加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于COFI补助和支票工作之间



02-03-2009寄材料 04-03-2009CIC签收 26-03-2009网上查到 DM30-03-2009DM信 06-04-2009递交csq申请 12-04-2009收到FN同时状态12 22-04-2009状态2 24-04-2009状态130-04-2009 收到CSQ 16-06-2009面试,拿签证回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间顶,也想知道

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间帮顶

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间想问一下,读COFI的话想拿补助是不是不可以有工作呢?我已经申请了同时又刚找到一个支票工,每周20小时左右,不知道是否会影响拿COFI的补助?另外这样的工作是否会影响读COLLEGE拿的补助和贷款的比例呢?还望各位前辈不吝赐教点击展开... 喝COFI的时候是不能喝着杯里的盯着壶里的。读COLLEGE拿的补助-也是一个道理。

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间喝COFI的时候是不能喝着杯里的盯着壶里的。读COLLEGE拿的补助-也是一个道理。点击展开...我通常都是一杯COFI不够的那种人

02-03-2009寄材料 04-03-2009CIC签收 26-03-2009网上查到 DM30-03-2009DM信 06-04-2009递交csq申请 12-04-2009收到FN同时状态12 22-04-2009状态2 24-04-2009状态130-04-2009 收到CSQ 16-06-2009面试,拿签证回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间小样,挺厉害啊!怪不得那天给你打电话你不接,原来这么快就找到工作了! 恭喜!

在这里,幸福生活... ...回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间我听说是没有影响的。

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间所有的支票工都是要报税的。我听说如果是上学申请贷款和补贴的时候,打工是影响补贴的。

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间可是我听说如果有工作支票的,可以申请工作奖励,每年2000,还可以申请住房补贴??????????????

一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖可是我听说如果有工作支票的,可以申请工作奖励,每年2000,还可以申请住房补贴??????????????点击展开...能具体说明一下吗?非常关注。

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间能具体说明一下吗?非常关注。点击展开... 工作奖励就是政府鼓励你去工作,不鼓励你上学,因为工作自己得的多,政府受益,上学你自己得的少,政府买单。

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间听人说的,具体没条纹.

一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖我通常都是一杯COFI不够的那种人点击展开...没关系想喝几杯都可以, 记得付钱就行.

回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间看我的帖子里的具体内容:http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/12840&page=20

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间COFI有三种钱,只要你够资格你就拿吧,在工作没关系,但是正在拿EI和休父母假的不可以。Participation allowanceThe participation allowance is available to all students taking full-time courses. However, immigrants are excluded from this allowance if they:are receiving employment assistance benefits under the Act respecting income security or employment insurance benefits are referred by the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale. This allowance is independent of your family situation and income. Your allowance could be $115 or $30(估计是被担保团聚的移民) a week, depending on your immigration class.A number of conditions apply.Travel or transportation allowanceTravel or transportation allowanceThe travel allowance is available for students who live in areas that lack public transit.Students who live more than 24 kilometres from their course location may receive a daily travel allowance because the distance traveled for the return trip exceeds 48 kilometers. This allowance is set at about 10 cents per each kilometre over 48.Transportation allowanceStudents referred by the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale may receive an allowance to cover their transportation costs. In Montréal, Laval, Longueuil, Québec, Sherbrooke and Gatineau, the amount of the allowance is based on public transit fares. For persons living in a region without public transit, the travel allowance may apply.Child care allowanceYou can receive this allowance if:you are admitted to a full-time course you have one or more dependent children aged 12 or under, or a handicapped person under your care who lives with you while you are taking your French course you need child care service to free you during course hours your spouse is unable to provide child care because he works, studies or is sick. This allowance reimburses the real costs of child care paid by the student, up to a maximum of $25 a day per dependent child, depending on different child care situations.

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。COFI有三种钱,只要你够资格你就拿吧,在工作没关系,但是正在拿EI和休父母假的不可以。Participation allowanceThe participation allowance is available to all students taking full-time courses. However, immigrants are excluded from this allowance if they:are receiving employment assistance benefits under the Act respecting income security or employment insurance benefits are referred by the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale. This allowance is independent of your family situation and income. Your allowance could be $115 or $30(估计是被担保团聚的移民) a week, depending on your immigration class.A number of conditions apply.Travel or transportation allowanceTravel or transportation allowanceThe travel allowance is available for students who live in areas that lack public transit.Students who live more than 24 kilometres from their course location may receive a daily travel allowance because the distance traveled for the return trip exceeds 48 kilometers. This allowance is set at about 10 cents per each kilometre over 48.Transportation allowanceStudents referred by the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale may receive an allowance to cover their transportation costs. In Montréal, Laval, Longueuil, Québec, Sherbrooke and Gatineau, the amount of the allowance is based on public transit fares. For persons living in a region without public transit, the travel allowance may apply.Child care allowanceYou can receive this allowance if:you are admitted to a full-time course you have one or more dependent children aged 12 or under, or a handicapped person under your care who lives with you while you are taking your French course you need child care service to free you during course hours your spouse is unable to provide child care because he works, studies or is sick. This allowance reimburses the real costs of child care paid by the student, up to a maximum of $25 a day per dependent child, depending on different child care situations.点击展开...全是英语,看不懂

02-03-2009寄材料 04-03-2009CIC签收 26-03-2009网上查到 DM30-03-2009DM信 06-04-2009递交csq申请 12-04-2009收到FN同时状态12 22-04-2009状态2 24-04-2009状态130-04-2009 收到CSQ 16-06-2009面试,拿签证回复: 关于COFI补助和支票工作之间支票工到底啥意思?yh找的虾米工作

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