加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子


我今天去了职介中心,那边一个辅导员,帮我大致评论了我的简历。一是说我简历太长(4页),她说1-2页足够了。必须简化。另外大致帮我修了修(她不懂我专业,也改不出什么)其他就说我要提高英语,上英语课,参加寻工作技巧培训班。修改简历。参加职业培训之类的一大堆找工作的准备。掌握好找找个技能,最后才会帮我推荐工作。看那架势,非得至少半年到一年。简直倒糨糊。我做DRAFTDPERSON职位的,要那么多培训干什么?我不要吃饭了?他们这些人衣食无忧还以为我们也不愁吃穿似的。简直晕倒!!还不给我找点工作试试,就算LABOUR工作也行啊?至少我还能勉强混口饭吃啊?还说我现情况先不忙找工作,就是找了成功概率很小,影响以后再找,破坏工作机会。。。云云。我是耐着性子听完她的长篇大论。可能她的建议符合常规做法,但决不是我们这些新移民。没有工作,哪来饭吃,租房,还有培训费。WHO PAY IT ?他们这些职介辅导中心,拿着政府的钱,对我们过过场子,敷衍了事。实在是没话好说。

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。是不是他们有心拖着我,给我多服务,那样他们好向政府一次次多收费啊?每服务一次还要签名,装出获益匪浅的样子让他们爽,他们自己舒服了,我就惨了。拖我一年,我非死翘翘不可。还不如先去找份LABOUR干干还实在一点。简直是加拿大官僚主义。我决定再不去理睬他们,自己去找工,实在不行找份LABOUR,再慢慢找份DRAFTSPERSON。信他们死路一条。

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。大家有温哥华LABOUR工的中介名册,请提供给我。谢谢。我不适合重体力活,身体不行,能在工厂做操作员之类的轻活。或者类似的轻活。我SPOKEN ENGLISH 还能凑合,至少那天面试能和老外聊一个小时,50%以上能听懂,20%能猜出大致意思。工钱低点无所谓,边干边找绘图员工作,慢慢来。最好做8小时中班,有时间可以去面试。我豁出去了,ARCHITECT也可以做LABOUR,总比让他们拖死我强。

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。呵呵, LZ不要恢心,我知道几个ARCHITECTURE都找到了专业工作.你也太心急了, 来了才多久?

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。我SPOKEN ENGLISH 还能凑合,至少那天面试能和老外聊一个小时,50%以上能听懂,20%能猜出大致意思。那你知道那老外的感受吗?他想你这样的英文怎么沟通啊?简历要改,我上次就给你指出了,要改成符合DRAFTSPERSON的.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。HR或老板只看简历中和职位相关的内容,如非相关内容太多,即使很专业也没用.OVER QUALIFIED就是NOT QUALIFIED.人家只是为了让你好受一点而已.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。HR或老板只看简历中和职位相关的内容,如非相关内容太多,即使很专业也没用.OVER QUALIFIED就是NOT QUALIFIED.人家只是为了让你好受一点而已.点击展开...我知道,修改之中。不过无法最后成型。那辅导员说,让我找一个,改一次。必须有针对性,对症下药。现在只能大致改改,把DESIGN的全去掉了,所有都是DRAFTSPERSON的WORK EXPERIENCE . 所不同就是从JUNIOR-SENIOR.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。AutoCad Drafter (2 openings) PLEASE NOTE ACTUAL DUTIES: 70%Duties: Dealership Facilities Measurement Audits on existing facilities and preliminary measurements for Image USA II proposed Toyota dealerships planning new construction or renovations. Purpose is to ensure compliance with the minimum facility standards . Review architectural plans to ensure compliance with program requirements.Establish regular communication with team members to review project status. 30% Duties: Program support: Maintain the AutoCAD and the dealer facility library and provide technical support (autocad) to the department and field. Also includes other support functions such as maintaining Excel database and filing. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Familiar with a variety of the fields concepts, practices, and procedures. Performs a variety of tasks. A wide degree of creativity and latitude is expected. Critical Success Factors: Team Work, Customer Satisfaction and Problem Solving. Must be proficient in AutoCAD 2004, Word and Excel. Photoshop or similar program a plus. Must be able to read and analyze architectural drawings. Must be able to understand program design requirements and prototypical standards. Possess a basic knowledge of ADA and building codes.Excellent communications skills, both verbally and written. Must show ability to problem-solve and work independently as well as part of a larger team. Bachelors degree in a related area preferred and related work experience required. Degree in architecture, interior design or related field or comparable amount of related experience. Must have a strong autocad background with a minimum of 3 years recent full-time autocad experience. Familiarity of dealership operations a plus. Contact Information:

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。比如这个POSITION,你就要准备红色标出部分,都有可能问你问题.你不仅要回答会做,而且要举个例子来说明,但用一句话,不要太长,超过三分种估计面试的人就对讲的没兴趣了.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。我SPOKEN ENGLISH 还能凑合,至少那天面试能和老外聊一个小时,50%以上能听懂,20%能猜出大致意思。 那你知道那老外的感受吗?他想你这样的英文怎么沟通啊? 简历要改,我上次就给你指出了,要改成符合DRAFTSPERSON的.点击展开...我不知道这儿的DRAFTSPERSON是英语达到多少?反正我新加坡做DRAFTSPERSON好几年了,人家也是官方英语,所有CONTRATOR都是说英语,我也不是过来了?英语需要那么高水平吗。。。。?我不信我这英语水平连绘图员也不能做。

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。April 12Drafter - Structural Design Company: Titan Recruitment Solutions Location: Vancouver, BC V6J1G1 Status: Full Time, Employee Job Category: Architectural Services Relevant Work Experience: 1+ to 2 Years Career Level: Experienced (Non-Manager) Education Level: Certification Job Description Our client is an award winning engineering design firm that utilizes traditional master-craftsmanship in collaboration with modern engineering practices. Inspired by a structural engineering and architectural background, our client designs and builds complex and carefully detailed structures in timber, steel, glass, and other materials. We are searching for an experienced Drafter to design and manage their unique commercial projects. This person needs to have a minimum of 2 years experience, be able to understand details, and have knowledge of materials (wood, steel and glass). Experience using AutoCAD 2005 and Inventor. They need to be a self starter and it is essential that you have Windows Operating System knowledge. Duties include: Computer drafting using Inventor and AutoCAD to produce electronic files and structural design drawings. Strong 3D solid modeling skills with ability to manipulate model and to extract 2D views and sections from 3D model. Must be able to demonstrate the ability to interpret hand sketches, computer renderings, and verbal information, and translate into both 2D and 3D drawings. Abilities: The candidate must be a highly motivated professional with strong work ethics.Has the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment. Dependable and ability to take the initiative and call on yourself first.Creativity, new challenges need new solutions, good problem solving skills Accountability to manage workload.Positive `can-do' attitude to meet timelines. Compensation: - Commensurate with experience If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume to the following address: [email protected] Note:Please note that only candidates whose requirements meet our client抯 needs will be contacted. Those who are not contacted will be kept for future opportunities. Contact Information Company: Titan Recruitment Solutions Email: [email protected] Send this Job to a Friend Click here to see all "Titan Recruitment Solutions" opportunities Click here to see all "Titan Recruitment Solutions" opportunities

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。我不知道这儿的DRAFTSPERSON是英语达到多少?反正我新加坡做DRAFTSPERSON好几年了,人家也是官方英语,所有CONTRATOR都是说英语,我也不是过来了?英语需要那么高水平吗。。。。?我不信我这英语水平连绘图员也不能做。点击展开...我相信你可以做,但这里不是新加坡,新加坡有几个大学?多少人?这里又不缺人,美加市场很大,为什么不找好的沟通没问题的.有些人在国内开了十几年车在这里考驾照考了好几次考不过,你说为啥?他不会开车吗?要遵守市场规则,看来你需要转变观念.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。http://jobsearch.monster.ca/jobsearch.asp?q=drafter&fn=&lid=&re=&cy=CA

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。April 12Drafter - Structural Design Company: Titan Recruitment Solutions Location: Vancouver, BC V6J1G1 Status: Full Time, Employee Job Category: Architectural Services Relevant Work Experience: 1+ to 2 Years Career Level: Experienced (Non-Manager) Education Level: Certification Job Description Our client is an award winning engineering design firm that utilizes traditional master-craftsmanship in collaboration with modern engineering practices. Inspired by a structural engineering and architectural background, our client designs and builds complex and carefully detailed structures in timber, steel, glass, and other materials. We are searching for an experienced Drafter to design and manage their unique commercial projects. This person needs to have a minimum of 2 years experience, be able to understand details, and have knowledge of materials (wood, steel and glass). Experience using AutoCAD 2005 and Inventor. They need to be a self starter and it is essential that you have Windows Operating System knowledge. Duties include: Computer drafting using Inventor and AutoCAD to produce electronic files and structural design drawings. Strong 3D solid modeling skills with ability to manipulate model and to extract 2D views and sections from 3D model. Must be able to demonstrate the ability to interpret hand sketches, computer renderings, and verbal information, and translate into both 2D and 3D drawings. Abilities: The candidate must be a highly motivated professional with strong work ethics.Has the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment. Dependable and ability to take the initiative and call on yourself first.Creativity, new challenges need new solutions, good problem solving skills Accountability to manage workload.Positive `can-do' attitude to meet timelines. Compensation: - Commensurate with experience If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume to the following address: [email protected] Note: Please note that only candidates whose requirements meet our client? needs will be contacted. Those who are not contacted will be kept for future opportunities. Contact Information Company: Titan Recruitment Solutions Email: [email protected] Send this Job to a Friend Click here to see all "Titan Recruitment Solutions" opportunities Click here to see all "Titan Recruitment Solutions" opportunities点击展开...谢谢2008的信息, 我也是在找AUTOCAD DRAFTER的工作, 不过我和LZ的专业不同.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。Mywill:在MONSTER上找DRAFTER就行.http://jobsearch.monster.ca/jobsearc...lid=&re=&cy=CA

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。Mywill: 在MONSTER上找DRAFTER就行.http://jobsearch.monster.ca/jobsearc...lid=&re=&cy=CA点击展开... 再次谢谢.

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。谢谢,BEIJING2008提供的资源,你是高手。

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。你的背景很强的,但正如中介所讲,要包装一下,培训一下,很快就能找到工作的,祝你成功!

回复: 今天我去了官方职业指导介绍中心,回来一肚子郁闷。空缺的职位少得可怜,可是能人却多得要命:(

  ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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