加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??



你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??1.google里输入writing skills 或者summary skills;2.打开你需要的页面3.学习

今天老师批了我关于小说的SUMMARY,结果只拿了2.5分(满分6分) ...惭愧啊...虽然只能来1个多星期,口语是没什么问题。但在国内学了7、8年英语了,结果英语写作却就这么点分... 各位都帮忙出出关于英语写作的高招呐~~~我希望在开学前可以提高到4.5分~~谢谢各位~~点击展开...但愿不是只抄了小说中的某些话.

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??Writing Center HandoutsWriting SummariesThe goal of writing a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book is to offer as accurately as possible the full sense of the original, but in a more condensed form. A summary restates the author’s main point, purpose, intent, and supporting details i n your own words. The process of summarizing enables you to better grasp the original, and the result shows the reader that you understand it as well. In addition, the knowledge gained allows you to better analyze and critique the original. First, try to find the main idea in the reading; it’s usually in the first paragraph. Next, skim through the article, glancing at any headings and graphics. Then, read the conclusion. The intent here is both to give yourself a review of the work and t o effectively engage yourself with it. Now go back and read the original text carefully, jotting down notes on or highlighting the important points. Write the central idea and the author’s reasons (purpose and intent) for holding this viewpoint. Note the supporting elements the author uses to explain or back up her/his main information or claim. Make an outline that includes the main idea and the supporting details. Arrange your information in a logical order, for example, most to least important or chronological. Your order need not be the same as that in the original, but keep related suppo rting points together. The way you organize the outline may serve as a model for how you divide and write the essay. Write the summary, making sure to state the author’s name in the first sentence. Present the main idea, followed by the supporting points. The remainder of your summary should focus on how the author supports, defines, and/or illustrates that main ide a. Remember, unless otherwise stated by your instructor, a summary should contain only the author’s views, so try to be as objective as possible. As you revise and edit your summary, compare it to the original and ask yourself questions such as: Have I rephrased the author’s words without changing their meaning? Have I restated the main idea and the supporting points accurately and in my own words? If you are asked to write a critical summary or to include a critique, you may want to ask yourself questions such as: Does the author succeed? How and why or why not? What are the strengths, weaknesses? Why? What did the author do well? Not well? Why? http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ssw/write/handouts/summary.html

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??但愿不是只抄了小说中的某些话.点击展开...呵呵,那也太小瞧我啦..?然不是

你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)呵呵,那也太小瞧我啦..?然不是点击展开...那为何得了低分?

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??Writing Center Handouts Writing Summaries The goal of writing a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book is to offer as accurately as possible the full sense of the original, but in a more condensed form. A summary restates the author’s main point, purpose, intent, and supporting details i n your own words. The process of summarizing enables you to better grasp the original, and the result shows the reader that you understand it as well. In addition, the knowledge gained allows you to better analyze and critique the original. First, try to find the main idea in the reading; it’s usually in the first paragraph. Next, skim through the article, glancing at any headings and graphics. Then, read the conclusion. The intent here is both to give yourself a review of the work and t o effectively engage yourself with it. Now go back and read the original text carefully, jotting down notes on or highlighting the important points. Write the central idea and the author’s reasons (purpose and intent) for holding this viewpoint. Note the supporting elements the author uses to explain or back up her/his main information or claim. Make an outline that includes the main idea and the supporting details. Arrange your information in a logical order, for example, most to least important or chronological. Your order need not be the same as that in the original, but keep related suppo rting points together. The way you organize the outline may serve as a model for how you divide and write the essay. Write the summary, making sure to state the author’s name in the first sentence. Present the main idea, followed by the supporting points. The remainder of your summary should focus on how the author supports, defines, and/or illustrates that main ide a. Remember, unless otherwise stated by your instructor, a summary should contain only the author’s views, so try to be as objective as possible. As you revise and edit your summary, compare it to the original and ask yourself questions such as: Have I rephrased the author’s words without changing their meaning? Have I restated the main idea and the supporting points accurately and in my own words? If you are asked to write a critical summary or to include a critique, you may want to ask yourself questions such as: Does the author succeed? How and why or why not? What are the strengths, weaknesses? Why? What did the author do well? Not well? Why? http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ssw/write/handouts/summary.html点击展开...上面嘱的我的催都能做到...?在的?铨是如何去酵?英遮的遮言....呃是?大?铨!

你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)上面嘱的我的催都能做到...?在的?铨是如何去酵?英遮的遮言....呃是?大?铨!点击展开...那就是你没做到.做到就得6了.

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??GOAL没达到.The goal of writing a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book is to offer as accurately as possible the full sense of the original, but in a more condensed form. A summary restates the author’s main point, purpose, intent, and supporting details i n your own words.

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??那就是你没做到.做到就得6了.点击展开...老??有看咿我看的小砧,她怎麽知道我?见的是不是正催?你所提咿的都是?见的方法,可是我?在的?铨是酵?英遮遮言的方法....

你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)GOAL没达到.The goal of writing a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book is to offer as accurately as possible the full sense of the original, but in a more condensed form. A summary restates the author’s main point, purpose, intent, and supporting details i n your own words.点击展开...著著啦~

你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??应该是你在遣词造句方面不够地道,这样有时虽然是表达同样的意思,但给人的感觉却是表达不到位要提高的话,首先注意summary的结构,这是给人的第一印象其次,可以找个英语为母语的人帮你改一下,然后自己好好看一下在哪些地方进行改动。这样次数多了就好了再次,每天用英语写日记咯个人觉得,英语不存在写作能力口语能力之分,一个人某种语言的表达能力强,自然写作和口语都强。多注意一下日常生活中表达同一个意思自己说的和native speaker说有什么不同

我一个人住在你心里         --刀刀应该是你在遣词造句方面不够地道,这样有时虽然是表达同样的意思,但给人的感觉却是表达不到位要提高的话,首先注意summary的结构,这是给人的第一印象其次,可以找个英语为母语的人帮你改一下,然后自己好好看一下在哪些地方进行改动。这样次数多了就好了再次,每天用英语写日记咯 个人觉得,英语不存在写作能力口语能力之分,一个人某种语言的表达能力强,自然写作和口语都强。多注意一下日常生活中表达同一个意思自己说的和native speaker说有什么不同点击展开...错!英文写作和口语是完全不同的.口语化词汇用在写作里就得O

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??Advice on Academic Writinghttp://www.utoronto.ca/writing/advise.html

回复: [急]怎么样才能提高英语写作??错!英文写作和口语是完全不同的.口语化词汇用在写作里就得O点击展开...这点我们老师倒是强调过的..比如GONNA...就不能用

你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)这点我们老师倒是强调过的..比如GONNA...就不能用点击展开...我以前写的SUMMARY Stephen Owen's "The Poetry of the Early T'ang (1977)" In this essay, I will review the main viewpoints of the book " The Poetry of the Early Tang" written by Stephen Owen. These main viewpoints are court poetry, its opposition poetics, and important poets of the Early Tang. In the end of this report, the summary and the arguments will be given. Stephen Owen's "The Poetry of the Early T'ang (1977)"chronologically, systematically studied the whole poetry of the Early Tang. He solved the following problems:What process was that the Regulated Verse, as Recent Style Poem, was formulated and gradually became a unified style? Why the "old style" poem, especially seven characters old style poem, became popular in High Tang and Middle Tang and evolved into fixed style away from court poetry through numerous tries and considerable reforms by the Early Tang poets? What kind of the historical positions have the Early Tang's poets such as the Four Talents of the Early Tang, Chen Tze-ang, Tu shen-yen, Shen Chuan-chi, and Sung Chih-wen? What characteristics are there in Court Poetry and its opposition poetics? What is court poetry? Court poetry is the poetry referred to later Southern Dynasties, Sui, and Early Tang (page 1). Court poetry mainly has two styles. One is the imitation of folk lyrics, Yuefu. The other is the formal occasional poem (page5). Court poetry has the following characteristics and conventions (page 5-13):¤ Basic, prearranged themes and forms set by court ¤ Gracious adornments ¤ Creative imitation ¤ Novelty of expression ¤ Fixed structural conventions ¤ Of rules of rhetoric and decorum ¤ Lexical decorum ¤ Recurring elegant terms ¤ Each sub-genre with its own conventions ¤ Tripartite form ¤ Parallel couplet The last two characteristics are the most important techniques in court poetry. "Tripartite form" consists of three parts, respectively topic, descriptive amplification, and response (page 234). Usually a poet begins his poem with gracious statement as possible as he can. Then he amplifies the theme with two or more descriptive parallel couplets in the middle of the poem. In the end of the poem, the poet always sends the messages of personal reaction to the scene. These messages can be a witty compliment, an intrusion of personal opinion, some observation, some witty idea, or emotion and sentiment. Court poetry dominated the whole early Tang. The forms, themes, and stylistic conventions were taken by many great poets of the eighth and ninth centuries. While the clearest picture was reflected from the last year of Empress Wu's region and from the second reigns of Chung-Tsung and Jui-Tsung, because more materials including poems, complete poem series and anecdotes were survived than those of other reigns. So the forms, genres and sub-genres of writing a court poem were clearly mirrored from the picture of courtly style composition from the beginning of the year 708 to next two decades (page 234). As mentioned above, The fixed technique to compose a court poem is to use the " Tripartite Form". The conventions including "Tripartite Form" contributed to the formation of the regulated verse, Lu shi, basically combing the very common eight-line poem, certain rules of tonal decorum, and the tripartite form (page 235). Other early poetry that ignored its proprieties or avoided them, associated with the pre-southern Dynasties style, developed into " old style poetry", Gu-Shi. The tripartite form was widely used in both regulated verse, Lu-shi, and "old style poetry", Gu-shi .(page 236) Although some great poets such as Chen Ziang tried to use different structural principles in poems, most other poets unavoidably manipulated the structure for their own purposes. In a word, the "tripartite form" is the most essential part in the poetry of Early Tang. The other technique is the parallel couplet that is very useful for courtier who is required impromptu to compose a poem if he masters it effectively (page 238-246). Certain changes and developments to the style of the High Tang can be seen from the intrusion of individuality into court poetry and the broken of rigid codes of decorum and normative conventions of earlier court poetry during the period of Empress Wu's reign and her successor's reigns. The amount of personal poetry and informal occasional poetry increased although court poems and formal occasional poems still dominated the period ( Part 4,the court poets of empress Wu and Chung-Tsung 680-710,page 224-380).There are numerous court poets in the Early Tang. Only a few of them survived their poems. The representatives are Shang-Kuanyi (page page 72), Tu shen-yen (page 325), Sung Chih-wen (page 364), and Shen Chuan-chi (page 334). The later two poets contributed to the perfection of the regulated verse (page 334&364 ).The topics of court poetry cover many aspects of the life of the court, private banquet, " poetry on things", parting poem, verse letters including travel poems, and new songs (page 256-324).What is opposition poetics?The opposition poetics, as the immediate reaction to the court poetry, has different definitions to different people. Unfortunately, it has only theory lack of practice. In some extent, it is a kind of "fu-ku", "return to antiquity". It strongly rejects those poems lack of directness and concision, political import, morality. In short, it opposes all characteristics of the court poetry (page 14). Thus, the " opposition poetics" is not completely the return to antiquity although sometimes it implies the meaning in some cases. The representative literal theory works of the opposition poetics are "Wen-hsin Tiao-Lung" by Liu Hsieh (page 15) and " Essay on Insect Carving " by Pei Tze-yeh (page 16).The representative poets who use their own special structural principles and styles to compose poems are Sui Wen-Ti (page 16) and his son Sui Yang-Ti (page 20), Wei Zheng, Li Pai-Yao (page 27-41), Wang Chi (page 61-71). However, the great literary reformation away from the court poetry, began in the year 661 (page 80). The four talents of Early Tang played very important role in departure from the courtly style, although they still composed lots of court poetry. They respectively created their own styles. Strictly speaking, Yang Chiung never really formed his own style and could not be regarded as the reformer of the courtly style (page 81), although later people classified them as a homogeneous family. Chen Tze-ang (661-702) is regarded as the first conqueror of the court poetry (page 153). He encouraged directness and concision, admired elegance and "Bi-xing", rejected completely soft, erotic and over decorum style of the Six-Dynasties, and interested in restoring to the style of Han and Wei (Fu-Gu). His poetry was united with plentiful contents and straight forms. His verses were full of directness and concision. He stressed social, political, and practical meanings of the reality. Therefore, he is esteemed as the forerunner of the reformation of the Early Tang (part Three: Chen Tze-ang, page 151-223). The summary and arguments: The book gives us the whole picture of the poetry of Early Tang. The conventions of the poetry of the Early Tang provides poets in High Tang with a set of composition skills and forms. The poets of the High Tang increased their individuality and other structural principles. Although there are difference between the two periods, no evidence shows absolute isolation existing between them. In contrast, most poets in High Tang inherited the composition techniques of the Early Tang and developed these skills for their own purposes. The history of the poetry of the Early Tang to High Tang can be referred to the process of the topic from " Court" to " Popular". After the court poetry achieved the summit of the poetry development through the evolution from Southern Dynasties to Early Tang, people tried to develop new style to express broader topics and wider sub genres. I will argue here, besides the development of the literary and poets, politics, economy, military, and other Asian culture import might produce some influence on the change of the poetry of Early Tang to High Tang. This assumption perhaps could be demonstrated by studying the history and other relative materials if we have time to do it.

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