加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT行业前辈请进,有事求教
有一个中介发给我信息,如下:The position is in Vancouver working for a large telecommunications company. My client is looking for someone with Weblogic, UNIX, batch scripting, Oracle, and some past development experience. The role is for you to help in the Environment Management area. Environment Management is responsible for creating complex s/w images which are then used by a variety of groups within the company including, Testing, Development, Training, and Production. The groups builds about 25 of these complex images each week. You would be part of a team responsible for creating, managing, and debugging these images. This is a contract opportunity. A team member is leaving, returning to Toronto. You would replace this guy and take over the remaining part of the contract, until the end of September. After that, you would move forward on 6-month renewable contracts. The client works 9-hour days. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. 但是我不清楚complex s/w images 的具体含义,求教了解的前辈能给与指导,谢谢!
回复: IT行业前辈请进,有事求教就是build(编译)不同的软件版本 - 供测试,开发,培训和产品。
回复: IT行业前辈请进,有事求教替偶老公谢谢飞刀!纷纷献上!
回复: IT行业前辈请进,有事求教creating complex s/w images :创建 复杂的 软件 映射(怀疑是iso文件之类的打包好的光盘映射文件)
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