如题,请知道的说一下我是在电视上看到的,是一个关于Forbidden City的节目,我打开电视刚看了几句,节目就结束了,没明白里面提到的"starbuck"是什么意思,查词典也查不到.
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?“星巴克”,咖啡
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?“星巴克”,咖啡点击展开...非常感谢! 星巴克 是咖啡的牌子吗?
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?“星巴克”,咖啡点击展开... Starbucks' Coffee Corporation for the Promotion of the Image of Starbuck, Inc., or simply Starbucks or Starbucks Coffee, is a unique international corporation started in 1990 by the award-winning actor Dirk Benedict. At the time of the company's inception, Benedict was most famous for his role as the protagonist Cheetah 'Wildcat' Maroon in the acclaimed Rocky-esque, 1970s trilogy Cheetah, for which he won three Best Actor Oscars. Over the previous decade, Benedict had increasingly felt that his more recent work, such as his portrayal of Face in The A-Team and, in particular, of fighter pilot Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace in the television hit Battlestar Galactica, were not recieving the critical and popular acclaim that he believed was due. As a result of this, an acute psycological episode ensued, ultimately leading him into a non-executive directorship at News Corporation, where he honed his business acumen to incredible levels. However, his tenure was marred by Rupert Murdoch's persistent criticism of Battlestar Galactica, allegedly calling it everything from 'a bit naff' to 'a load of old kangaroo crap' and sometimes going as far as proclaiming Starbuck as a 'nancy sheila with no balls' in order to deride Benedict's unwanted input in board meetings. This treatment eventually pushed Benedict further over the edge when he was presented with a Fuck Starbuck, you work for me now birthday cake by Murdoch's son, Ruperty. Enraged at the insult, the man-previously-known-as-Starbuck decided that he would teach the world a lesson - Starbuck-style! On leaving The Lord of Darkness' Evil Empire, Benedict legally added Starbuck as his middle name, re-registered all his property, accounts and policies to that name and started a small coffee stall on the upper east side of Manhattan, right next to the Royal Battlestar Galactica Museum. It would be nice to be able to say that his aims were benign; humanitarian even. They were not. [edit] What happened next to Dirk 'Starbuck' Benedict's little coffee stall?Benedict considered the role of Starbuck to be his greatest work; his equivalent to Van Gogh's Sunflowers, or Phil Collins' score for Tarzan (or whichever rubbish Disney film it was). He was obsessed by the lack of recognition that his portayal of the character had recieved, particularly when juxtaposed to the seventeen Emmys awarded to Richard Hatch for his role as Starbuck's cross-gender sidekick, Lee 'Apollo' Adama. Turning his back on acting after his aforementioned breakdown, he decided that he would turn his beloved Starbuck into an icon; a world-renowned brand. After considering putting his face on T-shirts with the slogan You've been Starbucked emblazoned on them, he went into the coffee business after hearing that most t-shirts are made from cotton, rather than the only fabric Benedict would dare touch, silk. Given Dirk's psychological state, it goes without saying that his plans were not small. Upon the one-hour anniversary of going into business, he used a concoction of his vast bank balance and his recently-acquired economic know-how to open a second store, this time in Dover, Delaware. Since then, Benedict has been able to maintain a steady profit rate that allows him to open at least one store every hour, sometimes rising to as many as twenty-nine. Since 21st April 1990, 3 weeks after the first store opened, the USA, Canada and Mexico had all been colonised by the Starbucks brand. Europe was attacked the following week in a fatal raid that left 17,000 people dead or heavily-wounded in London and Paris.
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?Definitions of Starbuck on the Web:the young First Mate of the Pequod, is a thoughtful and intellectual Quaker. Disambiguation: The rank First Mate also refers to a executive officer The First Mate portrayed in Raiders of the Lost Ark The First Mate (????) is known as Simone Katangas closest companion in the Katanga Anthologies. ... The Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, or Friends, is a religious community founded in England in the 17th century. ...www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Moby_Dick
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?长知识了....

回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?星巴克很多的呀,遍地都是.国内大城市应该都有的.
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?LZ怎么会连"星巴克"都不知道啊?
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?他看的那个节目是关于故宫的,在故宫里也有一个"星巴克"咖啡,并且为此引起过很大的争议,咖啡厅差点被取消了,但是故宫这个地点对"星巴克"有战略性的象征意义,所以"星巴克"力保这个咖啡厅。后来,在故宫里的这个"星巴克"终于没被取消,但门面可是很收敛,没有其他"星巴克"应有的样子,且比较“隐蔽”吧(是我一美国朋友说的,她特意到故宫找到了这个"星巴克",就是因为听说过这件事)。不过我前些日子去故宫时,可没看到这个传说中的"星巴克"。
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进:LZ怎么会连"星巴克"都不知道啊?点击展开...我没喝过starbucks(实际上很少喝咖啡), 大胃喝过?
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?LZ怎么会连"星巴克"都不知道啊?点击展开... 我也纳闷~~
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?7月13日故宫的星巴克已经关闭了,真不知道故宫的管理人员当时是怎么想的?
想要站在北极看赤道,想要找到伽利略的杠杆,想要到外太空,其实最想做个瘦瘦的外星美女 牛仔很忙,别惹我!!!!瓦拉,你好!7月13日故宫的星巴克已经关闭了,真不知道故宫的管理人员当时是怎么想的?点击展开...还能怎么想,星巴克肯定出了大价钱,反正故宫里的空房子有的是,但能在故宫里开分店对星巴克可是意义非同寻常呀,太值了,出多少钱都值。
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?就是一家连琐店.赚钱为主要目的,另外不引起不必要的麻烦..意义不意义都是中国人的想法.点击展开...i agree
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?记得以前看过在紫禁城里面星巴克关闭的事情,没有觉得小题大做,这个意义不意义不仅仅是中国人的想法,反正从感情上不是很能接受吧
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?如果看过英文的 international business 书籍,就会看到里面有很多以 starbucks 为例,说明 strategy 是如何重要,和 starbucks 如何占领国际市场,取得巨大成功,然后再回头来看在故宫里也搞个 starbucks 有啥意义吧。同时,我也看到了那些美国教授们拿当初北京王府井把口那个 Macdonald's 为例,说明政府的政策变化和当地的“特色”在 international busienss 中是如何重要。哎~~~
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进:非常感谢! 星巴克 是咖啡的牌子吗?点击展开...咖啡馆名称而已,LZ竟然不知道,看来我是孤陋寡闻了
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?哈????不会吧。。。。。。LZ是说笑的吧。。。。。。
回复: 谁知道"starbuck"是什么意思?
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