加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息移民能在加拿大做警察吗?
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?可以,除了总理不可以,(好象要公民,本国生什么什么的)其他都有机会.不过要通过考试.看看你够不够200斤重.不够好象不行.
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?可靠吗,一定要200斤吗,谢谢了
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?落叶归根拿你开心呢,新移民当公务员不容易,但也不是没机会,
奕奕爸+娜娜爸回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?哦,明白了,原来是个玩笑哦,谢谢了
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?落叶归根拿你开心呢,新移民当公务员不容易,但也不是没机会,点击展开...开玩笑楼主别介意啊.上次不是太平洋MALL还有招警察的?不过好象你得是公民.(严肃认真的)
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?不介意,严肃的话题也加些许玩笑也不错啊,不过还要谢谢你们!
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?不能,公民是必要条件.
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?建议到警察局的网页看看,我觉得有机会。
2007年2月26日递表回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?谢谢各位了
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?现在由于在加的华人很多,而英语又是华人的第二语言,所以从去年起开始从华人移民中招募警察,不过对英语要求很高,同时要求对加国的文化社会相当熟悉,不过待遇很好.年收入8万加元以上.
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?公务员的待遇的确不错噢!
赏 现在由于在加的华人很多,而英语又是华人的第二语言,所以从去年起开始从华人移民中招募警察,不过对英语要求很高,同时要求对加国的文化社会相当熟悉,不过待遇很好.年收入8万加元以上.点击展开...胡说八道!
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?移民可以做警察的,我住的这个城市就有移民做警察的,而且做得很好,他成大家的典范呢,虽然他不是中国人,不过反正也是移民。他是通过在这边上了警察学校,毕业后求得警察职位的。在这个月的二十七号他将来我学习英语的学校告诉大家他的经验,到时候我可能可以给你多一些的信息。
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?Police Salary ComparisonsCTV.ca News StaffToronto — Toronto police salaries rank 27th in the province, with a first class constable making $66,852 per year. A Peel Regional Police officer in a comparable position ranks at the top with an annual salary of $69, 293.Money is a central issue in the dispute between the Toronto Police Services Board and the Toronto Police Association.http://www.opp.ca/Recruitment/opp_000582.html
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?具体招聘要求见(中文)http://www.opp.ca/Intranetdev/groups/public/documents/academyrecruiting/opp_001505.pdf
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?# Question 1. Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? 2. Are you legally eligible to work in Canada? 3. Do you possess a valid driver’s licence that permits you to drive an automobile in Ontario with full driving privileges with no more than six (6) demerit points? 4. Are you at least 18 years of age? 5. Have you successfully completed four years of secondary school education or its equivalent? 6. Are you able to meet the standards of the Certificate of Results (C.O.R.)? 7. If you were previously convicted under a federal statute, have you been granted or issued a pardon; or in the event of a discharge related to a finding of guilt, have the records been sealed by the R.C.M.P.? 8. Will you possess current certification in C.P.R. and First Aid by the time the job offer is given? 9. Are you willing to work shifts, including evenings, nights, and weekends at any time during the year? 10. When making plans, do you think ahead about possible problems you may encounter and how you can deal with them? 11. When making decisions, do you consider your options and the pros and cons of each one? 12. Do you have the self-confidence to be assertive when the situation demands it? 13. In the face of uncertainty, can you make necessary decisions? 14. When talking to someone, do you check to make sure you understand their concerns, feelings or needs? 15. Are you equally comfortable with people who come from different cultures and backgrounds? 16. Do you make an effort to learn about cultures which are different from your own? 17. Are you able to deal with stressful situations in a calm and constructive way? 18. Are you comfortable in various social situations and in establishing rapport with others? 19. Do you try to do your personal best in carrying out a task? 20. Do you try to assess your strengths and weaknesses objectively and then attempt to educate or improve yourself? You should be able to answer “Yes” to each of the questions above or “N/A” to question 7.If you answered “No” to any of these questions, refer to the Ministry of Public Safety and Security: Policing Services website or contact your local police recruiter to determine what you can do to meet these qualifications.Consider applying when you are able to meet ALL the qualifications.
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?也就是需要再次进修警察课程,然后英语良好的人可以有资格做警察的工作,是吧,谢谢各位了!
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?也就是需要再次进修警察课程,然后英语良好的人可以有资格做警察的工作,是吧,谢谢各位了!点击展开...你没看懂评估题吧.另外驾照是必须的.
回复: 移民能在加拿大做警察吗?但是EMILY-668不是说要在加上警察学校的吗,我的意思是是否在完成加的警察课程后才有资格做评估呢?
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