加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!


一个老外想委托我做一个预订雇车的网站.我给他发了下列问题他说看不懂.谁能帮我修改一下.我英文太烂了.你从哪里知道汽车信息和可被雇佣的汽车信息?How do you know car info and car hire info?你怎样获得这些信息How to get it?当汽车信息变动时,谁帮你修改它.Who help you manage the change of car info?你需要自己管理预订信息吗?are you need manage a booking ?如果一个预订者想取消预订如何做? how to do ,if a lessee want to cancel a booking ?如果一个人预订了一辆汽车,可是这辆车坏了,如何做? how to do when a car bad but it has been booking ?

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!你从哪里知道汽车信息和可被雇佣的汽车信息?Your approaches to info about auto and hireable auto.你怎样获得这些信息How to get this info.当汽车信息变动时,谁帮你修改它.When something changes, who helps with updating this info?你需要自己管理预订信息吗?Is this info administered by yourself? 如果一个预订者想取消预订如何做?What is the procedure of cancelling an order?如果一个人预订了一辆汽车,可是这辆车坏了,如何做?What if your client have made an order, whereas the car happens to break down?Not quite sure.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!你说的预订雇车服务,是不是指那种把车租来后自己开几天,然后再还回去的?如果是的话,应该是CAR RENTAL.

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!你说的预订雇车服务,是不是指那种把车租来后自己开几天,然后再还回去的?如果是的话,应该是CAR RENTAL.点击展开...Hiring a Car Online 行吗?

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!我觉得car rental地道些.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal你从哪里知道汽车信息和可被雇佣的汽车信息?Your approaches to info about auto and hireable auto.你怎样获得这些信息How to get this info.当汽车信息变动时,谁帮你修改它.When something changes, who helps with updating this info?你需要自己管理预订信息吗?Is this info administered by yourself? 如果一个预订者想取消预订如何做?What is the procedure of cancelling an order?如果一个人预订了一辆汽车,可是这辆车坏了,如何做?What if your client have made an order, whereas the car happens to break down?Not quite sure.点击展开...多谢了,难道我写的一句也不对?对方能看懂吗?我难道还需要找个初中上上?

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!多谢了,难道我写的一句也不对?对方能看懂吗?我难道还需要找个初中上上?点击展开...It's just my way of saying.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- MontrealHiring a Car Online 行吗?点击展开...当然不行,你可以HIRE A DRIVER, 但是只能RENT A CAR.

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!加拿大有很多租车行,LZ可以找个网站看看就明白了,最少一些常用的说法不会弄错.比如这个:http://www.budget.ca/en/

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!当然不行,你可以HIRE A DRIVER, 但是只能RENT A CAR.点击展开...book a car

以上内容不代表本人立场一个老外想委托我做一个预订雇车的网站.我给他发了下列问题他说看不懂.谁能帮我修改一下.我英文太烂了. 你从哪里知道汽车信息和可被雇佣的汽车信息?How do you know car info and car hire info?你怎样获得这些信息How to get it?当汽车信息变动时,谁帮你修改它.Who help you manage the change of car info?你需要自己管理预订信息吗?are you need manage a booking ?如果一个预订者想取消预订如何做?how to do ,if a lessee want to cancel a booking ?如果一个人预订了一辆汽车,可是这辆车坏了,如何做?how to do when a car bad but it has been booking ?点击展开...预订车reserve a vehicle雇佣的汽车====租车.rent a car.别中学了,连人家小学也不如.这里有个租车网站,自己看吧.http://www.dollar.com/

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!被雇佣的汽车信息a Car Rental ClassRental Car ClassesEnterprise Rent-A-Car offers a wide selection of rental cars to choose from. Here are a few of the many vehicle classes available.

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!http://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/home.do

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!谢谢了,可惜我还不能给各位加声望。咱这英语学的,高考时也得了不少分,四级过,毕业后搞埃踢,经常阅读各种英文资料,自我感觉不错。这次动手写,我才知道。我要想学英语,还得从看图识字开始呀。

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!谢谢了,可惜我还不能给各位加声望。咱这英语学的,高考时也得了不少分,四级过,毕业后搞埃踢,经常阅读各种英文资料,自我感觉不错。这次动手写,我才知道。我要想学英语,还得从看图识字开始呀。点击展开...没啥,很正常的.我们也不是老外. Modify an Existing Reservation变更预定.cancel an Existing Reservation取消预定.

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!一个老外想委托我做一个预订雇车的网站.我给他发了下列问题他说看不懂.谁能帮我修改一下.我英文太烂了. 你从哪里知道汽车信息和可被雇佣的汽车信息?How do you know car info and car hire info?你怎样获得这些信息How to get it?当汽车信息变动时,谁帮你修改它.Who help you manage the change of car info?你需要自己管理预订信息吗?are you need manage a booking ?如果一个预订者想取消预订如何做?how to do ,if a lessee want to cancel a booking ?如果一个人预订了一辆汽车,可是这辆车坏了,如何做?how to do when a car bad but it has been booking ?点击展开... Fleet Maintenance ProgramsEnterprise Fleet Management offers two fleet maintenance programs designed to help you manage your fleet's expenses.Fleet Maintenance Management ProgramBy authorizing and recording all of your purchases, we provide you with detailed information on every vehicle in your fleet. You will receive one easy-to-understand, consolidated, statement of all vendor charges for the month. And, as long as all work on your fleet vehicles is performed by Enterprise authorized service centers, you will receive negotiated and standardized rates.The Full Maintenance Program Our most comprehensive solution to your fleet maintenance needs. One low monthly rate covers all your vehicle expenses and repairs from light bulbs, fuses and hoses, to transmission overhauls. This bumper-to-bumper coverage allows you to budget your fleet maintenance expenses with no surprises. If drivers ever experience a problem, help is available from a network of more than 65,000 affiliated service centers nationwide. With a national team of experienced mechanics and accredited Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) technicians, as well as local account management teams in 47 locations across the United States, Enterprise has been able to develop relationships with local service center contacts, and has the ability to negotiate the best prices on maintenance and repairs for your fleet.And, Enterprise is the only Fleet Management company that extends fleet maintenance program coverage to virtually all makes of cars, as well as light duty trucks, service vehicles, and many diesel engine vehicles.

回复: 谁能帮我看看这段英文?急呀!http://www.enterprise.com/fleets/productsAndServices.do

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