加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息My diary in English


My diary in EnglishI made up my mind ten minutes ago that I had to start to write diary in English and keep it up as a habit because of the fact that it is a practical method for English learner to use English in his or her daily life. As there may be some errors or improper usages in my sentences , all advices and rectifying are appreciated and valuable for me to know how to write English in a native way.    April 1,2007     Today is April Fools' Day. It reminds me of the April Fools' Day twenty years ago when my classmate made a deceit on me. She told me when I came back from the class that there had been a phone call for me . She said the caller wanted me to call him on. I believed what she said really. Hehe, what a silly girl I was.    But this April Fools' Day is so dull that no one cheated me and no one I could fool with because my husband has gone to Shanghai for businees this morning.

回复: My dialy in EnglishIt's a good way of honing your English skills. Just stick to it and you will someday find yourself on a much higher level than you are now today.April Fool's is nothing special to me, just a regular day by the way.

2008/08/02 - 2010/06/30 Vancouver2010/07/01 - 2012/05/31 Toronto2012/06/01---------------- Montreal回复: My dialy in EnglishThank you for your encouragement.Could you tell me whether it is appropriate or not that I say "She told me when I came back from the class that there had been a phone call for me ."In order to connect the preceding, I put "she told me" at the begining of this sentence,otherwise it will be written as : "When I came back from the class, she told me that there had been a phone call for me ."Meanwhile I think "she told me that there had been a phone call for me when I came back from the class." will make confusion which "when clause" is belonged to.Is that Right? which one from the three is best here?

回复: My dialy in EnglishThe second is the best

回复: my story related 1st AprilA few years ago,one day afer work,the colleagues from my department were about to go out for dinner,but unfortunately the vice director Mr.Huang was already off,I made a call to him that we were planning for dinner and would you like to join us?,he said that were you kidding,it was not 1st April,he didn't believe me as I often made a jok on him

回复: My dialy in Englishshe told me that there had been a phone call for me .如用had been 就是那个电话一直在等着你没挂,看你是什么意思了.如只是来过一个电话用过去时就行.

回复: My dialy in Englishvice director 一般不这么用. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR付主任, VICE PRESIDENT付校长.

回复: My dialy in English我们都不过什么愚人节.国内反而时髦了.

回复: My dialy in EnglishI believed what she said really.I really believed what she said. or I believed what she said was true.

回复: My dialy in EnglishBut this April Fools' Day is so dull that no one cheated me and no one I could fool with because my husband has gone to Shanghai for businees this morning.时态有问题.

回复: My dialy in EnglishBeijing2008,Thank you very much!Could I say:"But this April Fools' Day is so dull that no one has cheated me and no one I can fool with because my husband has gone to Shanghai for businees this morning." ?

回复: My dialy in EnglishApril 2, 2007 Morning, After rain Yersterday it was raining all the night as if it had never rained for years. I like most the spring rainy day. It often rains at night and there is no any inconvinience for people to go out in the daytime. When you come out of your house in the morning after a night's raining, you are wrapping yourself with the huge and most natural watersupplying film without any cost for the air is humid and clean. Please have a sensitive feeling to enjoy your world. You can hear the birds are singing cheerfully besides you. You can feel the cool wind is blowing slightly through the fresh air as well. You can even smell the sweet fragrance is coming from the flower and grass. However, the feeling when it is raining in winter is quite different from that in spring. You can only feel the cold dipping into your body little by little. It is so lucky that it is spring now.

回复: My dialy in EnglishBeijing2008,Thank you very much!Could I say:"But this April Fools' Day is so dull that no one has cheated me and no one I can fool with because my husband has gone to Shanghai for businees this morning." ?点击展开...我觉得你写日记是在晚上了,所以一般一天就算过去了,而且"去"上海是瞬间动词,不用完成时.

回复: My dialy in EnglishI should use past tense as you said."But this April Fools' Day was so dull that no one cheated me and no one I could fool with because my husband went to Shanghai for businees this morning." ?Could you please tell me any difference among cheat,deceive/deceit,kid,make fun of and fool? Could you give me some other usual words for this meaning?

回复: My dialy in EnglishMain Entry: 1cheat Pronunciation: 'chEtFunction: verbEtymology: 2cheattransitive verb1 : to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud2 : to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice3 : to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting <cheat death>intransitive verb1 a : to practice fraud or trickery b : to violate rules dishonestly <cheat at cards> <cheating on a test>2 : to be sexually unfaithful -- usually used with on <was cheating on his wife>3 : to position oneself defensively near a particular area in anticipation of a play in that area <the shortstop was cheating toward second base> - cheat·er nounsynonyms CHEAT, COZEN, DEFRAUD, SWINDLE mean to get something by dishonesty or deception. CHEAT suggests using trickery that escapes observation <cheated me out of a dollar>. COZEN implies artful persuading or flattering to attain a thing or a purpose <always able to cozen her grandfather out of a few dollars>. DEFRAUD stresses depriving one of his or her rights and usually connotes deliberate perversion of the truth <defrauded of her inheritance by an unscrupulous lawyer>. SWINDLE implies large-scale cheating by misrepresentation or abuse of confidence <swindled of their savings by con artists>. Main Entry: de·ceive Pronunciation: di-'sEvFunction: verbInflected Form(s): de·ceived; de·ceiv·ingEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deceivre, from Latin decipere, from de- + capere to take -- more at HEAVEtransitive verb1 archaic : ENSNARE2 a obsolete : to be false to b archaic : to fail to fulfill3 obsolete : CHEAT4 : to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid5 archaic : to while awayintransitive verb : to practice deceit; also : to give a false impression <appearances can deceive> - de·ceiv·er noun - de·ceiv·ing·ly /-'sE-vi[ng]-lE/ adverbsynonyms DECEIVE, MISLEAD, DELUDE, BEGUILE mean to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness. DECEIVE implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes ignorance, bewilderment, or helplessness <tried to deceive me about the cost>. MISLEAD implies a leading astray that may or may not be intentional <I was misled by the confusing sign>. DELUDE implies deceiving so thoroughly as to obscure the truth <we were deluded into thinking we were safe>. BEGUILE stresses the use of charm and persuasion in deceiving <was beguiled by false promises>. http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/deceive

回复: My dialy in Englishit had been raining all the night

回复: My dialy in EnglishThank you for your quick reply. Yes, I should use past perfect progressive tense because it had stopped raining before I wrote. Be the way, I put the url into my bookmark as a useful website. The explaination is more detailed than JINSHANCIBA. Is there any else useful url you may share with me? Thanks.

回复: My dialy in Englishhehe, google. usually I do cross validation on several online dictionaries.

回复: My dialy in EnglishI would rephrase like this:I like most of the rainy days in the spring. It frequently rains at night. There is no any inconvinience for people to go outside at daytime. When you open your door in the morning after a rainy night, ((I am not clear about the following )...you are wrapping yourself with the huge and most natural water supplying film without any cost for the air is humid and clean. Please have a sensitive feeling to enjoy your world. You can hear the birds singing cheerfully around you. You can feel the cool wind blowing slightly through the fresh air as well. You can even smell the sweet fragrance coming from the flower and grass. However, the feeling for raining in winter is quite different from that in spring. You can only feel the cold dipping into your body little by little. It is so lucky that it is spring now.

回复: My dialy in Englishvice director 一般不这么用. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR付主任, VICE PRESIDENT付校长.点击展开...Tks,08

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