加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家
我9月3日申请,现已得到了McGill ID,可以在www.mcgill.ca/minerva/applicants上看到自己的状态,只是有一事不解。REQUIRED DOCUMENTS现在只要求寄密封成绩单,并没有要求寄IELTS成绩,不知是否要等相关人员审核了成绩单后才决定要不要你寄IELTS成绩。但是本人现在国内,马上要登陆了,想在走之前把IELTS成绩寄出去,只是不知可不可以在未经要求的情况下寄IELTS成绩。还是一定要等网上要求你提供IELTS成绩再寄。谢谢!
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家现在就寄比较好.
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家谢谢!不过我还是有点担心,工作人员是如何把雅思成绩与你的申请资料挂上钩的,纯粹按姓名吗?
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家谢谢!不过我还是有点担心,工作人员是如何把雅思成绩与你的申请资料挂上钩的,纯粹按姓名吗?点击展开...请用逻辑推断一下,好多人在IELTS,TOEFL考试的时候就已经填写了几个送分学校了,但是那个时候还没有开始申请。难道这样送分的学校都没有用吗?
You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period.--Will Smith "The Pursuit of Happyness"谢谢!不过我还是有点担心,工作人员是如何把雅思成绩与你的申请资料挂上钩的,纯粹按姓名吗?点击展开...你是国际学生吧.MCGILL怎么会不要你的TOEFL或雅试成绩呢.仔细看要求.你讲的REQUIREMENT材料是针对本地学生吧.国际学生还要按ADMISSION里INTERNATIONAL STUDENT的LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT补交材料.
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家Graduate admission and fundingAdmission McGill University offers graduate Master's and doctoral degrees, graduate diploma and certificate programs, and graduate courses to students who have already obtained a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent, and who have maintained a high academic standing. Graduate admissions are processed in two stages: The academic unit (department, school or institute) reviews and ranks each application, taking into account the value of the application and the resources available (supervision, funding, laboratory space, class size, etc.). Selected applicants for admission are then recommended by the academic unit to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office; The GPSO verifies the credentials of the applicant and, if admissible, will issue an official letter of acceptance. Admission requirements Applicants should be graduates of an accredited university and hold a Bachelor's degree equivalent to a McGill degree in a subject closely related to the one selected for graduate work. This implies that about one-third of all undergraduate courses should have been devoted to the subject itself and another third to cognate subjects. The following list mentions minimum requirements for all graduate-level admissions. High academic achievement: The minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is 3.0 out of a possible 4, or a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.2 out of 4 in the last two years of full-time studies. In many academic units, however, a higher CGPA is required for admission. High grades are expected in courses considered by the academic unit to be preparatory to the graduate program. Proficiency in English : Applicants to graduate studies whose mother tongue is not English and who have not completed an undergraduate or graduate degree from a recognized foreign institution where English is the language of instruction or from a recognized Canadian institution (anglophone or francophone), must submit documented proof of competency in oral and written English. Before acceptance, appropriate exam results must be submitted directly from the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems) Office. An institutional version of the TOEFL is not acceptable. Applications will not be considered if a TOEFL or IELTS test result is not available. the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): Paper-Based Test (PBT): a minimum score of 550 Computer-Based Test (CBT): a minimum score of 213 Internet-Based Test (iBT): a minimum overall score of 86 with each component score not less than 20. The TOEFL Institution Code for McGill University is 0935. the International English Language Testing System (IELTS): a minimum overall band score of 6.5. Several individual academic units impose higher or additional requirements. Some academic units will allow international students whose TOEFL or IELTS score falls below the program's minimum requirement to participate in the Parallel Admission Program. Other requirements: Several units also require that applicants submit test scores (GMAT, GRE, etc.), essays to demonstrate writing abilities, or other documents. Please verify the academic unit's application instructions (further) to obtain a list of requirements. Important note: Please note that meeting the minimum admissions requirements for a program does not guarantee admission, due to the availability of resources in the academic unit (supervision, funding, laboratory space, class size, etc.). For the complete text of graduate admission policies, please refer to the "Admission" section of our General Information, Faculty Regulations and Research Guidelines. Special Students Students who meet the minimum entrance requirements of the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office and who wish to take one, or at most two, graduate-level courses per term (6 credits) without intention of proceeding to a degree or diploma are termed Special Students. After completion of a maximum of 12 credits, an applicant may not continue as a Special Student. Candidates for Special Student status must apply and pay the application fee every year. If graduate Special Students subsequently become candidates for higher degrees, they may receive academic credit for relevant graduate courses taken as special students. Students who wish to apply to take undergraduate courses only, must apply as Special Students in the undergraduate faculty concerned, even if they already hold degrees. Parallel Admission This program is designed to assist academically qualified applicants lacking the minimum English language requirement for graduate studies at McGill to adjust to the learning, research and teaching environment of a major research-based North American university where the usual language of operation is English. The program will ensure that otherwise suitably qualified applicants for admission into graduate studies programs will develop the appropriate level of English-language competency and adjust to the learning and living environment to be encountered in graduate studies at McGill within one calendar year of their admission to the program. Those students who fail to meet these requirements will be asked to withdraw. Students admissible to the program will have been screened by the staff of the graduate program into which they wish to be admitted, and recommended to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office. If the applicant is deemed by the GPSO to be admissible on purely academic grounds but has a TOEFL score below the entrance requirement of the graduate program, by no more than 27 points (paper-based scale), 20 points (computer-based scale), or 6 points (Internet based scale), he/she will be admitted to the Parallel Admission Program for a period not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months. In order to start his/her studies in the graduate program into which he/she had been admitted he/she would have to obtain the McGill Certificate of Proficiency in English according to the rules and regulations in force in the Department of Languages and Translation within the twelve-month period, or pass the TOEFL with a score meeting the admission requirement of the graduate program for which the student has applied. The cost of this program is $16,000 CDN, to be paid at the time of confirming acceptance to the program. Funding Entrance fellowships There are two types of entrance fellowships: Major recruitment fellowships are allocated by a committee of the GPSO, upon nomination by the academic units. These are worth between $10,000 and $25,000 and are renewable. The Richard H. Tomlinson Fellowships constitute the flagship of our recruitment fellowships program.For information please see GPSO Recruitment Fellowships Recruitment fellowships administered by academic units, where available. These are allocated in $5,000 units, and can be combined.To be considered for Recruitment fellowships, if these are available in your proposed program, your complete application for admission must be received by the academic unit no later than the department's application deadline. Teaching and research assistantships Inquiries about assistantships should be directed to the individual departments. Funding information Full information concerning postgraduate awards is contained in the Graduate Fellowships and Awards Calendar, which may be accessed on the GPSO web site. Inquiries about fellowships open to graduates of other universities, as well as Canadian universities, and all other questions should be addressed to: Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office (Fellowships Section)James Administration Building, Room 400845 Sherbrooke Street WestMontreal, Quebec H3A 2T5Tel.: 514-398-3990 Fax: 514-398-2626EmailWeb site
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家我觉得你有点悬.
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家我觉得你有点悬.点击展开...我也有同感。我的情况是永久居民,本科毕业,年届四十,申请本科。
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家祝楼主好运。
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家除了requirements外,你还要看本科录取的ADMISSION GENERAL REQUIREMENT.http://www.mcgill.ca/applying/undergrad2008-09/general-requirements/Proof of Proficiency in English The language of instruction for most courses at McGill University is English; however, you may make arrangements to write term papers, examinations and theses in English or in French, except in courses where knowledge of the language is one of the objectives of the course. You must demonstrate an adequate level of English proficiency prior to admission to McGill, regardless of citizenship status or country of origin. If you answer "yes" to any of the following six statements, you do NOT need to provide proof of English proficiency. Have you lived and attended school, for at least four years, in a country where English is the acknowledged primary language? Have you completed both Secondary V and a DEC at a French CEGEP in Quebec? Have you completed a DEC at an English CEGEP in Quebec, during or later than 2003? Have you or will you complete a French Baccalaureate - Option Internationale (British or American section)? Have you or will you complete International Baccalaureate English A with a final result of 5 or better? Have you or will you complete the British Curriculum A-Level English (other than English as a Second Language) with a final grade of C or better? If you answered "no" to all of the above, but answer "yes" to either of the following two questions, you may be asked to provide proof of English language proficiency. Do you consider English to be your first language? Have you been attending school at an accredited institution (in a non-English country) where English is the main language of instruction? All other applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English, using one of the following five options: McGill Certificate of Proficiency in English Certificate Awarded For further information about the program, contact: Department of Languages and TranslationCentre for Continuing Education688 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1199Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3R1CanadaTel.: (514) 398-6160Fax: (514) 398-2650Website: www.mcgill.ca/conted IELTS (International English Language Testing System) A band score of 6.5 or better. For further information about IELTS, contact: The British CouncilMedlock StreetManchester, MI5 4AAUnited KingdomWebsite: www.ielts.org MELAB (University of Michigan English Language Test) A minimum mark of 85%. For further information about MELAB, contact: English Language Institute, Testing and CertificationUniversity of Michigan TCF Building401 E. Liberty, Suite 350Ann Arbor, MI 48104U.S.A.Tel.: (734) 764-2416Website: www.lsa.umich.edu/eli/testing/melab TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) The following table lists the minimum acceptable TOEFL scores. Please note that these minima were correct at the time of printing; any changes to these scores can be viewed at www.mcgill.ca/applying. Undergraduate Program Computer- based score (CBT) Paper-based score (PBT) Internet-based composite score (iBT) * Education (TESL), Management 250 600 100* Arts, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition), Engineering, Science, Architecture, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Social Work 233 577 90* * each individual component of reading, writing, listening, and speaking has a minimum score of 21 Music 213 550 79-80 For further information about TOEFL, contact: TOEFL ServicesEducational Testing Services (ETS)P.O. Box 6151Princeton, New Jersey, 08541-6151U.S.AWebsite: www.toefl.org Please note: Institutional versions of these tests are not acceptable. It is your responsibility to ensure official test results are sent to McGill. The TOEFL and APIEL institutional code at McGill University is 0935-00. Placement Tests in Mathematics and Basic Sciences If you are applying from outside Quebec and believe you have taken the equivalent of one or more introductory university-level math and/or science course (algebra, calculus, biology, chemistry, physics) but do not have acceptable certification to that effect, you may be eligible to take placement tests at McGill. These are formal examinations held on campus during the last two weeks of August. For more information, refer to www.mcgill.ca/student-records/exam/placement. Each faculty’s policy will determine whether credit for, and/or exemption from, certain courses will be granted for successful completion of placement tests. Advanced Standing or Transfer Credits You must complete a minimum of four years of study in order to be eligible for a degree from McGill University. If you have completed a Quebec CEGEP diploma, you are required to complete a minimum of three years of study, as the CEGEP diploma is equivalent to the first year of university. If you have advanced standing in the form of Advanced Placement (AP), Advanced Subsidiary (AS), Advanced Level (A-Level), International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher level Examinations, as well as the French Baccalaureate, European Baccalaureate, Abitur or Bagrut, you may be awarded up to 30 credits of advanced standing, subject to faculty and program requirements (up to 24 in Music). Students transferring from another university or college may also be awarded transfer credits for their coursework, which must be supported by calendar course descriptions. A minimum of 60 credits must be completed while in residence at McGill University in order to be eligible for a degree. For some faculties and programs, you may be required to exceed the minimum in order to meet the specific requirements for their programs. In most cases, the Admissions Office will calculate and assign advanced standing credit only after receipt of confirmation of the program you will enter at McGill University, and after you have paid your required deposit. Furthermore, credits and exemptions will not be entered on your McGill record until the Admissions Office receives final official results of prior work and/or external examination, which is often not until July or August. Your transfer credits will be recorded on your McGill transcript (by October of the session to which you have been admitted) once your official results have been received and you’ve confirmed and paid your deposit. Any credits or exemptions outstanding after October will normally be handled by the Student Affairs Office of your Faculty or School. After you receive your initial offer of admission to McGill, you will not receive an official letter outlining the transfer credits and exemptions that have been awarded; however, you will be able to see this information on your advising transcript on Minerva, once the information has been entered. You can refer to www.mcgill.ca/student-records/transfercredits to check what exemptions you might receive for courses you are currently completing. You have the option of declaring or not declaring results of Advanced Placement (AP) exams at the time of application. Accordingly, the admission decision may take AP results into consideration. In any event, AP Examination results with a score of 4 of better must be declared at the time of initial registration. Each faculty's policy will determine whether advanced standing credit and/or exemption from certain courses will be granted on the basis of AP results. Supporting Documentation Requirements In addition to the application and application fee, you may need to forward other materials in order to be considered for admission to McGill. All supporting materials should be sent to the McGill University mailing address listed in section “Mailing Addresses for Supporting Documents” of this guide. See the section relevant to your academic background for deadlines. It is your responsibility to ensure that all required transcripts and documents are submitted by the applicable deadline to the appropriate admissions office. It is in the interest of all applicants to complete their files as quickly as possible. When program space is limited, preference may be given to applicants who have provided all required supporting documents earlier on. Should a program reach its capacity prior to the deadline for submission of documents, incomplete applications may be cancelled. In addition to the general admission and documentation requirements, you must fulfil specific admission and documentation requirements according to your educational background and the program(s) to which you seek admission. Official Transcripts Quebec CEGEP students, Ontario high school students with OUAC numbers, and current and former McGill University students are not required to send transcripts by mail. McGill’s admitting office obtains these directly. All other applicants must make arrangements with their high school, college and/or university to send official transcripts to McGill. Note: To be considered official, transcripts must be forwarded directly from your high school, college and/or university or examination board to McGill. Unofficial transcripts submitted by you will not be accepted or used for admission. Additionally, McGill University does not accept electronically scanned transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than English or French must be sent to McGill, accompanied by an English or French translation prepared by your school. In the event that the school cannot provide a translation, a certified translator should send the translation to McGill. If you have attended more than one high school, you should ask your previous high school(s) to forward transcripts of your grades directly to McGill, or you may have your current high school forward a certified photocopy of a complete official transcript received from a previous school. If you are an Advanced Level or International Baccalaureate student, you must arrange for final results to be sent by the appropriate Examination Board to McGill. Advanced Placement (AP) results must be sent directly to McGill University from the College Board. Copies sent by the school will not be accepted. Important: Transcripts sent to McGill University become the property of the University and will not be returned or forwarded to other institutions. External Test Results Please note that McGill University receives TOEFL, SAT, ACT and AP test results electronically. Please ensure that the personal information you provide to the examination board matches the information you give to McGill. If there is a discrepancy in personal information, we will not be able to load your electronic results. For further information or assistance, you may send an e-mail. Please include your McGill ID number and indicate "Test Discrepancy" in the subject line of your e-mail. Letters of Reference or Evaluation Except for the specific programs noted in section “Additional Materials Required by Specific Programs” and applicants applying as Mature students, letters of reference are not mandatory. In most cases, an admission decision can be reached on the basis of the transcript. When required, letters of reference or evaluation must be submitted in envelopes sealed and signed across the flap by the author of the letter. Whenever possible, letters should be typed on letterhead stationery. Extenuating Circumstances If you have checked “Yes” in the Extenuating Circumstances box, you must compose and sign your own detailed letter (maximum two pages) indicating the nature and chronology of the circumstances. This letter must be accompanied by supporting documentation, which may include a medical or death certificate, or a letter from a school counsellor, psychologist or social worker, as appropriate. If you are an applicant claiming extenuating circumstances, please be advised that an admission decision may be delayed considerably. Additional Materials Required by Specific Programs If applying to the following programs, you must submit letters of reference and/or other supporting materials as outlined below: Architecture Education Music Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Religious Studies (B.Th.) Social Work When required, letters of reference or evaluation must be submitted in sealed envelopes, signed across the flap by the author of the letter. Whenever possible, letters should be typed on letterhead stationery. Architecture If applying to the School of Architecture, you must submit a portfolio of your work to McGill University by no later than March 15. Your portfolio must be in 8-1/2" x 11" or A4 format, bound, and submitted in an envelope marked "ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO". It must include a minimum of ten (10) good quality photocopies or photographs of your original work, representing your creative and design skills. Work appropriate to the portfolio might include, but is not limited to: freehand drawings, paintings, sculpture, photography, computer graphics, technical drawings and model-making. Include work done in a variety of media. Do not submit originals, rolled work, photographic slides, audio or video tapes, CDs or DVDs. Your portfolio should include a detailed list of the contents, indicating the size of each work and the medium used. If you have previously studied in an architecture or design program, your portfolio should include design studio work. In addition, a letter of reference is required from the head of your department. If you are sending your portfolio from outside Canada, please indicate that the portfolio has "no commercial value" on the outside packaging. Otherwise, customs clearance charges may delay receipt. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient Canadian postage (or international postal reply coupons) if you want your portfolio returned. Portfolios will be returned after September 30. Education If applying to the Second Languages programs (English or French), you are required to pass a language proficiency test. Following a successful initial review of your application you will be contacted to make testing arrangements. If you live outside the Montreal area, you may complete the test through correspondence. Note: The language proficiency test must be completed before an admission decision can be made. Mature applicants to any Education program, whose applications pass initial review, will be contacted for an interview. Music You must arrange to have the necessary evaluation form completed by your music teacher and submitted directly to McGill. The form can be downloaded from www.mcgill.ca/music/prospective/undergraduate/applying. You must perform an entrance audition. Composition applicants, including those who have indicated Composition as a second program: You must submit two or three samples of your written work. Music Education applicants, including those who have indicated Music Education as a second program: You must request that a letter of reference attesting to your suitability for teaching be sent to McGill. If applying to piano, female voices and/or any jazz instruments, you must submit an audio or video recording (CD, DVD or MP3) for pre-selection by January 15. Following a review of these recordings, if selected, you will be invited to attend a live audition. Screening requirements can be found at: www.mcgill.ca/music/prospective/undergraduate/requirements. Note: No live auditions will be scheduled in piano, female voices and jazz instruments until an audio or video recording has been received and reviewed. Music degree and diploma program applicants: You must perform an entrance audition in your principal instrument or in voice. Audition requirements and specific dates for each instrument and for voice can be found at www.mcgill.ca/music/prospective/undergraduate. Audition material should be chosen to display your musicianship and technical proficiency to your best advantage. At the time of the audition, you will be required to sit a rudiments/musicianship test. For a description of the test, please visit www.mcgill.ca/music/prospective/undergraduate/exams. Auditions for the Bachelor of Music and Licentiate programs are approximately 10-15 minutes long, except for organ. Artist Diploma program applicants: You must prepare a recital program of approximately 60-minutes duration. The panel will select the excerpts it wishes to hear. The School of Music will provide accompanists free of charge for the audition time only. Rehearsal costs are your responsibility and vary depending on the accompanist. However, you may bring you own accompanist, if you wish, at your own expense. Recorded Auditions Live auditions are always preferred. Audio or video recordings (CD, VHS or DVD) are acceptable only when distance prevents you from auditioning in Montreal in person. Due to the inherent limitations of recorded performances, it is very much to your advantage to play a live audition. If not auditioning live, videotaped performances are highly recommended. Recordings should be approximately 30 minutes in length, and must include the requirements listed for the instrument or for voice. Recordings must be submitted with a repertoire list. In the areas of Jazz, Strings and Voice, video is preferred and, in some cases, required. Videos must be submitted on DVD or VHS tape in NTSC (North American) format, recorded in short play mode. DVDs or tapes that cannot be played on North American video players will not be viewed. Recordings must be of very good technical quality and should be less than six months old. Recordings must be sent to McGill University and received no later than January 15. Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, (Non-Practicing) A letter (or letters) must be submitted by August 1 of the entering year attesting to 50 hours of volunteer or paid therapeutic work in a physical therapy or occupational therapy department or equivalent, in a health care facility, or other appropriate setting. If entering Occupational or Physical Therapy, you are strongly encouraged to have a current CPR certification, otherwise you will be required to obtain one by the end of the Fall semester and prior to consideration for a hospital clinical placement. Religious Studies (B.Th.) If applying to the B.Th. program, you must submit two letters of reference, at least one of which should be from an instructor at an academic institution previously attended. The referee form is available at www.mcgill.ca/religiousstudies/theological/bth. Social Work Three-Year B.S.W. and Two-Year B.S.W. It is the policy of the School of Social Work to support diversity. The School encourages applications from a wide variety of people, including members of minority groups and individuals with low income. If applying to the School of Social Work, you must submit the following documents (preferably typewritten): A resumé describing voluntary and paid work experience, including dates (month and year), occupation and responsibility, name of supervisor and address of the firm or agency. A statement (no more than two pages in length) in which you (1) describe your interest in social work and its development and (2) analyse an important social issue and how you think social work might respond to this issue. Letters of recommendation, on letterhead, in sealed envelopes: 3-Year B.S.W. applicants must submit two social work-related confidential letters of recommendation. 2-Year B.S.W. applicants must submit two social work-related confidential letters of recommendation and one academic confidential letter of recommendation. Next: Aboriginal applicantsview sidebar content | back to top of page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Admissions, Recruitment and Registrar's Office (ARR) [Unit detail]James Administration Building, 845 Sherbrooke Street West [Map]Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T5Tel.: 514-398-3910 | Fax.: 514-398-4193 | Copyright © 2007 McGill University Page last updated:Aug. 30, 2007 at 12:51 PM
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家愿你能顺利进入我的母校。
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家IELTS (International English Language Testing System) A band score of 6.5 or better
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家我看mcgil有Master of Engineering (MEng), Project Option ,这个是不是就是拿frofessional degree。
回复: 申请MCGILL碰到问题,请教大家帮顶。
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