L: 原来hit the spot 就是满足一个人的需要。你刚才很想喝咖啡,喝了就感到非常过隐,很痛快。Hit the spot 是哪三个字组成的?     M: Hit-the-spot. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot."     L: 中文里也有这个说法。肚子非常饿的时候去吃饭。吃饱了就感到心满意足。洗个热水澡真痛快,那该怎么说?     M: A hot bath would hit the spot.     L: 吃个汉堡包真过隐,该怎么说?     M: A burger would hit the spot. Let's go, I'm hungry.     L: 好家伙, 喝了咖啡,又肚子饿了, 要去吃汉堡包。这回我可不奉陪了, I have to ditch you now. 再见了!     M: Ok. Bye. 再见。     Michael 和李华在对话中用了to ditch 和 to hit the spot. To ditch表示 要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一 个不想再呆的地方。To hit the spot 是感到过隐,觉得很痛快。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第三课     Michael是纽约大学的美国学生,他同时也在一家建筑公司实习。他的中国同学李华今天要去他的公司看他。Michael听得懂中文,但是说还有点困难。Michael和李华在今天的对话里会用两个常用语,一个是:big gun; 另一个是to quarterback。Michael现在在办公室门口和李华打招呼。     M: Hey, Li Hua, Come on in. How're you doing?     L: 我挺好。你怎么样?对了,你下午想干什么?     M: Ah, I've got a meeting with the big guns this afternoon. They want to talk to me about continuing to work here after graduation.     L: 我听懂了你后面的一句话,他们要跟你谈关于毕业后回来工作的 事。那真是太好了。可是,你刚才说今天下午要跟谁开会?     M: Yea, I 'm meeting with my bosses. Sometimes we call them the big guns of the office.     L: 噢,你要跟你的几个老板开会。你们把老板叫做the big guns!     M: It's an expression that can be used to describe powerful people.     L: 噢, 那是指权力很大的人, 也就是大人物。那么,总统的顾问能 称为big guns吗?     M: Yes, a president's advisors are big guns. But it can also be used in sports. In soccer the stars of a team are the big guns.     L: Big guns 还能用在体育方面。     M: OK, let me show you around the rest if the office.     L: 你要带我去看看这公司的大楼,那太好了。Let's go!     M: This is the conference room. We had a meeting here yesterday on our plan for a new building. The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.     L: 等等,你说这是会议室,你们昨天在这里开了一个会, 讨论盖 一 栋新楼的计划。可是,你还说那项目主任是踢美式足球的,是quarterback,四分卫,对不对?     M: No, no, no! Quarterback here is a verb, meaning to lead. The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, where the quarterback leads the team.     L: 噢,quarterback 在这里是动词,意思是领导。你说这里的 quarterback 是从美式足球里借来用的,因为quarterback在球队里是 主力。你刚才是怎么说的?     M: The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.     L: 现在我听清楚了,你刚才说的是:项目领导人主持会议。     那么,to quarterback 还能用在别处吗?     M: To quarterback is business slang. If someone is responsible for a group working on a new project that individual is quarterbacking the team.     L: 知道了,to quarterback 是用在商业方面的。要是某人负责一个新 项目,这个人就是在领导这个项目的小组。要是某人在一个法律事务所主持会议,那该怎么说呢?     M: Someone quarterbacked the meeting at the law firm.     L: 你们公司的一位重要领导主持会议,讨论公司的收入报告,这又 该怎么说?     M: The company's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report. Hey, I need to get back to work. I'll call you later.     L: 好吧,那就再见吧!希望你将来成为a big gun.     M: Oh, yea, I'm sure soon I'll be quarterbacking every meeting and every project.     L: 你真的当真呐! 还想主持所有会议,总管所有项目。得啦,再 见吧!     Michael 和李华在对话中用了两个常用语, 一个是:the big guns, 意思是大人物,对决策有重大影响的人;另一个是:to quarterback,意思是主持会议,或总管项目。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看) Lesson Four 第四课   [流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael和李华这两个大学生今天在 纽约的百老汇逛马路。那里戏院很多。李华看到一个 剧院在演歌 舞剧[音乐之声],于是她苦苦哀求Michael陪她去看。Michael 在学中 文。他喜欢李华跟他讲中文,可以让他练习听力。他在今天的对话 里会用到"broke"和“lame"这两个词。     L: Michael,你看,这个剧院在演[音乐之声]!我一直想看这个歌 舞剧。     M: I know, it's a popular show.     L: 谁都喜欢[音乐之声]。Michael,今天晚上我们没有功课,我们去 看,好吗?     M: Sorry, Li Hua, I'm broke. Maybe another time.     L: Broke? 你受伤啦?     M: No, no, no! I did not break anything. Here broke means to have no money.     L: 噢,你没有摔断骨头,把我吓一跳。Broke在这里的意思是没有 钱。上回我妈妈出了车祸,花了好多钱修车,她就没钱了。 这也可以说 ...     M: Yes, your mom was broke!     L: 我哥哥付了学费,还买了好多书,他现在也是没钱了。     M: Your brother is now broke! I know your sister spent all her money to buy a computer, so she is now broke too.     L: 你怎么知道我姐姐买了一台电脑,把所有的钱都花完了?     M: You told me yourself, you just forgot!     L: 我告诉过你?我真是忘了。可是我不信你没有钱,你不是刚开始 给一个公司打工,前几天还发了工资吗?     M: Ok, ok, I'm not broke. We can go see the show.     L: 我知道你有钱!太好了,太好了,谢谢你Michael。    L: 这两个座位还挺好的。     M: Yea, pretty good. Li Hua, do you know why I didn't want to come to the show? Because I think musicals are lame.     L: Lame? Lame 是什么意思呀?     M: When you say something is lame you mean that it is silly or it is uninteresting.     L: 噢,说什么东西 lame 就是说没有意思,无聊。还有什么事情你 觉得是无聊的?     M: Saturday morning classes are lame!     L: 你是说星期六早上上课是个馊主意?     M: Yes, having class on a weekend is lame because it's a silly idea.     L: 对,我也同意,周末上课太没劲了!谁出的这个主意,是够傻的。     对了,Michael, 上回你交不出家庭作业也找了个很牵强的借口, 你当时是怎么对教授说的?     M: I told our professor that my dog ate my homework. Yes, I agree, that was a lame excuse.     L: 对了,你对教授说你的狗把你的家庭作业给吃了。谁都不会相信 你这种话。那你刚才不想来看歌舞剧,借口说没钱,那也是 lame excuse?     M: Yes, it was an inadequate excuse because I do have money.     L: 我知道你有钱,只是为了不想看歌舞剧而找个借口才说没钱的。     M: You can also say...     L: 行了,行了,我懂了。别说话了,演出开始了。     M: Ok, but don't give me any lame excuses next time I want to do something!     L: 下回不管你要干什么,我绝对不会用这种牵强的借口。     M: Seriously, after buying these tickets I really am broke!     L: 买了这两张票,你真的没钱啦? 得, 下回我请客。     Michael 和李华在今天的对话里用了broke这个词, broke在这里的意 思是没有钱了。他们还用了一个词:lame, 意思是无聊,没有 意思,或者是不合适的。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第五课     今天Michael和李华要开车去新泽西州看一个朋友,跟他一起过周末。 新泽西州紧挨着纽约,开车只要一个小时就到了。请注意他们俩人讲话当中用的两个词: shot 和 damage。现在他们正准备上车。     M: Hey, Li Hua, are you ready to go?     L: 行,我准备好了,可以走了。     M: Ok, let's go!     L: 哟,怎么啦?     M: I think my engine is shot. This is not good.     L: 什么? 有人开枪把你车打坏啦?     M: No! You're right, shot does mean to have used a gun, but here shot means something is broken.     L: 对啊,shot是指开枪,原来这儿的意思不同,这儿是指什么东西坏了。那我的电脑坏了,也能用shot这个字啊?     M: Sure. My computer is shot. You can say almost anything is shot.     L: 什么东西坏了都能这样说?     M: Yes, if you hurt your knee, you can say: My knee is shot, or if you hurt your shoulder, you can say: My shoulder is shot.     L: 噢, 要是你的膝盖受伤了,你就可以说:My knee is shot; 要是你的肩膀受了伤,那你就说:My shoulder is shot.     M: Let's go rent a car. I don't want our whole day to be shot.     L: 对,还是去租一辆车吧。 噢,毁了一整天也能这样说呀!     M: Yep. Let's go!     (Michael和李华租了一辆车,现在他们在开往新泽西的路上)。     L: Michael, 这辆车真不错,挺稳的。再开半小时就到了,太好了!     M: Yeah, I'm glad too, but the damage for renting the car is pretty bad.     L: 什么?这辆租的车也坏了?哟,那怎么办呐!     M: No, the rental car is not damaged! The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.     L: 租的车没有坏,真把我吓一跳。原来又是我的英文有问题。 Damage 这个字很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。     M: Yes, renting the car is expensive, so the damage is bad. We usually say the damage is bad or not bad.     L: 我知道了,价钱贵就是:the damage is bad。 价钱不高,那就是: the damage is not bad. 再给我举个例子吧。     M: When you pay for dinner at a restaurant, you can ask: What's the damage?     L: 噢,在饭店里吃完晚饭要付钱的时候可以问:“What's the damage?" 所以租车很贵,the damage is bad. Michael, 别担心,我可以帮你付一点。     M: You don't have to, Li Hua. I know the damage for your new computer was pretty bad.     L: 你真好心,知道我买新电脑花了不少钱,所以不要我帮你付。 Michael, 没关系,我能付一点,你还要去修车,也很贵的。     M: Thanks, Li Hua. But I hope the damage for fixing my car won't be too bad.     L: 我也希望你修车不至于太贵。得了,别说钱了,赶快开吧。     M: OK, I'll drive fast so that the rest of our day won't be shot.     L: 对了,别浪费时间了,我也不想把一天的时间全浪费了。     今天Michael 教了李华两个年轻人常用的词,一个是shot。 Shot 是指什么东西坏了,或者人体的某个部位受伤了;另外一个词 是damage。这里的damage不是指损坏,而是指为某样东西,或某个交易付的钱

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)Lesson Six 第六课 (下载)     今天,Michael 和他的中国同学李华约好了在中央公园见面。他们在对话中会用到两个词:drag 和 trip。     L: 对不起, Michael,我迟到了。地铁误点了。     M: Hey, Li Hua. Don't apologize, it's a nice day to just sit here and relax.     L: 对,坐在这里休息休息是挺好的。我也很喜欢这个公园。不过,我们得到大都市艺术博物馆去看摄影展览呐!     M: Oh, do we have to go? I hate going to the museum on such a nice day, it's such a drag.     L: 哟,你觉得这么好的天气去博物馆太没意思,就不想去了? Michael,你答应过我,要是我到这儿来,你就跟我一起去。你说什 么drag不drag的,我又没法把你拽着一起去!     M: No, to call something a drag means it is tiresome.     L: 噢,在中文里就是没劲,没意思。Michael,drag不是拉东西的拉吗? 你说的drag跟这个drag是同一个字吗?     M: Yeah, Li Hua, same word. As another example, we could also call our professor Dr. Smith a drag.     L: 噢,还可以说我们的教授Smith博士没劲,没意思。这我可不知 道,我并不觉得他枯燥无味。     M: Of course you would say that. After all, on the first day of class all you did was talk about how cute he was.     L: 你说我第一天上完他的课后,口口声声夸他长得帅?你别瞎说八道了。     M: Oh, Li Hua, you're such a drag. You did say he's cute.     L: 非要说我认为他很帅。还说我没劲。算了,不跟你说了。 Michael,我去看展览了,不管你去不去。     M: All right, all right, I'll come.     ( Michael 和李华看完了摄影展)。     L: 这个摄影展览真好,可是我还在生你的气呢!     M: Ok, I'm sorry. Actually, I really enjoyed the photography exhibit. I thought it was a trip.     L: 我也很喜欢这种超现实主义的艺术。等等,你为什么把看展览叫/ 做旅行呢?我们又没有离开纽约。     M: No, the word trip does mean travel, but here it means something that is unusual, in a good way.     L: 对,trip这个字很普通,是指旅行。原来你说的trip是指不寻常, 但又很好的意思。 噢,我想起来了。以前有一个教授告诉过我, 美国年轻人在60和70年代盛行反潮流的行为。Trip 这个词就来自 那个时候,是指吸毒后产生的幻觉。对不对?     M: Yeah, but its meaning has changed.     L: 现在的意思不一样了。可我现在就知道我们刚才去看的摄影展览可以说是a trip,中文可以说是与众不同吧。其他还有什么也能用trip这个词来形容的呢?     M: Well, look at that guy over there, sitting on the bench. The long hair and wild clothes. I really like his outfit, so I would call him a trip. But some people may not like this.     L: 噢,坐在长板凳上的那个留着长头发,穿着很怪的男人? 你喜欢他的衣服,所以你认为他与众不同,别有风味。对不起,我可不欣赏。     M: That's ok, everyone is different.     L: 对,每个人的爱好不一样。你再给我举个例子吧。     M: I would also call our photography class professor a trip, her style is a trip.     L: 对,她是与众不同,她上课的时候总是很激动,跟别的教授不一 样。我的男朋友是学小提琴的,他常常练琴练得忘了吃饭,他也能算是个trip吧?     M: Yeah, he is also a trip. I can't imagine you would like someone who is a drag.     L: 这你可说对了。你要是一个枯燥无味的人,我才不跟你一起出去玩呢。得了,我们该回去做功课了,尽管没劲,书还得念呐。     M: Ok, let's go!     今天Michael教了李华两个常用的词,一个是:drag,意思是没意思, 枯燥;另一个是:trip,意思是与众不同,别出心裁,但是含有褒意。

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回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)不错不错有一段时间我有一个邮箱经常收到“流行美语”的材料,还可以在线收听的,可惜我删除了

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第七课         Michael和李华今天去看篮球比赛。球赛是在纽约大型室内体育馆[麦迪逊广场花园]举行,这场比赛是华盛顿的球队对纽约的球队。 Michael到中国去学过中文,他让李华跟他讲中文,以便练习听力。 现在他们俩正在排队进入体育馆。今天他们在对话中会用choke和 money这两个词。     L: 嗨,Michael,谢谢你买到这么好的票!我真高兴能到[麦迪逊广场]来 看球。这可是有名的体育馆哟!     M: No problem! I am really happy you could come. Yeah, I love coming to the Garden to watch basketball games.     L: 你也喜欢来这里看篮球比赛啊,那太好了。今天是纽约队比华盛顿队, 你看结局会怎样?     M:Well, Li Hua, I think New York is going to lose. Knowing them, their going to choke.     L: 你说纽约队会输? 你还说什么 choke? 你是说他们吃饭时会噎着啦? 这跟输球有什么关系,我不懂。     M:No, no, no! They're not going to choke on their food! It's the same word with the same spelling, but it has a different meaning. Here, choke means to fail under pressure.     L:噢,我懂了。 你说的choke 是指纽约队会抵挡不住华盛顿球队的压力而输掉, 对吗?     M: Yes! And choke has many uses. How else do you think it can be used?     L: Choke 可以用在很多地方。考试考糟了,可以用choke 这个字吧?     M: Yes! In fact, I choked on a test last week.     L:你上星期考试考糊了?嘿,Michael, 我还知道怎么用choke这个字。你 不是老想请那个姑娘出去玩吗?你请她,她连电话都不回,这可真让你choked了,对不对?     M:It seems like you really understand this word! Yeah, but it doesn't matter with that girl because I don't like her anyway.     L: 噢,你说得可真轻松,没关系,因为你不喜欢她。好,那你告诉我你喜欢哪个女孩呐?     M:Oh, that doesn't matter. Let's go to our seats!     L: 好,好, 去找位置吧!     (Michael和李华找到了自己的座位)     L: Michael,你看,纽约队看来不会输,他们赢了两个球,现在还剩十秒了。只要纽约队不失去球,他们就不会输。     M:I think that New York is going to win. Maybe they won't choke after all.     L:你也认为纽约队可能不会输?等等,你看, 纽约队丢了球!这下他们完 了!华盛顿队要求暂停,他们还有赢的机会。     M:Washington is going to win. Michael Jordan will make the last shot. He is money.     L: 你认为华盛顿球队会赢,Michael Jordan 会投进最后一个球。你说 "He is money "是说他会赚钱吗?     M:No, by money, here I mean that he performs consistently at a high level.     L: 噢,这儿的money不是指钱,是指他打球一直保持在高水平上,一直打得很棒。     M:Yes, you could say Yao Ming is money too.     L: 姚明当然很棒,所以也可以说:Yao Ming is money。那我们班的 Steven,他考试总是考得很好,也能说,He is money?     M:Yup. He's money. You can also call things money. For example, this pizza we are eating is money.     L: 原来凡是好的东西都可以说是money。我们正在吃的比萨饼是很好吃, 所以也可以说是money.     M:Do you think the coffee shop we like to go to is money?     L: 我们常去的咖啡馆当然非常好,我一有空就想去。     M: Michael Jordan won the game! I told you he is money!     L: Michael Jordan赢得了比赛,他就是棒。     M:Let's get going, though. I have to study for a test. I don't want to choke on the test again.     L: 好吧,你快回去准备考试吧,我知道你要再考糊,就麻烦了。     Michael和李华今天在对话里用的两个词意思是相对的。 To choke是糟糕,失败的意思;而money是保持高水平,非常棒的意思。最好大家都不要choke,都成为money,那就太棒了。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第8课     [流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael今天和李华约好了去纽约中国城吃饭。李华刚刚到Michael的住处。他们在对话中会用到 hang out和hard headed这两个常用语。     L:嗨,Michael, 走吧!     M:I'm coming. Hey, come on in for a minute and sit down.     L:还要叫我进来坐会儿呀!不行,快走,我饿了,我要去吃中国饭。     M:I'm not ready yet. Just hang out for a minute.     L:嗨,你真是的,还有什么事非要现在干呐!你要我给你挂什么?一张画?     M:No, no, no!! Just wait for a few minutes.     L:要我等几分钟,这跟挂东西有什么关系呀?     M:No, you don't understand. Hang out means to pass time while you're waiting.     L:噢,hang out是等一会儿的意思?     M:Yes, but it can also mean to spend time with your friends. For example, you and I hang out a lot.     L:跟朋友一起玩也能说是hang out,对,我们是经常在一起活动。     M:Ok. So hang out while I go get ready.     L:还要我等呀!行,不过下次不管上那儿去,要是我让你等一会儿,你可别感到奇怪哟。     M:Ha, ha. Ok, I 'm ready.     L:那就走吧!你喜欢中国城哪个饭馆呐?     M:Let's go to Good Fortune. Do you mind if some of my other friends hang out with us?     L:好,新世界饭馆挺好。你说你还有几个朋友也要跟我们一起吃饭呀? 当然没关系了,我一直认为玩的时候人多一些好。     (Michael和李华开车到了中国城)     L:Michael, 你知道该往哪儿走吗?我想我们还是问一下路吧,你好象是迷路了。     M:I'm not lost. I think I know where we are.     L:还硬说你没有迷路呢!Michael, 别这么顽固嘛!问一下路有怎么啦?你真是讨厌。     M:Are you calling me hard headed?     L:我是说你顽固,跟你的头硬不硬没有关系。     M:Hard headed does mean stubbon, they have the same meaning. It's an expression people use sometimes.     L: 我说呢,我刚才还真不懂什么头硬不硬。原来hard headed就是顽固。有人用hard headed这个说法?我怎么没听说过? 不过,你要是问了路我就不会说你顽固了。美国男人呐,都一样,都很顽固。他们硬着头皮,就是不肯问路。     M:I know where we are. We're really close to the restaurant.     L:你还不认为你迷路,你知道离新世界饭馆很近了。好吧,那我就听你的吧。 对了,Michael, 我跟我弟弟说什么他都不听,非常顽固,我能说是 hard headed吗?     M:Yeah, I remember meeting him, he is certainly hard headed.     L:对,你见过他。上回在公园里,他非要去跟一个不认识的女孩搭讪,我们叫他不要去,他不听,结果给人瞪了一眼,落个没趣。这真可以说是hard headed吧?     M:Sure. But remember, hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people.     L:噢,hard headed 只能形容人呀?我看,用hard headed来形容你是再合适不过了。走了那么多路,饭馆在哪里呐?     M:I think it's just down this block.     L:你还认为在这条街上。Michael, 你就在这儿等等吧,我去问路。你啊, 真是hard headed, 顽固不化。     今天Michael和李华在谈话中用了两个常用语,一个是:hang out, 意思是等一等,或跟朋友一起玩;另一个常用语是:hard headed, 意思是:顽固,固执。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第九课     [流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael是一个在纽约上大学的美国年轻人,他经常跟中国学生李华一起玩。Michael向李华学中文,李华向 Michael 学英文。Michael 正在准备考试,有很多功课要做,但是李华要他出去休息休息,两人约好下午在动物园见面。他们在对话中会用这两个词:all-nighter和cram。     L: 嗨,Michael. 我在这儿!     M: Hey, Li Hua. Oh, the elephant house, let's go in and take a look.     L: 噢,那是大象馆啊? 好, 进去看看。 不行,不行,这儿太臭 了。走吧!     M: Oh, yeah. Let's get out of here. In fact, I've got a lot of studying to do. I'm going to need to pull an all-nighter.     L: 我知道你有很多功课,但是你在准备考试的时候也总得休息休息 嘛。我听说这次考试会很难。你刚才说 all-nighter 是不是开夜车 的意思呀?     M: Yeah, that's what I meant. Li Hua, you're smart!     L: 我是猜出来的, all的意思是整个,全部,nighter和 night 很像。我想一个人要整夜学习,那不就是开夜车吗?但是,有一点我不太懂,你说:to pull an all-nighter,什么是pull ?     M: Pull means to get yourself through a difficult time.     L: 噢, pull an all-nighter, 就是迫使自己整夜念书,因为要这样做是很辛苦的。     M: Yep. You wouldn't have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all semester, I haven't been.     L: 这你可说对了。我不需要开夜车,因为我整个一学期都在学习。 你要开夜车,因为你平时不学习。     M: I know, I know, you're a better student than I am.           L: Michael, 我真喜欢纽约的秋天, 空气很清新。你要是能跟我一起玩,不用回去念书,那该多好啊!     M: I don't want to go study either, but I should.     L: 对啊, 你 要是上星期多花点时间念书不就好了嘛。现在你得临时抱佛脚了。     M: I perform better on tests when I cram.     L: Cram? Cram是把什么东西塞进去的意思,跟学习有什么关系呢?     M: Well, it's sort of the same meaning. I'm going to do a lot of studying at the last minute, that's what it means to cram.     L: 意思差不多?噢,我知道了!Cram就是我们中文里说的填鸭式方法,就是硬把食品塞给鸭子吃,这样鸭子就长得肥。北京烤鸭 就是用这种鸭子做的。你说的cram 是临时抱佛脚,在考试前猛记猛背,把知识往脑子里塞。你还认为这是好办法?     M: Well, everyone's different. Cramming works for me.     L: 你认为临时抱佛脚对你来说行得通。可是,Michael,想把半学期的内容在一个晚上记住,这样做可真傻。     M: Stop being my mother, Li Hua!     L: 我才不想当你妈呢, 你不听我的话,那就算了。Michael, cram这个词是否还能用在别的场合呢?     M: Not really. It's only used to describe studying for a test, usually college or high-school level.     L: 噢,只能指大学生或中学生在考试前开夜车,临时抱佛脚。     M: And that's what I need to do, right now. It's getting late and I know I will have to pull an all-nighter.     L: 好吧,我明天早上给你打电话。     M: No, don't worry about me, I'm sure I will still be cramming.     L: 哟,你还准备开夜车开到天亮呐? Ok, well, good luck!     今天李华向Michael学了两个常用语,一个是:all-nighter, 意思是开夜车;另一个是:cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第十课     Michael和李华都在纽约上大学,最近他们结束了期中考试,今天准 备坐火车去华盛顿参观访问。现在Michael正在火车站等李华。今天 他们在谈话中会用到两个常用语:drained和wired.     L:嘿,Michael。这火车站好大,总算找到你了。     M:The train is just about to leave. Good thing you got here in time.     L:我当然会准时到,我什么时候迟到过?嗨,火车就要开啦?要多少时间才能到华盛顿呐?     M:Only about four hours. I'm probably going to sleep the entire way.     L:(train leaving station, announcer in background) 你想在火车上睡觉? 不行,你睡觉我跟谁说话呐?     M:Li Hua, you are full of energy. But I'm drained, I'm going to sleep.     L:我是精力充沛。可你说你是什么? Drained?     M:Yeah. Drained, it means exhausted.     L:Drained就是累的意思。那drained这个词还能用在其他什么场合呢?     M:The word can be used two ways. To be physically drained and emotionally drained. For example, if a couple fight all the time, they would be emotionally tired, which you can also call drained.     L:噢,drained可以指体力很累,也可以指一个人在情绪上压力很大。要是一对夫妇老是吵架,那肯定情绪很不好。你是这个意思吧?     M:Yeah, you understand. You don't even seem drained after the mid-terms.     L:考试倒没让我觉得累,可是,两天前我跟我哥哥为了他的女朋友吵了一架。他那女朋友很任性,还老想管别人,真讨厌。跟我哥哥吵完后,我真是感到很累。     M:Yeah, you were emotionally drained. Well, if you don't want me to sleep on the train, we'd better go get more coffee. Let's go to the Cafe Car.     L: 那好呀,走,去食品车厢买咖啡!     M:This coffee is going to keep me awake the entire trip.     L:这杯咖啡就能让你一路上不困啦? 我可不行,到华盛顿之前,我至少还要喝两杯。     M:Geez, Li Hua, I don't think I will be nearly as wired as you are.     L:Wired? 我猜这是说我精力旺盛, 是不是?     M:You are right. This word has a couple of meanings. One means to be energetic and the other means to have nervous energy.     L:这么说,wired可以指对某件事很兴奋,也可以说对某件事感到紧张而努 力去做。 要是我精力充沛,可以说:I am wired; 要是在大考前我感到很紧张而抓紧时间复习功课,也可以说:I'm wired。 是这个意思吗?     M:Yeah, that's right. But it has one other meaning as well. Wired means to be connected to something, such as being wired into the Internet, or being wired into a discussion.     L:噢,跟什么东西联系在一起也可以说是wired, 例如和因特网连接。你最后说的 wired into a discussion 我不太懂,那是什么意思啊?     M:You have been participating in the meetings to make decisions about our college, right?     L:对啊!我是参加一些会议,讨论有关学校的某些决定。     M:Ok, your participation in the college's meetings and being involved in those decisions means you are wired into the discussion.     L:噢,我参加这些会议,参预决策的讨论,这就可以说:I'm wired into the discussion.     M:Yep. After all this coffee I have had, I don't feel so drained. In fact, after the next cup, I think I'm going to be pretty wired.     L:喝了咖啡你就不感到那么累了。再喝一杯,你就精神百倍了。那好,我 再去给你买一杯, 要不要?     M:Thanks so much, Li Hua!     今天Michael和李华在谈话中用了两个意思相对的词,一个是drained,意思是非常累;另一个是wired,意思是精力充沛.

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第十一课     Michael和李华今天在华盛顿的国家建筑博物馆参加一个建筑会 议。今天,请大家注意他们对话里用的两个常用语:kick back和one track mind 。     L: 期中考试完了有这么一个周末真不错,尽管我们得参加这次大会, 我也觉得挺不错。     M: I'm glad we made it to DC. It's a good time to just kick back and relax.     L: 我也很高兴能到华盛顿来,正好可以休息一下。不过,你刚才说 kick back是什么意思呀? 肯定不是要踢什么东西吧?     M: No, I don't! I just mean to relax with my friend, you.     L: 噢,跟朋友一起玩, 也就是说跟我玩。你是说,kick back 就是把 腿跷起来,痛痛快快地休息,是这个意思吗?     M: Yes. Last weekend we were in New York and kicked back with your friends, remember?     L: 对,上个周末我们是去纽约跟我的朋友一起玩了。不过,我以前 也听人说过kick back,但那是指贪污受贿。     M: Yeah, it can be used that way as well. When one person pays someone else in return for a job or a contract.     L: 这么说,kick back可以解释为休息,也可以解释为给某人一些钱, 以换取一个工作职位或其他好处。这两个意思完全不同。     M: When you mean corruption, kickback is one word. When it means to relax, kick back is two words.     L: 在指贿赂的时候,kickback是一个字,在指休息,轻松的时候, kick back 是两个字,就差这么一点点。对,我那天在 报上看到一 个公司总裁把合同给了一个给他回扣的承包商。     M: Yeah, that company executive got a kickback. Well, enough about kickback. Do you want to go to any of the panels this afternoon?     L: 你问我下午要不要去参加 小组讨论? 去那个讨论东方建筑特色的小 组吧! 尽管我很想到咖啡馆去休息休息。     M: Ok, maybe once we are done with the panel we can go out and do something fun.     L: 好主意, 小组讨论会结束后我们可以出去玩。     L: 好了,Michael,会开完了。我们得计划一下今天上哪儿去。不过, 我先得喝杯咖啡。     M: Ok, ok. Geez, you have such a one track mind sometimes. Do you know what a one track mind is?     L: 我不知道,但是我知道你在取笑我。     M: No, I'm not making fun of you. One track mind means you are only thinking about one thing all the time. Today all you have been thinking about is coffee. You should remember this phrase, it's commonly used.     L: 噢,one track mind还是常用的说法,所以我得记住。你认识我的 朋友王光吧? 她成天工作,从来不想别的事。你能说她是one track mind 吗?     M: Yeah, you can say that. It's amazing how much she works, never does much of anything else.     L: 对,她就是这样,工作狂。你们男人也都是one track mind。脑子 里总是想着女孩子。     M: Yeah, there's one particular girl I think about.     L: 你老想一个女孩子? 谁呀?     M: Here's your coffee shop, two coffees please!     Michael和李华今天在对话中用了kick back。当kickback作为一 个词的时候,意思是贪污受贿;当kick back用作kick和back两个字的 时候,意思是休息,和某人一起玩。他们在对话中还用了one track mind,意思是脑子里光想一件事。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)流行美语第十二课     在纽约上大学的Michael和李华今天在华盛顿参观名胜古迹。他们在对话里会用到两个常用语:ticked off ,另一个是close。     L: Michael, 大家都说纽约人开车不守规矩,我看华盛顿的人也好不了多少。刚才那辆车差一点撞到我!     M: Yeah, I saw that. Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won't do you any good.     L: 对,在纽约和华盛顿穿马路是很危险。你说什么对我没好处? Ticked off?     M: Yes, Ticked off means to get angry or annoyed at something. Getting angry at the drivers will not do you any good.     L: 噢,ticked off的意思是为什么事情生气。 你刚才说的是我对开车的人生气没有什么好处。看来让我ticked off的事还挺多。     M: Yeah, like when your boyfriend broke up with you right before we started classes.     L: 你还提醒我这事!我以前那男朋友刚开学就跟我分手,当时我真的非常生气。不过,Michael,我觉得你也很爱生气。     M: Well, I got pretty ticked off a few days ago when the professor gave me a low score on the exam.     L: 对,和你同班的中国同学王光告诉我你那天非常生气,因为那个教授给你的考试判分判得很低。Ticked off这个说法很好,以前我就知道用angry这个字。     M: Hey, are you hungry? We haven't eaten in a while.     L: 刚才好生气,连肚子饿也忘了。走,去吃点东西吧!     (Michael和李华吃完饭以后)     M: Now that we have eaten, let's walk to the White House. It's not too far from here.     L: 到白宫去?太好了,除了照片外,我还没有看到过真的白宫呢!     M: Watch out Li Hua! Get back!     L: 哟! 我的天哪!我的天哪!真吓死我了!我以为这下我可完了!     M: Oh, my god! Are you okay? Geez, that was really a close call.     L: Michael, 我都差一点被车撞了, 而你还在说什么close call,这跟打电话根本没有关系!     M: No, that's not what I meant by close call. I meant that the car nearly hit you.     L: 对啊,那车差一点就撞上我了,这就是 close call?     M: Actually, Li Hua, close call means that you narrowly avoided danger. Something bad could have happened to you, but you narrowly avoided a bad situation.     L: 原来close call就是说,差一点发生倒霉的事,我算是逃避了这倒霉事。我可以说,今天我差一点没被汽车撞了。对不对?     M: Yeah, that's right.     L: 那close call是不是一定用在跟生命危险有关的场合呢?     M: Not really. Let me give you another example. The paper you and I turned in this week was almost late. That was also a close call.     L: 对,那个教授让我们在星期二前把学术报告交给他,我们是星期一晚上去交的,差一点就过了限期,这也可以说是close call。 下回我可再也不敢这么做了。     M: Here we are! The White House!     L: 太好了! 白宫到了, 那我们赶快走把。     今天 Michael 和李华在对话中用的一个常用语是ticked off, 意思是为了什么事情生气; 另一个是close call,意思 是差一点没发生倒霉的事,或是差一点完不成该做的事。

回复: 流行美语(非常不错,值得一看)http://www.wwenglish.com/en/voa/popular/我从这听的,感觉还不错

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