加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息维多利亚大学短期学习询问



回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问放心去吧,维多利亚美着呢,现在雨不多,秋冬雨才多,但是不大。维多利亚在温哥华岛上,和温哥华的气温还是有点差别,但是冬天再冷也冷不到零下几十度,这边的冬天相对东部是很温暖的。

企鹅GG和企鹅MM去约会,企鹅MM还没有到约会的地点,企鹅GG就一直在左看看,右看看...左看看,右看看...企鹅MM来了后看见企鹅GG这个样子,怒了! 一巴掌呼了过去骂道:“你以为你TMD在登陆QQ啊!” 回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问It is better for you to come in time to join their orientation. It is an introduction of the university and the city. Sometimes, the orientation includes of a downtown bus tour. There are lot of wild rabbits in the campus. They are cute. But nobody try to catch them. Behave yourselves.

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问Just on term? 4 month? 10K should be fine.

回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问It is better for you to come in time to join their orientation. It is an introduction of the university and the city. Sometimes, the orientation includes of a downtown bus tour. There are lot of wild rabbits in the campus. They are cute. But nobody try to catch them. Behave yourselves.点击展开...Actually, I don't worry for the bunnies. It is just a joke. They have many holes to escape. Haaaa.....

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问Hi, Lihuaz,I think the tuition fee for foreign student is different with that of the local student. In Canada, every university have some student counselors. It is better for you to seek their advice. Hope that some of the current University of Victoria (Uvic) students could read this posting and introduce you a counselor. You can inquire them by email. Otherwise, you can just contact whoever you know in Uvic and ask your questions and request a referral. You may also ask some other questions such as course selection, eligibility, etc.Besides of the tuition fee, you have to pay dormitory rent, student union fee, student medical insurance, food, Internet, telephone, transportation, textbook, etc. It is more convenient for you to stay in the dormitory, or somewhere close to the campus. If the place you stay equipped with a kitchen, you can cook your meal. The food cost may be lower. Even if your place does not have a kitchen, many students would also use a small electric stove to cook instant noodle. If you do your own cooking, $500 per month is the basic level. However, you may like to have some eat outs with your friend from time to time. Prepare a little more. Usually the rent would include electricity. It is about $500 to $600 per month if you can find one or two roommates to share. Many foreign students use prepaid phone card, or the cell phone with pay as you call plan. In such way, you can avoid the fix monthly telephone rate (assuming you do not have too many calls to make). Besides, you may like to take one or two short sightseeing trips in Canada. Put this item in your budget.If you have your own medical insurance, check with the university whether if you can waive the expense. However, if you don't, it is better to stay with their insurance plan, not only it is cheaper, but also the medical expense in Canada is very expensive.

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问Hi, Lihuaz,The student union of Uvic is offering a student service called transition centre. It helps first year students to adjust their living and studying. Their email address is [email protected], and their url is http://web.uvic.ca/transition/Good luck!

My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 维多利亚大学短期学习询问非常感谢大家的回复,给了我很大帮助!到了那边会继续跟各位请教、交流。Thanks for your advice which give me a lot help!

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