加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急!急!急!SFU可不可以转去UT?


我现在被两所大学录取了一所是BC省的SFU另一所是安省的Laurentian但是我计划先在其中一所念一年,然后转去UT(多伦多大学) 但是我有几个问题1。在SFU念书可以转过去UT吗??如果可以,那每年转学成功的几率是多少呢??因为省份不同,会不会教程也不一样从而不接受我这种转学生?2。如果可以转,那我还需要考LPI吗??3。如果想要转学,有什么特别的条件吗??例如成绩要达到一定分数以上。 我正在思考要不要去Laurentian,因为至少它和UT在同一个省,教学大纲应该都差不多,这样至少可以容易一些吧。可是SFU又是名校 这让我有些为难,我和爸爸这两天都在讨论这个问题,因为对一些事情不确定,所以一直都拿不定主意,希望看到这篇帖子的各位可以帮帮我。谢谢了感激不尽!!!!

回复: 急!急!急!SFU可不可以转去UT?UT很难转进去的吧?从UT转其他学校到可以。先读SFU.

回复: 急!急!急!SFU可不可以转去UT?http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm/adm_other_req/adm_transfers.htmTransfer StudentsThe University of Toronto accepts qualified transfer students from other universities and colleges to arts, science, commerce/management programs and some professional faculties.We operate on an academic year rather than on a semester system. It is not possible to begin in January. Students begin their studies in September and continue until May of the following year. A summer session is also available at the University of Toronto Mississauga, University of Toronto Scarborough and the Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George campus.University policies on access to student records and personal privacy allow us tocommunicate only with the applicant unless we have written permission to discuss the application with someone else.Transferring to arts, science, commerce/management programs from:Canadian Universities Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Quebec CEGEP USA Universities and Colleges International Universities Transferring from one U of T Faculty to another (Internal Applicants)Transferring to undergraduate professional facultiesCanadian University Transfer StudentsAdmission to most arts, science, commerce/management programs at the University of Toronto is competitive. Admission will be based on your overall academic record and your last year of full-time study. For admission to the St. George campus a solid ‘B’ average is normally required. For the University of Toronto Mississauga and the University of Toronto Scarborough a solid ‘C’ average is normally required. Some programs require higher standing. In addition, all program prerequisites must be met.Note: Transfer Students are not eligible for admission to Commerce or Management at the University of Toronto Mississauga. The Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George campus, University of Toronto Mississauga and University of Toronto Scarborough do not normally accept as degree candidates, students who have completed more than two years (10 full credits) at the university level. Such students may apply as Non-degree students (i.e. those who are not proceeding towards a University of Toronto degree) or as Visiting students.Acceptance of transfer credits by the University of Toronto shall be based on the recognition that, while learning experiences may differ in a variety of ways, their substance may be virtually equivalent in terms of their content and rigour. Insofar as possible, acceptance of transfer credit should allow for the maximum recognition of previous learning experience in university level courses.Subject to degree, grade and program requirements, any course offered for credit by a recognized university shall be accepted for credit by the University of Toronto when there is virtual equivalency in course content.Transfer credit information and specific program prerequisites Application Procedures / DeadlinesOntario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) Transfer Students The University of Toronto will consider applicants from Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology for admission to arts, science, commerce/management programs at all three campuses. Admission is competitive. The requirements for each campus are outlined below.Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George CampusNormally, a completed diploma with overall B to B+ standing and sufficient academic content is considered the minimum requirement for admission consideration. Admission will be based on your overall academic performance as well as your last year of full-time study. In addition, all program prerequisites must be met. Two full CAAT semesters of an academic subject will be the minimum equivalent to grade 12 U/OAC prerequisites. Transfer CreditStudents who have completed a two-year academic diploma may receive up to two full credits towards an arts and science degree. Candidates who have completed a three-year academic diploma are eligible to receive up to five credits towards a degree. University of Toronto MississaugaA strong overall grade point average in a minimum of two semesters of academic study will be considered for admission. All attempted college courses will be included in the calculation of the grade point average. Note: Transfer Students are not eligible for admission to Commerce or Management at the University of Toronto Mississauga.PrerequisitesSuccessful completion of prerequisites will need to be evident for admission to sciences and commerce. The best preparation for university sciences and math remains Grade 12 U/OAC courses. Two full CAAT semesters of an academic subject will be the minimum equivalent to Grade 12 U/OAC prerequisite. Transfer CreditTransfer credit is assessed after admission. Students who have completed a two-year academic diploma may receive up to three full credits towards their first year of degree studies. Students who have completed a three-year academic diploma are eligible to receive up to five credits towards degree studies. University of Toronto ScarboroughApplicants who have obtained a high level of academic achievement will be considered. Normally, a completed two-year diploma in a program with sufficient academic content, with an overall B minus standing is the minimum required for admission consideration. Some programs are very competitive and the requirement for consideration will likely be higher. An applicant to an arts-humanities or social science program whose achievement is marginally below B minus standing may also be considered. Admission will be based on your overall academic performance, with emphasis on your last year of full-time study. Supplementary applications are required for all programs and information collected, including non-academic criteria, will also be considered. Mature students (at least 21 years old) who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada may ask to be considered for admission based on 1 year of CAAT study.PrerequisitesAll program prerequisites must be met at the Grade 12 U/OAC level. Two semesters of each subject taken at a CAAT “might” be considered in lieu of Grade 12 U/OAC program prerequisites. For further details consult with staff at Admissions and Student Recruitment at the University of Toronto Scarborough.Transfer CreditStudents who have completed a two-year diploma may receive up to two full credits towards a degree. Candidates who have completed a three-year diploma are eligible to receive up to five full credits (one year).Attention Centennial College students: for more information about our joint programs visit www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~admliaison/jointprograms.htm Specific program prerequisites Application Procedures / DeadlinesQuebec CEGEPAdmission to Arts and Science programs at the University of Toronto is competitive and only applicants who have obtained a high level of academic achievement will be considered. The Cote de Rendement (R Score) will be used for admission consideration. In addition, program prerequisites must be met. Candidates who have completed more than twelve academic courses will be assessed for possible transfer credit. Some programs/courses have specific prerequisites that go beyond the minimum requirements.Transfer credit information and specific program prerequisites Application Procedures / DeadlinesInternational Transfer StudentsAdmission to most arts, science, commerce/management programs at the University of Toronto is competitive and only applicants who have obtained a high level of academic achievement will be considered. Admission will be based on your overall academic performance as well as your last year of university/college study. Please note: All academic documents including final official university/college transcripts and proof of English Facility, if required, must be received by June 1st for September admission consideration.The Faculty of Arts & Science, St George Campus, University of Toronto Mississauga, and University of Toronto Scarborough do not normally accept as degree candidates, students who have completed more than two years (10 full credits) at the university level. Such students may apply as Non-Degree Students.Students will be notified of the transfer credits to which they are entitled as soon as possible after they have been admitted, paid the transfer credit assessment fee and provided all necessary documentation. Details concerning fee payment will be sent when an offer of admission is made. In addition to transcripts, course outlines of post-secondary studies completed outside Canada must be provided. Course outlines of post-secondary studies at Canadian institutions are required for any studies completed five or more years ago. You should note that program admission is determined by the Faculty/Department once transfer credit assessment is complete and will depend on whether or not program prerequisites and grade requirements have been met.Transfer credit information and specific program prerequisites Application Procedures / DeadlinesFor additional information concerning academic requirements, English facility requirements, or application procedures refer to our information for International Applicants. Transfer Students to Professional FacultiesAdmission to these professional programs at the University of Toronto is competitive and only applicants who have obtained a high level of academic achievement will be considered. Admission will be based on your overall academic performance as well as your last year of university study. You will be asked to provide additional non-academic information such as a profile, audition, supplementary form etc. For information regarding specific program prerequisites, additional requirements and transfer credit consult:Applied Science and EngineeringMusicNursingPhysical Education and Health/KinesiologyMedical Radiation SciencesApplication Procedures / DeadlinesVisiting StudentsStudents who wish to take Arts and Science courses at the University of Toronto for credit toward a degree from another North American university should contact the appropriate campus listed below.Woodsworth College, St. George Campus 119 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM5S 1A1; 416-978-5880email: [email protected] Students on the St. George CampusUniversity of Toronto Mississauga3359 Mississauga Road North, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6; 905-828-5399Visiting Students at University of Toronto MississaugaUniversity of Toronto Scarborough1265 Military Trail Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM1C 1A4; 416-287-7529Visiting Students at University of Toronto ScarboroughSuch students must present a valid Letter of Permission from the Registrar of their own university in order to register.top

回复: 急!急!急!SFU可不可以转去UT?SFU for sure.不管转不转校,都是sfu好。首先,sfu是不错的学校,为什么一定要去ut?其次,如果打算转校,个人觉得sfu转校成功率应该好于另一所,好学校更容易得到别人的承认,而且学分更容易得到ut的承认。

回复: 急!急!急!SFU可不可以转去UT?谢谢大家给我这么多好的建议, 我已经决定去sfu了^^ 谢谢,谢谢

回复: 急!急!急!SFU可不可以转去UT?谢谢大家给我这么多好的建议, 我已经决定去sfu了^^ 谢谢,谢谢点击展开...祝你成功!

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