加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息跪求英文高手翻译,不甚感激!
回复: 跪求英文高手翻译,不甚感激!1 show appreciate 2 accumulating3 work hard4 prospective5 tiger tiger burning bright6 make it happen set u up7 imgination never lose my service8 Newton discovered bullshit we call it Gravity9 jump in crazy creek stare the blue sky look down the terra (what u wanna do man?)10 Aim Tung Bo Hu 11 U brought me to the storm then I grew up right there12 Thanx Giving because of u (merde!)13 Aim leaving as I came mysteriously I wave without taking any cloud
突破! ?きの壁! F1 -- 1000 水果. It's Time to Move on and Time to Say Goodbye. Life's just like a SCAMPER and AIM still on the road. Good Luck to me and to Everyone.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 跪求英文高手翻译,不甚感激!谢谢卡卡西,不过说实话你翻的有些我还不太理解。这是学校用来做标语的,很着急。也给你看看我在英语世界里求助时别人的回复,希望能得到你的意见1、风雨十年,感恩无限1.Numerous thanks for being tough together 10 years.2、跬步致千里,细流成江海2.Small steps lead to miles, tiny streams lead to oceans.3、精诚所致,金石为开3.Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone.4、审时度势,瞻望前程4.Consider about the situation now,look forward to future.5、燃点激情,再创辉煌5.Ignite passion,creat prosperity.6、执着目标,挑战自我6.Persevere your goal,challenge your limit.7、激想专业,创优服务7.Passionate,professional,best service for you.8、牛顿之前,没有引力8.No Newton,no gravitation.9、勇闯激流,景仰蓝天,俯瞰大地9.Face up to the riptide,look up to the blue sky,overlook the vasty land.10、唯才是举,知能善用10.Respect talents,recruit talents.11、沿途风雨,成长有你11.Live rough,grow up with you.12、感恩的心,感谢有你12.Grateful heart for your company.13、畅想海天,挥就愿景13.Imagine big,create vision.
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