加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大公民美国工作
加拿大公民如果在美国工作的话是不是要交两份税金亚(加拿大和美国) 请教专家 谢谢了
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作先交美国的,不够的再交加拿大。比方美国是25%,加拿大40%。 收入是100。就交25给美国,再给15加拿大。
温哥华奶爸回复: 加拿大公民美国工作剥削啊!!!
赏 先交美国的,不够的再交加拿大。 比方美国是25%,加拿大40%。 收入是100。就交25给美国,再给15加拿大。点击展开...你写的这个百分比是不是真的?加拿大的这么高? 美国的是30%左右,不是25%.
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作那自己就剩不下什么了哈哈
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作这么高的税,都是为了以后的福利
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作先交美国的,不够的再交加拿大。 比方美国是25%,加拿大40%。 收入是100。就交25给美国,再给15加拿大。点击展开...如果你在加拿大没什么联系了,第一年可申请non-resident报税。第二年起就只用在美国报税了。具体看REVENUE CANADA http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tax/nonresidents/menu-e.html
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作Non-residentsYou're a non-resident for tax purposes if you:normally, customarily, or routinely live in another country and aren't considered a resident of Canada; or don't have residential ties in Canada; and you live outside Canada throughout the tax year; or you stay in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year. NoteIf you lived outside Canada during the tax year and you're a government employee, a member of the Canadian Forces or their overseas school staff, or working under a Canadian International Development Agengy (CIDA) program, please see Government employees outside Canada for the rules that apply to you. These rules can also apply to your dependent children and other family members.
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作Non-residents You're a non-resident for tax purposes if you: normally, customarily, or routinely live in another country and aren't considered a resident of Canada; or don't have residential ties in Canada; and you live outside Canada throughout the tax year; or you stay in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year. NoteIf you lived outside Canada during the tax year and you're a government employee, a member of the Canadian Forces or their overseas school staff, or working under a Canadian International Development Agengy (CIDA) program, please see Government employees outside Canada for the rules that apply to you. These rules can also apply to your dependent children and other family members.点击展开...楼上这个也知道
回复: 加拿大公民美国工作这么高的税,都是为了以后的福利
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