加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息1对1对学英语,20刀/小时,值吗?
观自在菩萨行深般若波罗密多时照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄舍利子色不异空空不异色色即是空空即是色受想行识亦复如是、、、回复: 1对1对学英语,20刀/小时,值吗?试试就知道了.
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]试试就知道了.点击展开...就这么一句话?能不能再多发表点意见呢?
观自在菩萨行深般若波罗密多时照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄舍利子色不异空空不异色色即是空空即是色受想行识亦复如是、、、回复: 1对1对学英语,20刀/小时,值吗?你如果是初级,从ABC学起的话,我感觉就不值,还不如去上个什么LINC班,如果想提高口语,本身水平中等了,就是口语差点,词汇量有了,那还是可以考虑的.我个人认为啊.
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]你如果是初级,从ABC学起的话,我感觉就不值,还不如去上个什么LINC班,如果想提高口语,本身水平中等了,就是口语差点,词汇量有了,那还是可以考虑的.我个人认为啊.点击展开...谢谢啊.
观自在菩萨行深般若波罗密多时照见五蕴皆空度一切苦厄舍利子色不异空空不异色色即是空空即是色受想行识亦复如是、、、回复: 1对1对学英语,20刀/小时,值吗?it's too expensive! Try to make friends with english native speaker in order to save money with good result.Anyway, i won't spend so much on this. u also can try to make progress by trying other way.of course, u r free to make ur own decision!Good luck!
回复: 1对1对学英语,20刀/小时,值吗?it's too expensive! Try to make friends with english native speaker in order to save money with good result.Anyway, i won't spend so much on this. u also can try to make progress by trying other way.of course, u r free to make ur own decision!Good luck!点击展开...同意!its too expensive!
回复: 1对1对学英语,20刀/小时,值吗?When u r in English speaking nation, I don't believe you have to pay much for the daily english learning. It's not applicable for some professional english.So if your object is to reach ESL, just go to jion ESL. A learning enviroment with classmates is better than one teacher only, according my personal thinking.Up to you.
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