加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Full time Network Administrator


I have a client whose looking to fill a vacant role with a similar skill set as yours, ifthe job description below interests you please forward a Word version of your resume witha synopsis of your skill setOur client has been established in the Financial Services Industry for 25 years. LocatedDowntown Toronto walking distance from Union Station, this smaller sized IT department islooking to hire a Full time Network Administrator. In this role, you will be primarilysupporting user a user community of business executives, so excellent communication skillsand diplomacy are key. The environment is primarily a Windows environment with some LINUXand UNIX - but strong Windows 2003 support is key. There is an informal on call support,which is shared - but not a big amount of work.Start date: ImmediateSalary: $62-65k. There is an annual bonus which could be up to 10%OPPORTUNITY:This position is critical to the overall function of the back office operations as itfully supports the client's, LAN, WAN and computing environment.RESPONSIBILITES:Support office desktop and laptop administrator functionsInstall office and LAN software to desktop or serverSupport Microsoft ExchangeSupport LAN / WAN servers and perform administrator functionsSupport Routers and other telecommunication equipmentsSupport TCP/IPSupport Microsoft software suiteSupport Active DirectorySupport network components, including DNS, DDNS, WINS, DHCPSecure Remote access (VPN) supportBackup AdministrationSupport desktopsSupport antivirus softwareMonitoring of servers using monitoring tools including Nagios, Bigbrother, and AegisAdminister security tools such as WSUSProvide 7x24 supportNICE TO HAVE SKILLS:CitrixVMwareMicrosoft SQLBlackberry Enterprise ServerEMC SAN'sCheckpointCisco ASAJOB REQUIREMENTS / SKILL SETS:Minimum of 5 years technical experience on LAN/WAN server administrationAbility to work on a high paced and demanding environmentExcellent system analysis skillsSelf starter and option thinkerStrong communication skillsUniversity / College Diploma or equivalent experienceAbility to work independently and within a team environmentIf you know of someone who would be interested in th role, feel free to forward the jobdescription and my contact informationBest Regards,Arshiya [email protected]

回复: Full time Network AdministratorBlackberry Enterprise Server ???

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