加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息女孩必记的几句英文
The nice men are ugly. 好男人不帅。 The handsome men are not nice. 帅男人不好。 The handsome and nice men are gay. 又帅又好的男人是同性恋。 The handsome, nice and hetero***ualmen are married. 又帅又好又不是同性恋的男人都结婚了。 Men who are notso handsome but are nice men have no money. 不是很帅但是很好的男人却没有钱。 The men who are not so handsome but are nice men with money think weare only after their money. 不是很帅但是又好又有钱的男人会认为我们看上的是他们的钱。 The handsome men without money areafter our money. 而没有钱但是很帅的男人看上的是我们的钱。 The handsome men,who are not so nice and some wha the tero***ual don’t think we a rebeautiful enough. 不是很好但是很帅又是异性恋的男人却嫌我们不够漂亮。 The men who think we are beautiful,that are he t ero***ual,some what nice and havemoney are cowards. 又好又有钱又是异性恋又觉得我们漂亮的男人却又没胆量。 The men who are some what handsome,some what nice and have some money and thank God are hetero***ual are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE! 又好又帅又有点钱而且是个异性恋的男人偏偏害羞而且从不采取行动。 The men who never maket he first move,auto maticallyloseinterest onus when we takethe initiative. 那些从不主动的男人一旦我们采取主动就对我们失去兴趣。 NOW...WHO IN THE HELL UNDERSTANDS MEN? 现在。。。。。。到底有谁了解男人这东西?
回复: 女孩必记的几句英文恩,看过之后才敢坐这个沙发,呵呵。
回复: 女孩必记的几句英文嘿嘿
回复: 女孩必记的几句英文A little bit pessimistic...^_^
“幸福隔着玻璃 看似很美丽 却无法触及 也许擦肩而过的你 只留下 一段痕迹在我生命里……”回复: 女孩必记的几句英文
回复: 女孩必记的几句英文点击展开...开心就好,谢谢支持!加分谢客了!
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层